Unknown: Liam Neeson’s Descent From Alpha to Beta

Orson Welles once explained that he was, inevitably, what the Comédie-Française called a King Actor. "€œThey weren"€™t necessarily the best actors; they were the actors who played the king."€ Welles had to be ...

Blackbuster Video

Last December I penned a column about a controversy that was at the time raging in one of the very last black areas of L.A., the Crenshaw district. There was a mall—known locally as the Crenshaw Mall, but properly titled ...

Global Refugee Roundup: End-of-Summer Edition

In this first installment of what will be a monthly column, we review the world migrant crisis. From every angle that we’ve had the displeasure of examining it, the great global “refugee crisis” that started around ...

Jeremy Corbyn

Collective Stupidity

The most famous epigrammatic nugget of wisdom appears in The Leopard, Lampedusa’s great novel of a noble Sicilian family’s fortunes, and it is “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” I ...

Une Étoile est Née

CANNES—It’s raining, the stars are hiding, the hacks and paparazzi are waterlogged and frustrated, and the shimmering images of the beautiful people walking up the red carpet are just that—images of glories long gone. ...

United We Sit on the Couch

So the California regency (er, Eighth Circuit Court) has sided with the homosexual lobby against the majority’s express will. This is no surprise. When judicial autocracy clashes with popular opinion, the entrenched power ...

The Crying Games

GSTAAD—If the London Olympics do not go down in history as The Crying Games, I will perform a sex act on a Mae West hologram in Times Square as the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve. What’s most confusing is that ...

The Inadequate Messaging of Republican Court Nominations

Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate, the White House, and all those who wish to see an objective, balanced Supreme Court need to better explain the justification for nominating individuals such as Amy Coney ...

Robert Putnam: Still Bowling Alone

When we contemplate for a moment the actual number of the year we are living through, it is usually anniversaries—centenaries, bicentenaries, and the like—that come to mind. The year 2010 is, according to taste, ...

Plaka, Athens

Athens Then and Now

Athens – I am walking on a wide pedestrian road beneath the Acropolis within 200 meters of the remaining Themistoclean wall and the ancient cemetery to eminent Athenians. One side is lined with splendid neo-classical ...

Is ISIS Coming to Damascus?

Who rises if Assad falls? That question, which has bedeviled U.S. experts on the Middle East, may need updating to read: Who rises when Assad falls? For the war is going badly for Bashar Assad, whose family has ruled ...

Biden’s America: One Nation or Us Versus Them?

"We have met the enemy and he is us," said Walt Kelly's cartoon character Pogo, half a century ago, about what we Americans were doing to our environment. Rereading President Joe Biden's inaugural address, Pogo's remark ...

Black Swan: Hysterical, But Not Necessarily Funny

What's the most demanding sport? A 1975 Journal of Sports Medicine study by James Nicholas, an NFL, NBA, and NHL team doctor, ranked 61 sports on 18 different measures of physical pounding endured and athleticism required. ...

Jean-Claude Trichet

Nothing Left to Steal

NEW YORK—God, it’s great to be Greek right now. We’ve out-front-paged the Holocaust as well as Iran’s “existential threat” to Israel. (The latter has been jerked up a notch, with Big Bagel papers presenting the ...

Is This Worse Than ’68?

Saturday, in Pittsburgh, a Sabbath celebration at the Tree of Life synagogue became the site of the largest mass murder of Jews in U.S. history. Eleven worshippers were killed by a racist gunman. Friday, we learned the ...

U.S. Capital

Failed Coup of a Failing Establishment

It has been a bad few days for the establishment, really bad. In a 51-49 vote, the Senate refused to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of Donald Trump and agreed to end the trial Wednesday, with a near-certain ...

Fireflies and Prostitutes

Thank God for the Italian spring. It reminds me that there is more to life than the Italians and the euro. Yesterday I drove out of the provincial city of Forlì in the "€œred"€ mid-north in my long-axle Land Rover ...

Thirty-Five Years of Spectating

Seeing as how man didn’t emerge from the caves until something like 6,000 years ago, thirty-five years is a mere bagatelle in the grand scheme of things. Still, man’s day-to-day folly is always more fun than grand ...

George Clooney and Barack Obama

President O’s Hollywood Cult

Hollywood's making a funny new documentary featuring a handful of half-asleep champagne socialists who worship a charismatic government leader and then empty their wallets for his reelection campaign. You can watch the ...

Mohammed Zahir Shah


My fascination with Afghanistan"€”especially the area now called Nuristan but originally Kafiristan"€”was first sparked by watching The Man Who Would Be King at Grauman's Chinese Theatre back in 1975. The film brought ...

The Week in Canadian Sex News!

Canada’s prolific pop historian Pierre Berton quipped: “A Canadian is someone who knows how to have sex in a canoe.” I know: That’s dumb and not funny. We’re usually funnier. That line only got funny when someone ...

Blue Bird

Foul Fumes at the Regatta

Ibiza—This island is the Spanish equivalent of the Greek sex rock of Mykonos, except its waters are murkier, its nightclubs and restaurants far more expensive, but its hookers first class and not to be compared to ...

Raleigh, North Carolina

The Kansas City Question

Last week’s Super Bowl parade shooting in Kansas City in which one was killed and 22 wounded was another validation of both Coulter’s and Sailer’s Laws of Mass Shootings. Ann devised her insight back in 2015 after ...

Birchers Redux

A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what’s going on.” ―William S. Burroughs Kicked out of the National Review bio-dome by William F. Buckley in the early ’60s, the John Birch Society has been considered ...

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