Stéphane Hessel: From Resistance to Indignance

Late last year, a small book by a ninety-three-year-old man unexpectedly reached the summit of France's bestseller list. Stéphane Hessel's Indignez-Vous! (Be Indignant!) sold more than 600,000 copies from October through ...

Osama Bin Laden

Bin Laden Wins!

"€œBin Laden Wins!"€ should be the cover headline on TIME magazine this week, rather than the hackneyed, he's-as-bad-as-Hitler cover with the red “X” through his face. Perhaps if America had a reliable ...

Unnecessary Deaths

I have good news and bad news. Murders and fatal car crashes fell last year to the lowest point of the Bloody 2020s. You’ll be hearing a lot about the homicide decline because it’s thought to be in Joe Biden’s ...

Valentine’s Day Massacres

"€œWe"€™re adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. . . . Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you"€™re fired."€ "€”Blake ...

Lower Klamath Lake, California

“Experts” Part I: Water on the Brain

As I write this, L.A.’s in the middle of a weeklong superstorm of biblical proportions. We’re being pounded harder than Lauren Boebert on a first date. Twelve inches in one night, which breaks L.A.’s record (though ...

Medaling and Meddling

GSTAAD—Okay, sports fans, have you been enjoying the concentration-camp Olympics? I’m sure the Uighurs in the Chinese gulag are riveted, especially watching the downhill, the trouble being most of the one million Muslim ...

Hugh Grant

Put a Gag on Hugh Grant

To all men's eternal detriment, a conceited fool in the form of has-been actor Hugh Grant, self-appointed spokesman and shop-floor representative for chauvinist bigotry, spoke out this weekend on BBC's Newsnight program on ...

By the Numbers, a Failing President

If the left believed that draping the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, around the neck of former President Donald Trump and the party that refused to repudiate him would sink the GOP, it appears to have miscalculated. For, as ...

All Mx-ed Up

Normal people feel there's something a bit bizarre, and slightly comical, about transsexuals, and no amount of propaganda is going to expunge ...

Sign of the ‘Times’

Okay, sport fans, according to Joe Biden the Donald is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, so if you value your freedoms, do not vote for Trump or you’ll be seeing storm troopers marching down Fifth Avenue. Biden gets his ...

Columbia University Library

Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah, Here I Am at Intifada

Between the kangaroo court show trials of Donald Trump, the continued persecution of the J6 political prisoners, whose fates (and most likely ours too) are tied to his, and the constant barrage of depredations that are ...

Squaring the Circle

How does a modern democracy reconcile populist currents with woke liberalism? How does it satisfy both those who think that the state is too lenient toward criminals and those who see criminals as themselves the victims of ...

Tyrone Bogues

The Tall and Short of It

What’s the most common first name for an African-American NBA player? D’Qantivious? T’Variusness? Nah, it turns out that black pro basketball players are most commonly named Chris, followed by similarly ...

Behavioral Guidelines for New German Immigrants

In Germany, much of the talk these days is about immigration and integration. It all started when former Bundesbank board member Thilo Sarrazin published a book in which he claims that the Bundesrepublik's mostly Muslim ...

Ernest Hemingway

Hangover Helper

When the snow finally stopped, the sublime silence of the stars above made for dramatic viewing. Silhouetted against Alpine peaks, the starry nights—untainted by light pollution—seem made in Hollywood. I arrived in ...

Muammar al-Gaddafi, 1969.

Entertaining Mr. Gaddafi

Mention of Libya always makes me think of Joe Orton, I’m sorry to say. Does anyone remember Joe Orton? The people maintaining that website clearly do, though mainly it seems as a “gay icon,” a thing ...

Establishment Chic

Wonkette, if you have the good fortune of not knowing, is a left-liberal site that manages to consider itself cheeky and iconoclastic while endorsing only the most exquisitely conventional, establishment-approved ...

Diversity Training Disaster

All big American companies now require DEI training: diversity, equity and inclusion. All big companies! Really. It sounds responsible. But it turns out DEI courses are often useless and sometimes racist. First comes ...

If Only Putin Had Invaded Mexico

As World War III looms in Europe, we must put narrow partisan differences aside and tap the brain power of the greatest minds among us. It is time for the Biden White House to call upon ... Jared! Speaking of the best and ...

Football Trumps the Euro

This evening in the European soccer championships"€™ quarterfinals, the country where I was born in 1958 (England) plays the country where I have lived since 1998 (Italy). Whom do I support? England, for one simple ...

Get Me to Wyoming!

I am looking out my window at the green landscape and forested mountains rising beyond, as peaceful a scene as there is in this troubled world, but this is Switzerland, a country that hasn’t fought a war in 700 years, ...

Protecting Biden is a Full-Time Job for the Times

This is an odd line to read in The New York Times: In "a still-emerging story" (exciting, no?), Project Veritas "worked to expose personal information about the Biden family at a crucial stage of the 2020 campaign." Isn't ...

Beyond the Burqa: America’s Role in Regulating Taste

France's recent "€œBurqa Ban"€ has provoked all the global indignation and murderous outrage one would have expected. Pointed observations on the irony of a liberal democracy which tells its citizens what they can and ...

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Bananas

Strident Darwinist propaganda has convinced most people that man is created in the image and likeness of ape. And as we’re almost equal to apes genetically, doesn’t it naturally follow that apes ought to be almost equal ...

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