
Martin Scorsese is trending on Twitter for denouncing superhero movies as being more like theme parks than films because “Cinema is an art form that brings you the unexpected.” And yet the director’s The Irishman ...

Whole Lotta White Privilege Goin”€™ On

If the Jews really ran show business, then KISS would"€™ve been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame the first year they were eligible"€”in 1999, 25 years after the release of their first record. Pure snobbery ...

Then Again, Maybe I”€™m a Black Man

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn."€”I"€™m loving all these commercials where dim-witted actors say, "€œI thought I was a Tahitian Eskimo Mexican until I sent in my DNA test kit, and boy was I flummoxed when the results ...

The Soviet Way

In the literal sense, the West triumphed in the Cold War. Nevertheless, a kind of creeping sovietization has overtaken it as if in revenge. I don"€™t want to exaggerate, or exaggerate much: We don"€™t yet fear the ...

Do Black Feelings Matter Too Much?

Atlanta was burning two weeks ago after a white cop in Minneapolis killed a black criminal who resisted arrest. Now it’s burning again over a white Atlanta cop shooting and killing a black criminal who resisted ...

Ban Schools, Not Guns

I blame the Burning Schoolhouse. Canadians are perversely proud that our most popular backyard firework is unavailable in the United States. More like a science-fair volcano than a proper pyrotechnic, the homely Burning ...

Gal Gadot

Wonder Woman and The Jewish Question

"€œThe Jewish Question"€ is a phrase that has been around since at least the 1750s, and it is deceptive in its simplicity. There are so many questions one could ask about Jews, it's more like an exam than a ...

The (Burger) King of Racism

I won’t use her real name, because she’s not a public figure. Indeed, she may be dead for all I know, although I certainly hope she isn’t. I met Tressa in 1996. She was a tiny, buxom Cambodian, barely five feet tall, ...

Planks, But No Planks: The Fatal Idiocy of “Planking”

On the off chance that you lead a remotely fulfilling life and were busy working, studying, or having sex—even alone—on Wednesday, you may have missed the “First Annual Global Planking Day” and been none the worse ...

Pete Buttigieg

Can Mayor Buttplug Save the Democrats?

Can a gay man whose surname begins with the word “Butt” become America’s next president? Say hello to Pete Buttigieg, who is so kind and helpful that his Twitter page phoneticizes his Maltese surname as ...

Women’s Strike a Huge Bust

In case none of your intersectional feminist friends alerted you, last Wednesday the world was supposed to shut down through the brute force of collective female impudence. Across this rainbow-colored globe, women were ...

Climbing Mount Appomattox

Talk about biting off more than you can chew! Since taking up the Civil War (War Between the States, War of Northern Aggression, whatever) as a part-time study, I’ve been getting emails from friends and readers asking ...

A Blizzard of Special Snowflakes

It wasn’t quite the Kent State Massacre, but you wouldn’t know it from the students’ anguished wails. Last Monday morning, students at Emory University here in Atlanta were emotionally triggered by ...

Real Men Don’t Need Tampons

I’ve never needed a tampon, and I’m 100% certain it’s directly related to the fact that I’m a man. Tampons are for people who get periods. Women get periods and men don’t. These were simple facts that we, as a ...

Rush Limbaugh and Elton John

Gays Didn”€™t Kill Marriage, Divorce Did

On Tuesday, French iconoclast Dominique Venner blew his head off inside the Cathedral of Notre Dame to protest gay marriage. Venner is a hero who fought in the Algerian War as a teenager and ransacked the French Communist ...

Y’all So Stupid

When did blacks become a bunch of old ladies clutching their pearls and fainting all over the place? "€œOwe my lowde,"€ they say in their angora cardigans and blue-tinted hair, "€œSomebody across the country used the ...

Andy Warhol, Self Portrait

The Inarticulate Orator

Donald Trump is strikingly unaffected by the ideological indoctrination that has otherwise overwhelmed the thinking of American elites. Why? Trump's lack of verbal fluency. Consider the candidate's attitude toward modern ...

Clint Eastwood

Hollywood Sniper

Clint Eastwood's Iraq war drama, American Sniper, reminds me that the central frustration of being a film critic is that there isn"€™t much opportunity to be a tastemaker, because it's pretty obvious to most everybody ...

What Childbirth Is Really Like

I watched the birth of my third child this week and it's amazing how quickly you forget the bad parts. I understand why. We probably wouldn"€™t be here if we didn"€™t immediately forget how difficult childbirth is. ...

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan Is Hilarious, So Leave Him Alone

Last week the cancerously large social-media website Facebook and its narcissism-enabling photo-based subsidiary Instagram banned a group of high-profile individuals it deemed as “dangerous” and “violent.” Now, ...

Four Billion Africans

A new study on world population trends came out last week from the University of Washington in Seattle. If you"€™re one of those people who worry about an overpopulated world, the news is bad: total human population, ...

The Future of Girlification

Here's a clip from my read-it-and-weep folder. It showed up in a February 11th Washington Post article, headline: "€œCollege sexual assault prevention has unlikely model: U.S. service ...

Houston, We Have a Gender-Blind Public-Restroom Problem

Full disclosure: I am neither a Christian nor a lesbian. Still, I doubt that Sam Houston would have given a man who claimed to be a woman the key to his outhouse. Annise Parker, the openly lesbian mayor of the nation's ...

How Did it Happen?

On Saturday night, my boys and I were watching the Mets defeat the Minnesota Twins at Citifield in Queens. It was a typically patriotic event that opened with "€œThe Star-Spangled Banner"€ and included the Veteran of ...

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