Europe’s Great Berm

The world beyond our shores seems to be entering a zone of dangerous instability. Five years from now we may be looking back nostalgically at the decades 1980-2010 as an age of blessed tranquility when unsightly but ...

Wildlife Lessons

There is something that has been bothering me of late, and that is my total lack of schadenfreude. The malicious pleasure over someone’s misfortune never counted a lot, but it’s now totally absent, and it worries me. ...


The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Fissioned, Partitioned, and Air-Conditioned Headlines TURBAN BLIGHT Don’t know much about history, Don’t know much of Indira Gandhi, Don’t know what happened at Amritsar, From California that place ...

Jared Kushner

The Cruelest Comment

He has the appearance of a startled vulture, a sort of prefab mannerism, but he’s all greed and preening self-importance. Selfishness is his holy grail, and he’s a lying, self-serving opportunist who knows whose ring to ...

A Millionaire in the Danger Zone

Sunil* was a well-fed Indian shipping millionaire. I"€™d heard about him through people who worked for him. I was helping the British Army build a prison in Iraq and would wonder about Sunil. He was in charge, the workers ...

Leftist Nostalgia on Modern Airwaves

I am a man of the right, so much so that for me the Nazis were simply brownshirted cousins of the enemy in Moscow. In American terms, my political sympathies tend to rest with such marginal figures as Fisher Ames, Timothy ...

Edward O. Wilson’s Inordinate Fondness for Ants

In the 1970s, the Harvard biology department was for life scientists like what Los Alamos in the 1940s had been for physicists: an assemblage of the great names, but with even more clashes of personality and politics. The ...

Taking Shelter by Storm

Shelter Island—Nestled in the Long Island Sound, ten minutes by ferryboat from Sag Harbor and a good thirty from the horrible Hamptons, their Porches, their mega-mansions, and their celebrity trash, lies the island that ...

Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump

The Message in the Polls: Trump’s Done

Our media are obsessed with Donald Trump, but Trump's obsessed with Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. For months now, Trump's been playing the aging silent film star Norma Desmond in "Sunset Boulevard" to DeSantis' younger, ...

Harrison Ford as Han Solo

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Swaying, Slaying, and Dog Daying Headlines INDIANA JONES AND THE HOLOCAUST OF INEVITABILITY Way to go, Indy. You saved Hitler. Again. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Hitler insists on being the first to ...

See You on the Slopes

Gstaad—Going up on a chairlift with the town’s doctor, I asked him, “How’s business, doc?” “Never better,” said the kind medical man. It seems the richer we get the more medical help is needed. “I get calls ...

André Malraux

André the Giant

It’s nice to be back in the old continent again, especially after getting within a couple hundred yards of the phoniest bunch of Hollywood East types, fakes with names like Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and their ilk. It made ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Flying, Crying, and Friendly-Skying Headlines JUST PLANE CRAZY 2023’s least pleasant travel trend was airplane defecation. A dozen stories involving passengers “letting loose” in the seats and ...

President Trump

Impeachment: The Left’s Ultimate Weapon

In 1868, President Andrew Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act that had been enacted by Congress over his veto in 1867. Defying the law, Johnson fired Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, without getting ...

Premature Evacuation

NEW YORK—Orthodox Easter Sunday came late in May this year, and I spent it at an old friend’s Fifth Avenue home chatting with his young relatives. During a great lunch I thought of those calendar pages one sees ...

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs: The Triumph of Worth Over Wealth

Much ink and pixelated type have been spent this week eulogizing Apple founder Steve Jobs. The outpouring of respect, gratitude, and sadness reflect the measure of the man more than most celebrity deaths. Steve Jobs was one ...

War With Iran Would Become ‘Trump’s War’

President Donald Trump cannot want war with Iran. Such a war, no matter how long, would be fought in and around the Persian Gulf, through which a third of the world's seaborne oil travels. It could trigger a worldwide ...

missing asset:

Whose Side Are You On?

In both politics and sports fandom, the fundamental question is: "€œWhose side are you on?"€ Exploring who roots for whom affords perspective on the big questions of who is politically loyal to what, and why. We can ...

A Pretty Good Revenge

“Vengeance is mine,” is the Lord’s saying, but also the title of a best-selling Mickey Spillane trashy novel of the ’50s. The slaughter that’s taking place in the Middle East as I write this is all about ...

Alex Jones

Big Tech Swings the Hate Hammer Again

“There’s a war on for your mind,” Alex Jones has insisted for years. If that’s true, several more shots were fired last week, many of them aimed squarely at Jones. Within hours of each other last Sunday, tech ...

The Death of Decorum

When punk hit London in the late 1970s, it was impossible to buy bondage pants or hair dye or even a leather motorcycle jacket. Punk back then was about using whatever was available to be ridiculous, even if that meant ...

The Fires This Time

The New Year literally blazed into Los Angeles with dozens of fires set over several days. One of the worst arson attacks ever, it sent Angelenos scurrying for their garden hoses. As conflagrations broke out under cars and ...

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