Forever 1969
“Take back the street.” The “99%er’s.” “The movement.” The level of self-delusion among participants and newsreaders in this country is breathtaking. For a handful of weeks now some ...
“Take back the street.” The “99%er’s.” “The movement.” The level of self-delusion among participants and newsreaders in this country is breathtaking. For a handful of weeks now some ...
In a surprise overtime victory in the finals of the Olympic men’s hockey tournament, the Russians defeated Germany, 4-3. But the Russians were not permitted to have their national anthem played or flag raised, due to ...
Talismans from the past are rare but are still around, especially at the old Post Hotel: Faded bleached photographs of horse-drawn sleds on Main Street, long-bearded peasants chopping wood on the Eggli, even skiers walking ...
NEW YORK—So I have to admit, I’m one of the people who would wear the “Fake News” T-shirt that was on sale at the Newseum in Washington. But you can’t buy it anymore. After 24 hours of press attacks that amounted ...
The original “Hollywood blacklist” dates back to 1947, when 10 members of the Communist Party, present or former, invoked the Fifth Amendment before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. The party was ...
NEW YORK—Ten years ago this week I put my money down and The American Conservative magazine was born. They say that owning a yacht is like sitting under a shower tearing up hundred-dollar bills. Owning an opinion magazine ...
In the penultimate chapter of Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, our narrator is reviewing a list of the ships mustered in orbit around his base planet preparatory to a major assault: Big ships"the new ...
Next Tuesday, voters, please remember that Democrats will never run out of excuses for criminals. They drone on about "racism," "root causes," "poverty," "drug addiction," "his gun dropped," "mental illness," "learning ...
I have signed an affidavit for a hearing this week in the High Court stating that Janan Harb was to my knowledge married to Fahd of Saudi Arabia, who later became head of that ghastly country until he ate himself to death. ...
It's been awe-inspiring to see the bottomless generosity of Martha's Vineyard residents after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent them 50 illegal immigrants from Venezuela last week. WE LOVE YOU, YOU'VE ENRICHED OUR LIVES, NOW ...
When I was at school, a girl was caught under a desk at the back of a classroom one day, lining up schoolboy all-comers to hand them out blowjobs at the ridiculously low, low price of only £1.00 a go ($1.25 at current ...
The Week’s Most Shameless, Aimless, and Blameless Headlines JAMES WATSON: STILL GLOOMY ABOUT THE PROSPECT OF AFRICA Nobel Prize-winning biologist James D. Watson helped decode the double-helix structure of DNA and was ...
How fair a rule is monarchy? A Byzantine scholar wrote that it was the fairest, to the point that God sustained it, as long as the emperors were elected by the army or an aristocratic senate. With their coronation, ...
A year ago in Cairo, Barack Hussein Obama addressed the Muslim world with the same buttock-splayed obsequiousness he exhibits toward all of America's blood enemies. Citing "civilization's debt to Islam," he credited ...
SWALLOWING MORE THAN PRIDE Dear Delphi, I keep asking all my friends, but I cannot get a straight answer: Is it OK if I do not swallow? I am 42 and married to a man of 40. We have two small children and everything is going ...
This Sunday’s Super Bowl between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs includes a fun cast of characters, such as Christian McCaffrey, Patrick Mahomes, Nick Bosa, Travis Kelce, and Taylor Swift, straight out ...
Psychologists tell us that a sense of control is a key characteristic of a mentally healthy, well-adjusted adult. Whether we actually possess free will can be left to the neuroscientists who study brain processes. The ...
"There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader," is a remark attributed to a French politician during the turbulent times of 1848. Joe Biden's Wednesday declaration that President Donald Trump should be ...
Around twenty years or so ago I had point for match point on a perfect grass court in Fort Belvedere. We’d been playing for close to two hours. I remember hitting a topspin backhand down the line and going to the net and ...
International Women's Day snuck up on me this year like a rapist in a dark alley. No time to trim the tree with red and white tampons, or stuff the (support) stockings with Diva Cups and Bitch subscriptions. (I hear Dutch ...
A dinner by Michael Mailer in honor of Arki Busson in Michael’s brilliant Brooklyn flat on the banks of the East River, overlooking the Statue of Liberty a quarter mile away. His father Norman had some very brainy people ...
As the world struggles to make sense of Anders Breivik’s ugly, senseless slaughter and largely incoherent online manifesto, you might have thought that the Islamist fringe would have enjoyed having the heat taken off them ...
It really is possible to change your attitudes, even in…well, let’s say late middle age. Case in point: Florida. Which is to say, me and Florida. To reverse Dr. Johnson’s remark on free will: All reason is against it, ...
It says a great deal about a nation when its most telling artistic achievements are cartoons. Yet this is precisely the situation in modern American culture. With such fare as The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, and the ...