Happy Kwanzaa, The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

It seems like all I hear these days is how liberals are red-hot for teaching history, while retrograde troglodytes on the right are demanding that we suppress the teaching of history by banning critical race theory (CRT). ...

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Ahmadinejad: Good, Bad, and Ugly

Thursday bore the ripely rotten fruit of a now-yearly autumnal Manhattan ritual—Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke before the United Nations General Assembly, vilifying the West and being vilified by the West in ...

California’s Homelessness Magnates

Well, that didn't last long. Chesa Boudin, the "progressive" district attorney of San Francisco, was recalled in a landslide election on Tuesday. Evidently, even that city's progressive voters finally got tired of replacing ...

Nicola Sturgeon

Change for Change’s Sake

Britain's new multi-party politics has pundits and bookies salivating at the prospect of minority governments, hung parliaments, awkward alliances, and kingmakers after the May 7th general election. What most of them do not ...

Fire in the East

While most geopolitical fears are focused on the Middle East, it would be wise to also keep an eye on the Far East. There are no less than five major territorial disputes agitating the area, two of which have heated up in ...

A Hunger for Literature

The mice in my absence have been at my books again, with what Marx called, with regard to the manuscript of his then-unpublished Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, their gnawing criticism. Much ...

Varanasi, India

Remembering Gimlet

I’m sitting in my office room and the place is still. The rest of the house is dark. Everyone’s out and I’m here writing about the death of a friend. I haven’t felt such gloom since my father died 28 years ago. The ...

Up in Smoke

“I lighted a cigarette, and gave myself up to meditation.” Thus runs the most expressive quote from the entire canon of P.G. Wodehouse, who wisely leaves the actual content of Bertie Wooster’s meditations to our ...

Bob Geldof

The Fondest of Farewells

As everyone who stands up when a lady enters the room knows, the once-sacrosanct civil rules throughout the West have all but disappeared. The deterioration of manners has accelerated with the coming of the devil’s ...

Victoria Azarenka

Advantage: Vika, Eugenie, and Steffi

Without the benefit of hindsight I write this on Monday, the 7th—Serena Williams, according to some commentators the greatest woman who has ever graced this earth of ours, will be completing the calendar-year Grand Slam ...

Barbarism in the Courts

Liberal policies have been “separating children from their parents” for years. The beasts! What kind of monsters deliberately separate innocent children from their parents? This descends to a level of barbarism that is ...

Fried Scorpion, Beijing

Lab Theory of Wuhan Virus Cooked Up in a Neocon Lab

Just because the media say something doesn't necessarily mean it's not true. In the case of Trump's claim that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab -- or as I call it, the All Cultures Are the Same! Theory -- the media are ...

DeSantis Shocker: It’s Not OK to Hate Whites

Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing a bill through the Florida legislature to put a stop to the modern pedagogy of making little girls cry because they're white. The bill, called "Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act ...

The Conspirator: Guantanamo Nay

Robert Redford's courtroom drama The Conspirator recounts the 1865 trial by a military tribunal of Confederate partisan Mary Surratt for her murky role in John Wilkes Booth's plot to murder Abraham Lincoln. Redford ...

The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime

With the Biden administration hauling in millions of "newcomers" (the latest euphemism for illegal aliens) from booming economies like Venezuela, Senegal and Haiti, we seem to be getting a Kate Steinle every day. Among the ...

Vilfredo Pareto

My Dinner With Vilfredo Pareto

My list of historical personages I"€™d invite to a dinner party doesn’t include any of the obvious choices. Who really wants to eat dinner with Genghis Khan or Julius Caesar? They’d probably make beetle brows ...

The Mormons Go Mainstream!

America's Great Weird Religion hit Manhattan's Great White Way last Thursday night as South Park's Trey Parker and Matt Stone premiered their musical The Book of Mormon to rapturously rhapsodic rave reviews. The ...

Phantoms of Terror

Phantom Terror, by Adam Zamoyski (Basic Books, 2015). Born in America and raised in Britain, Adam Zamoyski is not a tenured university professor devoted to obscure subjects that appeal only to audiences of academic ...

Iran Nuclear Deal—Alive or Dead?

Though every Republican in Congress voted against the Iran nuclear deal, “Tearing it up ... is not going to happen,” says Sen. Bob Corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. Hopefully, the chairman ...

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Did FDR Engineer Pearl Harbor?

As a history buff, I have tried to come to terms with the “surprise” Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. That lugubrious anniversary"€”December 7th"€”is fast approaching. For its impact upon American history, ...

An Epidemic of Ideology

Earlier this week, I received two articles by email, one from the American right and one from the American left, each alleging that the other side wanted to subvert, or even abandon, the American Constitution. The left ...

The Will to Belief

There are lies, damned lies and statistics, said Disraeli; and I doubt that any of us have never misused a statistic in the course of a discussion, either wittingly or unwittingly. Most people are apt to take correlation ...

Muslim Brotherhood: Bummers of the Revolution

It seemed like only a few days ago that Egypt's humble peasant masses set hearts ablaze worldwide with their spirited defense of universal rights and basic human dignity. The planet rejoiced as it witnessed a spontaneous ...

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip

Never Apologize

Privilege at birth displeases wannabe types, and the subject came up rather a lot last week, especially in the Land of the Depraved, where the Bagel Times regards monarchy as antidemocratic and the cause of most human ills, ...

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