Unsportsmanlike Conduct
NEW YORK—What follows has been covered ad nauseam, but I wonder why people were surprised at the planned football breakaway Super League. Professional sports in Europe now follow the American way, which means money comes ...
NEW YORK—What follows has been covered ad nauseam, but I wonder why people were surprised at the planned football breakaway Super League. Professional sports in Europe now follow the American way, which means money comes ...
Friday, thousands in Moscow, giving Nazi salutes and carrying placards declaring, “Russia for the Russians!” marched through the city shouting racial slurs against peoples from the Caucasus. In Nigeria, Boko ...
The Tyler Clementi case has been illuminating in several respects. Clementi was a Rutgers University freshman, sharing a dorm room with another 18-year-old, Dharun Ravi. Clementi asked for sole use of the room until ...
The Week’s Most Mithraic, Archaic, and Pharisaic Headlines STONE, COLD KILLER There’s no house party like a Como house party. Como is a historically black neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas. The word “como” in ...
What a strange mania it is, being recorded while having sex, but today it is fashionable like stupid selfies or subnormal tweets. If the recording is done in a consensual way by the participating adults, there is nothing ...
Okay, sports fans, what do Dame Vivien Duffield and Evelyn Waugh have in common? The answer is absolutely nothing, but why start 2016 with a dumb question such as this one? Waugh was short and round and so is Vivien, but ...
Did life evolve by purely natural processes? Could random mutation and natural selection really generate the human brain or the electrosensory system of the duck-billed platypus? Or did an intelligent force shape our ...
On Tuesday, in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio personally oversaw the dispersal of thousands of Hasidic mourners who had gathered for the funeral of a rabbi who died of the ...
The Week’s Most Spaying, Swaying, and Mother’s Daying Headlines WORDS ARE VIOLENCE! (SO IS VIOLENCE) America’s trannies rank among the greatest inventors of our time. True innovators, like George Washington ...
According to Percy Bysshe Shelley, poets like him were the unacknowledged legislators of the world; nowadays, that role has been usurped by left-wing comedians. That is the only conclusion to be drawn from the recent ...
Cooper, Artemis. Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure. London: John Murray, 2010. On December 9th, 1933, an eighteen-year-old miscreant rushed through the rain at Tower Bridge to catch the Stadtholder Willem, about to hoist ...
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” George Santayana famously wrote. Apart from a few garbled anecdotes about Captain Cook and Ned Kelly, and something about Aborigines, Australians are, by ...
What is it that holds our country together today? Perhaps nothing so much as lies, which, in some instances, are nonetheless effective because they are known to be lies. Something remarkable—or perhaps all too ...
The recent outbreak of measles has predictably sparked a national debate. California, which is the center of the story, reports just over a hundred cases. The second-most reported cases are in Arizona, with seven children ...
Philadelphia's City Hall is a towering masonry masterpiece, an ornate and stately 548-foot-tall architectural wedding cake in a town not known for its beauty. However, as anyone who's exited up the subway stairs at 15th and ...
The new documentary Freakonomics harkens back to the good old days of 2005. Remember when economists, having permanently perfected the economy, graciously allowed their attention to wander to crime fighting, sumo wrestling, ...
We must hang together, gentlemen…else, we shall most assuredly hang separately. "Benjamin Franklin When a journalist disappears in Russia or is murdered in Iraqi Kurdistan, his or her colleagues in safer climes ...
What caused the FBI to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in July 2016, which evolved into the criminal investigation that is said today to imperil the Trump presidency? As James Comey’s ...
Last year was a banner year for Los Angeles divorce attorneys. The most high-profile splits include: Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore (turns out she suffers from “exhaustion,” i.e., “is a junkie” and is ...
The sharply contrasting careers of two Slavic-American artists who both died in 1987, the droll commercial illustrator Andy Warhol and the titanic sculptor Stanislaw Szukalski, illustrate much about how culture has changed ...
In outline, The King's Speech sounds like a Wayans Brothers spoof of a Weinstein Brothers prestige film: an Oscar-bound movie where the King of England, a victim of society's prejudice against stutterers, is empowered by an ...
"I believe in the Golden Rule"the man with the gold...rules." "Mr. T Precious-metals expert Ned Naylor-Leyland is an investment manager at Quilter Cheviot, London, who frequently comments on the subject ...
End of season is always bittersweet, the melting snows a bit like autumn leaves, but the days are longer and soon spring will chase any remaining winter blues away. The Eagle Club’s closing is a perennial festive day, ...
As much as I'm enjoying the January 6th committee's careful assembly of evidence proving former President Trump is a douchebag, I wasn't seeing much in the way of a criminal offense until this week's underreported story ...