How We Lost Afghanistan

In October 2001, a few hours after the American military landed in Afghanistan to avenge the terrorist attacks that had emanated from that country one month prior, a young British officer softly walked from his barstool in ...

Donna Reed and James Stewart

Happy Christmas From Hollywood

Is there anything not to like about Christmas? The answer is a resounding NO, and I include the secular sham that goes with it, expensive trees and cheap pink paper and maddening shopping. The birth of our Lord Jesus came ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Commie, Pommy, and Flowers-for-Mommy Headlines THE FUN-HOUSE MIRROR HAS TWO FACES You’ll get a bigger hand if you can stand on your head, Be a clown, be a clown, be a clown! A Cole Porter song is the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Griefing, Debriefing, and Autumn-Leafing Headlines PRINCESS OF WHALES Nobody’s saying Rolling Stone film critic Katie Rife is fat, but her dress size is IMAX. Nobody’s saying she’s heavy, but any ...

Jews and Blacks: Their Landlord and their Friend

I'm hoping liberals' instinct for taking the side of barbarism against civilization has taken a hit after seeing so many stories of the BLM movement bellowing their love for Palestinian terrorists paragliding into Israel to ...

Are Our Mideast Wars Forever?

“The Kurds have no friends but the mountains,” is an old lament. Last week, it must have been very much on Kurdish minds. As their U.S. allies watched, the Kurdish peshmerga fighters were run out of Kirkuk and ...

Phantom of the Opera

Opera has been in the news lately, in Paris and New York, that is. And no, this doesn"€™t mean things are culturally looking up; on the contrary, I"€™m afraid. Let's start with the City of Light, where millions of ...

Year-End Cleanup, Part I

I usually take it easy on myself for my Christmas and New Year’s pieces by penning less labor-intensive columns. In part because I love the season too much to get bogged down by weighty matters, and in part because I ...

missing asset:

How We Squandered the Peace Dividend

When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and effectively ended the Cold War, there was tremendous relief and a sense of hope for the future. One writer even boldly declared that it marked “The End of History"€ and, as a ...

A Boob Named Bibi

After soul-shredding millennia of bloodshed and insane sectarian conflict, a small candle of hope finally flickers in the Middle East. That candle’s name is Binyamin Netanyahu, a man who may finally bring the world ...

In Defense of Al Jazeera

It's probable that few of us in the West have much time for either Saudi Arabia or Qatar. There are exceptions, of course. Our governments treat them as useful allies in the disturbed Middle East, Saudi Arabia especially ...

Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon

Nixon’s Yoda

In a recent New York Times book review, Henry Kissinger says that according to Dean Acheson, “leaving high office is like the end of a great love affair—a void left by the disappearance of heightened sensibilities and ...

Indian Wells, California

Thought Police on the Tennis Court

Here we go again, sports fans! During a recent tennis match between two professionals in Indian Wells, California, a racial comment uttered by one of the players has the usual suspects up in arms. The newspaper that only ...

Groucho Marx

A Fine Line

One hundred years ago, a down-in-the-dumps Joseph Roth wrote to Stefan Zweig, “The barbarians have taken over.” Later on Roth committed suicide, as did Zweig, both talented writers depressed about the state of the ...

A Recipe for Relief

The combination of Brexit and an imminent second Scottish independence referendum is profoundly depressing. Better to think of other things"€”food, for example. That offers comfort, even the possibility of jokes that ...

Lock Me Up and Throw Away the Smokes

In the epilogue to Crime and Punishment, Dostoyevsky provides the reader with a harsh, swift summary of prison life's brutalities. Penitence is painful, prolonged, and merciless, and the author"€”writing from his own ...

Is Mitt Being Neoconned Into War?

Has Mitt Romney given Israel a blank check for war? So it seemed from the declaration in Jerusalem by his adviser Dan Senor, who all but flashed Israel a green light for war, signaling the Israelis that, if you go, ...

Prince Charles

Bower’s Hatchets

At dinner the other night a friend wondered what came first, social climbing or name-dropping? It’s obviously a very silly question, and we all had a laugh over it: “As Achilles told me in his tent the other evening, ...

The Futility of Cleanliness

The Army was obsessed with cleanliness. We"€™d crane our necks around the bottoms of toilets and plumbing pipes until we could see our tired faces in them. We"€™d show off our pipes to the other lads and say ours were ...

Golf, Dharma, and the Marxist Handicap

Incredible as it may seem, the intellectual level of the Spanish political class has dropped as much as my alcoholic handicap. The latest mantra-braying of the spokesmen of power: Those who demonstrate against the ...

William Donaldson

Yours Insincerely

I am offended when people ask if I write under a pen name. The question seems to cast aspersions on a century of Mortimer family history—of which three generations have carried the same given name as I. Are we to ...

Austin, Texas State Capital

Will Tribalism Trump Democracy?

On July 19, the Knesset voted to change the nation’s Basic Law. Israel was declared to be, now and forever, the nation-state and national home of the Jewish people. Hebrew is to be the state language. Angry reactions, ...

The Smell of Hypocrisy

Gstaad—I had a whiff of it as it rolled in from the east, the smell of hypocrisy being different from others that penetrate our olfactory nerves in everyday life. It was coming from Davos and it had a Greco-Roman reek to ...

Sugar Daddies & Sugar Babies

A restaurant called Taboo is one my favorite haunts in one of my favorite American cities, Palm Beach, FL. After years of occasional visits, I noticed I was inevitably ushered into the same section. When a local throwaway ...

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