Rise of the Euro-Reich

Back in the 1940s the Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht had to bomb and invade countries to prove das Herrenvolk’s superiority over Europe’s lesser peoples. Now, thanks to those lesser nations’ poor housekeeping and the German ...

Have AIDS, Will Travel

English taxpayers awoke one morning in late February to discover that the nation's gaiety had been greatly augmented.  The BBC proclaimed joyous tidings"€”"€œFree HIV treatment on NHS for foreign ...

Wikipedia: Anarchy in Motion

There's nothing more frustrating than arguing with old people and hearing them bark sarcastically, "€œOh, you got it from the Internet"€”how reliable."€ The Internet is the world's largest library, you asshole. Have ...

Ours Was Not to Reason Why

Tony Blair was interrupted at the Leveson Inquiry last week by a protestor calling him a war criminal. It seems the Iraq War won"€™t go away for Blair. Leadership involves getting people to do what you want them to, even ...

Woody Allen

Taki v. ‘Allen v. Farrow’

NEW YORK—The high life has gone with the wind due to you-know-what—the last time I went to a glittering ball Marie Antoinette still had a head on her shoulders, or so it seems—while sweats and leggings are now ...

The Elephant on the Tube

He saw people stare, but he looked right through them. His mind was on something satisfying. A distant thought made him smile. The bands on his right wrist read "€œParachute Regiment"€ and "€œWalking With The ...

The Victim Sweepstakes

Signed a third of a century ago by George H.W. Bush, the landmark 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act remains an illuminating example of the curious ways in which politics and policy tend to operate in modern America. The ...

The Final Harry Potter: Tying it All Up With a Short Bow

I never thought I’d say this about a Harry Potter movie, but the eighth and culminating installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, should have been a good half-hour longer. Instead, although saddled with ...

Parenthood Has Driven Our Policy Elite Mad

There's a disturbing trend among post-Trump populists to think that just because they've rejected the old GOP ideas about tax cuts and permanent war, they should also reject standard GOP ideas about big government social ...

Handicapping the Covid Derby

Two weeks ago, when I promised that I was officially done with the Covid origin brouhaha, I meant it. Honest Injun. I had several weeks of columns plotted out that didn’t mention Covid or labs or wet markets once. But ...

William Pitt the Younger, circa 1783 by George Romney

Romney’s Visual Treatise on Human and Political Virtue

As summer ends, our haste in forgetting the abuse Mitt Romney spewed against conservatives during the GOP primaries is as unfortunate as it is convenient. Our feigned amnesia allows us to measure the Massachusetts moderate ...

For Goodness’ Sake

Some years ago, in Australia, I appeared on a platform with a prominent intellectual, many times more famous than I. We were asked what it took to be good. The famous intellectual, who had had a brilliant career, answered ...

From The Jackie Robinson Story

The Return of Skepticism

McKinsey & Company, the famous management consulting firm, has published a number of wildly popular reports during the Great Awokening—such as 2015’s “Diversity Matters,” 2018’s “Delivering Through Diversity,” ...

Prince William and Kate Middleton

Repulsive Republicanism

Of all the freeloaders hoping for publicity or a fast buck by hitching a ride on the back of Prince William and Kate Middleton's upcoming wedding, the most repulsive are the republicans, who have been harassing the BBC for ...

Rome, Italy

When in Rome

GSTAAD—I was very sad to read of Rupert Hambro’s death. I didn’t know him well, but first met him long ago, along with his younger brother Rick, also gone, both quintessential English gentlemen, handsome, kind, and ...

Trump Should Close NATO Membership Rolls

When Donald Trump meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg today, the president should give him a direct message: The roster of NATO membership is closed. For good. The United States will not hand out any ...

The Week That Perished

SPECIAL “DELIVER US FROM CHAOS” EDITION The past week brought a near-catastrophe in the celestial realm, a deadly calamity in the meteorological realm, and news of a potential pandemic in the biological realm. ...

Theresienstadt-1909-Rathaus - Schule

The Curse of the Checkersuckers

Yes, another parable! You guys liked the burning balcony one so much, I’m doin’ it again. In Paul Schrader’s 1978 film Blue Collar, there’s a scene in which Richard Pryor confronts two checkered-suit-wearing ...

Why a Red Wave is Suddenly Possible

After months of warning you about the GOP's chronic overconfidence problem, now I'm feeling overconfident! Inasmuch as I will be giving a speech at my alma mater, Cornell University, the day after the election, I'm about to ...

Mario Monti

Italy’s Slow Suicide

I never cease to be amazed at how foreign newspapers, especially American or British ones, fail to report the truth about Italian politics. Since I moved here in 1998, I cannot recall a single article that was not a ...

Border wall, San Ysidro, CA

Gutless President in Wall-Less Country

If you were elected president after decades of politicians doing nothing about the millions of illegals pouring into our country every year, committing crimes, dealing drugs, driving drunk, molesting children and killing ...

Man’s Best Friend, Dog’s Worst Enemy

I don"€™t know if you remember this but about 40,000 years ago, after we stopped looking like a redhead with cranial dysphasia and settled on homo floresiensis, we had a true best friend. His name was the Gray Wolf and we ...

Dusky Gopher Frog

The Dusky Gopher Frog and Me

NEW YORK—Ever since his setback before the Supreme Court, I’ve been walking around New York City looking for inviting mud puddles where the Dusky Gopher Frog might be temporarily relocated for some wild dusky gopher ...


ANSWER: "Sen. Tim Scott, Republican from South Carolina." QUESTION: "Who will loads of Republicans support for president in 2024?" I know this because ... I am Carnac the Magnificent! Also because Republicans have ...

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