Rahmbo: Shape Up or Fork Out
An Israeli ballerina-turned-Mayor of Chicago is now demanding that Windy City workers participate—willingly or not—in a wellness plan. If those on the city payroll refuse to register, they’ll pay $50 a month as a ...
An Israeli ballerina-turned-Mayor of Chicago is now demanding that Windy City workers participate—willingly or not—in a wellness plan. If those on the city payroll refuse to register, they’ll pay $50 a month as a ...
In 1965, Gordon Moore of Intel noted that silicon chips had been quickly doubling in transistor density, and forecasted that computers would continue to get twice as powerful every 18 months to infinity and beyond! (Or ...
I celebrate two Easters every year, the Catholic and Orthodox one, which means I get very drunk on two successive Sundays. This time both days were spent with very good friends, which is a prerequisite at my age when under ...
I grew up with a healthy skepticism of doctors. As anyone who knows the Cole origin story is aware, my biological father was the Beverly Hills surgeon/personal physician to the stars who’s accused of killing Elvis by ...
Hey, whatever happened to that story about Sandra Shells? She was the 70-year-old nurse killed by one of Los Angeles' many "unhoused" individuals (drug-addicted psychopaths) while she waited for a bus at 5:15 in the morning ...
Ten years ago, I watched the Twin Towers fall. A San Francisco Examiner headline the next day summed up my feelings fairly well: “Bastards!” Of course we had to fight back. I thought there’d be a bit of a scuffle, ...
The upcoming presidential debates will likely sidestep details of immigration, employment, offshoring, or public safety. Instead, valuable minutes will be given to philosophical issues, providing ample opportunity for each ...
As the 40th anniversary of Watergate impends, we are to be bathed again in the great myth and morality play about the finest hour in all of American journalism. The myth? That two heroic young reporters at The Washington ...
This is not a good time to be running the Middle East desk at the State Department. If you happen to be him or her, take my advice: Do nothing. Especially in Syria. Let all the think tanks and lobbyists submit their ...
Who's easier to mock"athletes or celebrities? It's a neck-and-neck race, each one stretching to be more idiotic than the other. When celebrities and athletes come together, they multiply one another's idiocy. Consider ...
Is this a Jewish joke or a Gypsy joke? What do you get when a Jew and a Gypsy go into business together? A chain of empty stores. About fifteen years ago, a friend of mine opened a shop selling fabrics and other household ...
Blind is an indie movie with an original screenplay by John Buffalo Mailer and directed by his older brother Michael Mailer. It stars Alec Baldwin and Demi Moore, and the cast includes yours truly. Personal feelings aside, ...
In the mid-1800s, Great Britain engaged in two wars against China’s Qing dynasty. The conflicts began when the emperor attempted to crack down on the illegal opium trade that was causing widespread addiction with ...
I live on Capitol Hill. And on Sunday mornings I walk to Mass, either to St. Joseph's on the Hill for convenience or, if I'm not too hung over, the earlier nine o'clock Tridentine Rite at Old St. Mary's in Chinatown where ...
The Week’s Most Captivating, Titillating, and Nauseating Headlines ARGUMENT OVER “QUEEN OF SOUL” LEADS TO SHOOTING Aretha Franklin passed into the giant donut shop in the sky last week, causing many to remember ...
New federal regulations make it mandatory for religious broadcasters to put captions for the deaf under their TV programming unless they can prove that paying for running text would bring them economic hardship. This is ...
JAKARTA"Anies Baswedan, the brilliant and thoughtful young president of Paramadina University here in this capital city, beams as he describes Indonesia Mengajar (Teach Indonesia). Similar to the Teach For America ...
Spetses. I was filled with unbearable nostalgia. There I was again, boating, swimming, sunning, wine drinking with good friends, feeling the ecstasy that only a Mediterranean afternoon can arouse in me. Transforming one’s ...
The Alternative Right website has posted an interesting symposium on the topic: Is the traditional Right anti-Jewish? Taki starts it off with a fiery rant against the vindictiveness of neoconservatives like Podhoretz and ...
Most people know Robert Crumb as that esoteric cartoonist from the 60s who did the "Keep on Truckin"" guy. Comic nerds like myself, however, see him as the second coming of Christ. He has completed dozens of ...
NEW YORK—They say when sexual attraction sets in, all other brain functions shut down. It’s nature’s way of ensuring procreation. My brain shut down last week, and for a Hollywood actress to boot. Of German ...
Donald McNeil worked at The New York Times for 45 years. He was recently nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his articles on the pandemic. In a discussion several years ago with a teenager about one of her classmates, ...
When the restaurants in our little town reopened after several months of forced closure, I thought there would be a mad rush to get into them. Nothing of the sort—and so much for my powers of prediction (which I have ...
Dear Delphi, I was recently a guest at my best friend's house, but I was shocked by the way she lives and was so happy to get out of there! Her place is a dump. Either she thinks this is normal and OK or maybe she is ...