Plaques for Blacks

Last week, I pointed out that the social sciences were suffering from mirror-image problems: the much-publicized Replication Crisis, in which academics announce trivial findings that turn out to be not reproducible, and the ...

Karl Marx

Was Karl Marx a Dirty, Filthy, Rotten Bigot?

I believe modern society would be far saner and healthier if it worshiped Groucho Marx rather than Karl Marx, but as with most things, I find myself in a small and persecuted minority. (If you must know, I am also ...

Anthony Bourdain

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Predatory, Statutory, and Nugatory Headlines EX-JUNKIE CELEBRITY CHEF EXPLAINS WHY TRUMP WON Anthony Bourdain is a celebrity chef who likes to brag about how he was a heroin addict in his early 20s who ...

Scottish Independence Is Crap

"€œSee, if you was Billy Connolly sitting right there,"€ said the Winston Churchill doppelganger beside me in a Glasgow pub, "€œAh"€™d fuckin"€™ stab ye."€ I was with my uncle and this was his closest friend ...

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Don

In early 2013, former Saturday Night Live cast member Victoria Jackson, the ditzy blonde who took up space on the show in the late 1980s before fading into obscurity, posted an essay on her website titled "€œWhy Isn"€™t ...

None Dare Call it Replacement

On Friday I appeared live on Red Ice TV’s YouTube channel and was informed that due to YouTube’s increasingly censorious policies, I must refrain from using the “R” word—“replacement”—when referring to the ...

Virtue-Signaling Yourself to Death

At some point in the early morning hours of Saturday, April 14, gay civil-rights lawyer David Buckel’s life went up in a little gay puff of smoke. As some sort of ill-conceived protest against global warming, the ...

The Hate That the Hatred of Hate Speech Produced

Apparently I was the only Canadian who wasn’t shocked when singer Steven Page was nicked for possessing cocaine back in 2011 (while in the company of a woman not his wife, to boot). Barenaked Ladies are the ...

Anne and Susan Wojcicki

A Tale of Two Sisters

Much of the mania of the moment stems from a growing crisis of faith among elites over how much longer they can expect the ideological dogmas under which they have prospered so mightily to withstand the onrushing findings ...

Immigration as Punishment

Should Harvard be required to accept the wretched refuse of its applicant pool even though they are likely to flunk out? Should the Golden State Warriors be forced to draft the huddled masses of short and slow college ...

Being Nice to Black People

In all the endlessly tiresome back-and-forth screeching about race relations in this country, never once have I heard anyone beyond an anonymous tweeter here or there suggest the main problem is that we’ve been far too ...

Comedians: Doing the Jobs Happy Americans Won”€™t Do

Comedians hate Donald Trump with so much vitriol, it looks like they"€™re siding with Bernie purely out of spite. Obviously both sides have their supporters and it's not unusual for someone in the arts to go left, but ...

California State Capitol in Sacramento

He Who Stabs Last, Stabs Best

Although modern leftists boast that they are on the “right side of history,” they continue working from a very old and comically outdated script. Not a day goes by without them mentioning slavery"€”which, in ...

What if Charles Murray Is Right?

The extraordinary decline in the cost of sequencing a whole human genome, from $10 million in 2008 to $1,400 by late 2015, means that in the coming years science will almost certainly be able to answer the Charles Murray ...


The Myth That Burns Our Cities

Remember a guy named Michael John Breen? No Googling allowed! No, you don’t remember him. On Oct. 25, 1989, John Glenn, senator, astronaut, and American icon (the previous words were provided as a free service to ...

Park Hill Estate, Sheffield, England

Some to Misery Are Born

Every night and every morn Some to misery are born, Every morn and every night Some are born to sweet delight. The first couplet of Blake's verse seems to me a good deal more certain than the second because happiness and ...

eden ahbez

The Original Nature Boys

One of the biggest changes of my lifetime has been the decline in the speed of social change. Today it's easy to agree with Ecclesiastes that "€œWhat has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is ...

When Educators Wind Up Incarcerated

You"€™ll notice pretty quickly if you tune in to underclass sideshows such as Judge Judy that the hapless participants, whatever their age or color, have one thing in common: "€œIncarcerated"€ is the biggest word ...

Everything Is Wrong

The last time I checked in with the perpetually outraged, they were angry because we were lighting off fireworks. Apparently, July 4th celebrations glorify war, or something. Around the same time, we had Anthony Cumia lose ...

Augusto Pinochet

Reconsidering Pinochet

With the passing of Hugo Chávez, we got a lot of crocodile tears from liberals claiming we had "€œlost a friend"€ who "€œlifted the poor and helped them realize their dreams."€ Jimmy Carter told us that he ...

An American’s Guide to Moving to Australia

In spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of ... emigrating. And when it does, I often seem to hear about it. My e-mail inbox, quiescent until recently, has since early March begun to fill up again—just ...

The Only Good “White Ally” Is a Dead White Ally

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that it’s getting harder and harder to be a “white ally” in the service of racial justice. And yet sometimes it actually does take a rocket scientist. U.K. native ...

10 Things the Left Gets Right

Liberals are not idiots. They"€™re just like you were when you first moved out of your parents"€™ house. It's like their research is cryogenically frozen right before Google was invented. However, unlike extremist ...

The Problem With White Guys These Days

Hey, what the heck is wrong with white guys these days? It’s easy to find people eager to answer that question. I’ll spotlight four recent essays—two from white authors, two from black authors. This is Jerrod Laber. ...

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