Chris Christie

Chris Christie: Too Fat to Fail?

The sad, mopey bald eagle that is the American republic is perched an unlucky 13 months away from the 2012 presidential elections, and the Republican candidates aren’t exactly stinking up the room with charisma. So far, ...

Barack Obama

They Too

They can be grasped conceptually in a hundred ways, yet they cannot be named. Take, for example, the 2002 B flick They, about a young woman haunted by demons who invade her dreams, then her days, and eventually rape and ...

Feasting on Trump

President Trump will not be impeached. At least, if congressional Democrats, after retaking Congress in November, are shortsighted enough to begin the impeachment process, the media will turn on them faster than a gaggle of ...

Eden Roc

An Oscar for Taki

ONBOARD S/Y BUSHIDO—My moment of glory came and went in a jiffy. It was actually a whole afternoon of filming onboard without a single retake, temper tantrum, or even the planned fight between Alec Baldwin and yours ...

Religious Extremists Will Inherit the Earth

Did you know that Osama bin Laden has twenty-five children? And that his Dad had fifty-four? (Osama seems to be number 17.) Bin Laden Sr. was careful never to have more than four wives at a time, though, divorcing older ...

Lance Armstrong

Coming Clean

I was watching the synchronized diving"€”one does odd things at Olympics time"€”and when Viktor Minibaev and Nikita Shleikher, the Russian competitors, stepped onto the platform, the British commentators remarked that ...

Prince Harry

Gone Mental

Of all the open invitations to fraud ever issued, the concept of mental health must have been among the most successful. In the past, there was the idea of mental hygiene, which conjured up images of experts pouring ...

A Matter of Sovereignty

The word "€œsovereignty"€ was bandied about during our E.U. referendum last year, and there were many who said that Edward Heath, the prime minister who took us into what was then the European Economic Community, had ...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Anne Sinclair

French Lowlifes in High Society

GSTAAD—It’s been very sunny and hot, with the bluest of blue skies above and the greenest of green mountains around me. It does not get any better than this. The farmers have cut their grass and packed it for the ...

Finding a Racist in a Haystack

The Freedom Riders did black Americans a great service by calling Kennedy on his bullshit and actually testing how abolished Jim Crow laws were in the South. They got their asses kicked, brandished firearms and fearlessly ...

Letters From a Screenwriter in Trouble

Dear Gato, I was watching the video for the Pet Shop Boys"€™ dance single "€œVocal"€ and it took me back to a happy time"€”the UK summer of "€™91, seen? We used to say "€œseen"€ as in, "€œthat track is ...

A Nation Arms Itself—For What?

With the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer who was legally carrying a 9-millimeter handgun, the familiar wail has arisen from our cultural and media elite: America has too many ...

Whither the Alternative Right?

Long before I supported Ron Paul for president and in general, I was a staunch Pat Buchanan conservative. I still am. Giving my opinion on the radio and in print, at least twice a week for over a decade, I’ve been ...

Keeping in Form

The secret of eternal youth, according to Alice Longworth Roosevelt, is arrested development, and the penny dropped last week. The mountains were misty, snow was falling, and I went to the dojo for some karate training. I ...

Squealing Versus Killing

If you are still listening to those in the political class who are falling over each other to condemn leaks from the government to the media, you’d think the leaks had revealed private information in which the public ...

Mitt Romney

Romney: Reaching Out to Everyone and Pleasing Nobody

On July 11 Mitt Romney addressed an NAACP conference in Houston, and the GOP media oozed admiration for his presumed courage and outreach. Although Romney is not likely to get more than five percent of the black vote, our ...

Who’s Afraid of the Fiscal Cliff?

Were the average Republican asked for a succinct statement of his views on taxation, he or she might respond thus: “U.S. tax rates are too high for the world we must compete in. The tax burden—federal, state, ...

Black Lizards Matter

A few weeks ago, I saw my first lizard of spring—except, of course, that it was still January, which is to say winter. The weather, however, was unseasonably warm, and I suppose nowadays many people might have considered ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Raving, Enslaving, and Daylight-Saving Headlines HARMADUKE A world run by dogs wouldn’t be so bad, especially considering the mess humans have made of things. Dog World would be very close to utopia. ...

Hangover Notwithstanding

GSTAAD—One’s unpopularity for calling it a night diminishes in direct proportion to the severity of the next morning’s hangover. I was literally booed by Geoffrey Moore & Co. for asking the wife of a friend to ...

Ernesto Che Guevara

Keny’s Road to Eden

In times past, people used to preen themselves on being good Christians, but now they preen themselves on being good radicals or even good revolutionaries. Such preening is never attractive; it is the royal road to ...

Talking Brooklyn

NEW YORK—It’s a black-and-white 1939 oldie starring Barbara Stanwyck and William Holden in his first credited film role. She is thin, ballsy, bawdy, beautiful, and talks with a Brooklyn accent. He’s tall, ...

Rudi Dutschke

Rotten From the Top Down

Although the phrase is often misattributed to Antonio Gramsci, it was the Marxist creep Rudi Dutschke who famously suggested the political left could ultimately control society via a “long march through the ...

Sir Stanley Matthews

Football Fancies

Sometimes I think of football (soccer), though I have no interest in it. This is because it obtrudes itself on me and is of great cultural significance. I once worked it out that so-called serious British newspapers devote ...

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