Andrew Yang

An Extremely Superficial Review of the Democratic Debates

Last Wednesday and Thursday night, the top twenty Democratic presidential candidates—yes, there are actually more than twenty—locked horns in Miami to bitch about corporations, racial injustice, brown children who are ...

Big Mess on Campus

On Monday, America's undergraduate college system melted down in three humiliating incidents. At Yale, in a brouhaha over Halloween costumes that has been dragging on for a week and a half now, a distinguished professor ...

The American Hitler or the American Netanyahu?

Staying up all Monday night to write a column for publication Wednesday morning is a tricky business when elections fall on a Tuesday. So let me offer four longer-term perspectives. First, Hispandering. While we still ...

2013: A Race Odyssey

With the spectacular failure of clinical psychologist Dr. Prof. Christine Blasey Ford’s vague charges against Brett Kavanaugh to elicit any corroborating evidence, moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s new book about the ...

When Jilted Lovers Commit Hate-Crime Hoaxes

This is a story of love, hate, interracial romance, journalistic malpractice, and anti-Semitic bomb hoaxes. It involves a young black man named Juan, whose mother named him that because Juan was enough"€”just kidding! ...

Ooh, It’s Like a Hate Wave!

According to Nevada Senator Harry Reid"€”who is retiring from politics to pursue a career as a Roy Orbison impersonator"€”Donald Trump's election "€œhas sparked a wave of hate crimes across America."€ Almost as if ...

A Rebel Yell for the Colonel

Trayvon. Bernanke. The Colonel. America is buffeted by blustery winds of change these days, yet who among us would have thought even they could disquiet the solemnity of the buffet table? Recently it was announced that ...

One Nazi Wedding Cake to Go, Please

Last Wednesday, Arizona's lizard-skinned Governor Jan Brewer vetoed what had largely been described as an “anti-gay bill,” even though the bill’s text doesn’t mention homos at all. The luridly ...

James M. Lammey

Anatomy of a Hit Piece

A corrupt Memphis journalist tried to shoot down a conservative judge, and he used me as the bullet. Here’s the whole sordid story. It all started with illegal immigration. Shelby County (Tennessee) Criminal Court ...

The Folly of Resentment

There is one group of people whom it is morally permissible to hate, and of whom in these times of speech codes it is allowed or even obligatory to speak hatefully: namely, the rich. This is rather odd when one thinks of ...

When the Rainbow Goes Over the Cliff

From outward appearances, the four little black kids singing a song called “We Are Provided For” seemed happy. Along with two other Children of Color, they had been adopted by a married white lesbian couple named Sarah ...

Who Cut the Balls Off San Francisco?

MONTREAL—So now San Francisco is banning e-cigarettes, because a City Council member discovered there are still people making personal decisions about what to do with their lives. They’ve been trying to eliminate these ...

John Steinbeck

Steinbeck’s Dust Bowl Gnomes

"€œ[W]hen Tom gives his famous "€˜I"€™ll be ever"€™where"€™ speech, I always want to call his parole officer."€ Only a few bylines compel me to set aside my so-called work and read what's printed beneath them ...

A Border Collie and a pit bull

The Unfortunately Innate Nature of Intelligence

Human races are subspecies of Homo sapiens [sic], just as Basset Hounds and Chihuahuas are subspecies of dog. The breeds of neither are precise genetic categories: In the words of the heroic John Derbyshire, genetically ...

Turning Tricks Into Sympathy

Thirty years ago, a taxi driver in Mexico City taught me, though I cannot remember the exact context in which he did so, some lines from Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the learned Mexican nun of the 17th century, a sage and ...

Happy to Be on the Wrong Side of History

As the leftist juggernaut blithely steamrollers its way over what's left of this country, its blinkered acolytes have smugly convinced themselves that they are on "€œthe right side of history"€ and that any dissenters ...

Alexander Vindman

He’s a One-Man Ukrainian Lobby!

I have a confession. I behaved badly recently, and I'm just going to admit it. As a guest at a dinner party in Georgetown, I stormed in and started bossing everyone around. First, I demanded that the foyer be painted a ...

Four Ways to Save Europe

Last week, America's institutions of higher learning were in turmoil over Halloween costumes. How can minority students survive Yale if their diktats are ever subjected to skepticism from grown-ups? This week, we are told ...

In Defense of Bronies

Ridiculing “Bronies”"€”those fanboys who are obsessed with the TV show My Little Pony"€”is a forgivable offense. Sure, these are seemingly heterosexual males who worship a cartoon for little girls. ...

Nonwhites Can”€™t Be Racist Cuz My Teacher Told Me So

Although it was released over three years ago, there were audible sounds of indigestion online recently at the discovery of a textbook called Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice ...

The White Man’s Unbearable Burden

Author Nikesh Shukla"€”a fat brown man who appears to sweat a lot"€”has just been named one of Foreign Policy magazine's "€œ100 Global Thinkers of 2016."€ He won this award for his work focusing on the ...

John McEnroe

Ending Gender Discrimination in Professional Sports

The current year is 2017, people, so why are we still segregating male and female athletes? Don"€™t they know that gender is a social construct and everyone's equal? Legendarily ill-tempered tennis champ John McEnroe ...

You Believe What You Want to Believe

I was walking through the Fox News building a while ago and a producer introduced me to a young black man by saying, "€œThis is the engineer you"€™ll be working with tonight."€ We shook hands and the engineer said, ...

The Anti–Larry David

The energetic media tycoon Ezra Klein has a book out titled Why We’re Polarized. Spoiler alert: One reason is because too many people watch Fox News instead of reading Klein’s properties like Vox. Another cause is ...

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