Mandraki Harbor

Cruising the Med

Island of Rhodos—When I’m on the water, I feel I was born to it. Yachting has always been a way to enjoy the sea and the nature associated with it. The motion through water, the breeze and spray on the face, the ...

Free the Nunchucks!

KATY, Tex.—The most amazing thing about Federal Judge Pamela Chen’s ruling on Monday that nunchakus are a legal weapon in America is that they’ve been illegal in New York State for the past 44 years. She was striking ...

Psychos and Zombies: Mutant Spawn of the Great Recession

Last Tuesday night, a fat, rumpled, unemployed 56-year-old man named Clay Duke invaded a Florida school-board meeting and put on a clumsy show of violent political theater before killing himself. Duke brandished a gun, ...

Sucevita Monastery

Romanian Holiday

Rains finally came. The dog days came to a pause for two days, but Bucharest was still hot. We drove to Tulcea"€”the quiet of a small town in a poor province on a summer afternoon"€”and took the speedboat to Chilia, ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Ellipsing, Eclipsing, and Apocalypsing Headlines SKULLED LABORERS There are many indicators that you may be living in a crappy country. Frequent coups and juntas, plagues of diseases born of poor hygiene, ...

In This House We Believe: The Protestant Roots of Wokeness

In 2017 the pseudonymous blogger Spotted Toad appears to have coined the term “The Great Awokening” to denote the decade of identity politics mania that began about 2013. His joke was of course a pun upon the various ...

Gloria Allred

Blame it on Cain

Herman Cain is under attack, so why aren’t the Hollyweirdos flocking to his aid? Why won’t Alec Baldwin stop pimping Capital One credit cards long enough to help a brotha out? Back when Obama was questioned about his ...

Closed? No Hurry. I’ll Come Back.

DALLAS—What if the country shut down and nobody gave a flip? Entering day 6 of “The United States Is Closed,” I’m not seeing much evidence of panic or, for that matter, interest. The most likely citizens to ...

Miley Cyrus

Semites, Sex, Drugs, Royals, and Rock “€™n”€™ Roll

CASTING STONES Oliver Stone's son has converted to Islam and is now the righteous Sean Ali Stone. The young Stone adopted his new religion last week in a bid to foster peace among Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Stone is ...

Andrew Cuomo

National Insanity

At what point do you call a man a brute? The governor of New York has reached that point. He is a brute. With less feeling and regret than would follow stepping on a cockroach, the governor has, to the plaudits of ...

Exploiting the Capitol Riot to Kill Trump

Donald Trump has stumbled and fallen, and the establishment is not going to let slip this last opportunity to stomp him and his movement to death. On Sunday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a startling ultimatum: Either Vice ...

Electoral Economics

“Buy now, pay later!” The advertising slogan for a credit card put me in mind of the title of the first chapter of Lewis Carroll’s satire Sylvie and Bruno: “Less bread, more taxes!” The credit card offered ...

Cima da Conegliano

The Folly of Disbelief

A reader has registered surprise that I am not an atheist. I am surprised that he’s surprised. Theism, with its vision of an orderly universe and a moral creature created in God’s image, makes sense to scientists far ...

Who Can Say?

Long before I started writing about politics, I learned one important lesson: What is said to be inevitable doesn’t necessarily happen. Way back in 1965 I read a book by the distinguished American columnist Richard ...

William Kristol

Farewell to the Poisoned Dwarf and Four Pizzas

The demise of The Weekly Standard was a pleasure, not because I like to see print magazines go down the drain—to the contrary—but because of its parentage, William Kristol and John Podhoretz. These two unpleasant ...

Zante, Greece

The Flickering Ecstasy

Back in the good old days, when Ike and Mamie lived in the White House"€”and the neocons were an ugly bunch of short bald people meeting in New York dumps discussing the greatness of Leon Trotsky"€”summertime spelled ...

Flag of Colorado

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Supernova, Apache Cordova, and Shana Tova Headlines YO’ MAMA KIPPUR For Jews, these are the High Holy Days, the period of getting atoned between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. For blacks, these are the ...

Amateur Gossip Columnists Roaming Amongst Us

NEW YORK—So I’m riding the downtown E train somewhere between 34th and 4th when one of New York’s mentally deranged performance artists starts reading loudly from a tattered typewritten manuscript that he’s ...

To Err Is Human, to Detect Divine

The pedant seeks error, not truth, and delights to find it. Indeed, the search for error may be the entire purpose of his reading, to judge from certain books dating from the 19th century in my possession. In them, the sole ...

Michelle Malkin

The Mainstreaming of Michelle Malkin

A recent syndicated column by Michelle Malkin indicates what happens to interesting conservative commentators when they sign on as GOP flacks: They become predictable Republican mouthpieces and attack dogs against the Dems. ...

St. James's Park, London

London Fog

Wow, what a week. London may be bad for one’s health, but it sure makes it fun on the way to where we’re all going. I’m determined not to mention Greece—too much has been written about my poor country, most of it ...

John Derbyshire

Derb’s National Rebuke

Unlike Rich Lowry's predictably PC response to John Derbyshire's controversial article on what parents should tell their kids about race, I was less than "€œappalled"€ by it. John's judgments are not entirely mine, and ...

Fight or Flight

CHELSEA, LONDON, U.K.—Oh, to be in England, but let’s start at the beginning. I challenge any reader to claim they are more technologically disadvantaged than yours truly, or anyone not suffering from Alzheimer’s in ...

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