Can Beijing Survive Hong Kong Fever?

Americans are caught up with the Ebola crisis and the Secret Service lapses in protecting the White House and the president’s family. But what is transpiring in Hong Kong may be of far greater consequence. Last ...

Time to Rethink Education

First follow Nature, and your judgment frame By her just standard, which is still the same. —Alexander Pope If anything good has come from these hard corona days, it’s the occasion they’ve provided for rethinking ...

Sir David Barclay

An Unlikely Friendship

GSTAAD—I was very friendly with the late Sir David Barclay, a man who treasured his privacy and was not drawn to alpine high jinks and gossip. It was, as prolegomenon to the most British of understatements, an unlikely ...

The Trump Indictment

Last week's indictment of Donald Trump is the latest example of why liberals really should have read my book, "Resistance Is Futile." Or Aesop's fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." Either one. After years of making insane ...

Digital Dum-dums

From the 19th century up through the early part of the 20th century, European intellectuals such as Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Friedrich Nietzsche, and José Ortega y Gasset expressed grave concerns about the rise of literacy ...

Kim Davis vs. Judicial Tyranny

“If the law supposes that, the law is a ass—a idiot.” Charles Dickens gave that line to Mr. Bumble in “Oliver Twist.” And it sums up the judgment of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis about the ...

Receiving Oral at Delphi

I flew to Delphi to consult with the oracle, and the old girl had a lot to say about 2012. Pythia, her real name, is getting on in years—she’s around 2,500 years old. Despite her lifestyle—she smokes exotic cheroots, ...

The West’s Head-in-the-Sand Policy

A new, huge wave of refugees from Africa and the Middle East is rolling in. It is high time to face the uncomfortable truths. In Africa there are 7 million more people every 100 days. If we took in one million Africans, ...

Palais Rohan, Bordeaux

A Riot in Bordeaux

As I hope to be able to work till my dying day, I am perhaps not the right person to animadvert on the present disturbances in France about the raising of the retirement age from 62 to 64. My work has always been pleasing ...

Dreamers In The News!

With all the tender concern President Trump and Nancy Pelosi have been heaping on “Dreamers” of late, you’d think the media would notice and pepper us with stories about these “incredible ...

The Venice Biennale Gone Evil

Avant-garde is an epidemic.  From modern architecture—an added misfortune, like a hunchback struck down by elephantiasis—there is simply no escape, as its creedal symbols pursue me all over the European ...

Character Sketches of Academic Loons

Having just retired from 40 years in academia and being mindful of the observation by communist-turned-conservative Whittaker Chambers that he had “not returned from Hell empty-handed,” I’m offering the following ...

You’ve Come a Ching-Chong-Ling-Long Way, Baby

Now that UCLA has a takeout service called Ching-Chong-Ling-Long, we can finally put Alexandra Wallace’s racist rant behind us. Nothing says “our cultural wounds have healed” like a sarcastic restaurant. For those of ...

Humility on a Cellular Level

Recently I have been dreaming a lot, unpleasant dreams but not nightmares. What this means, or even if it means anything at all, I don’t know. Perhaps it is a cerebral form of indigestion. I have never gone in much for ...

Swine Control

Whatever one's views on today's Middle Eastern regimes, we can all agree that violent rioting is not a system of governance. But how can raucous street demonstrations be prevented from deteriorating into endless anarchy? ...

The Secret State vs. Enemies of State

When Mohammed Emwazi went out from west London to Syria literally to carve out a new career as "€œJihadi John"€, masked avenger of non-wrongs, England lost an "€œextremely kind, extremely gentle"€ idealist. That ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Salian, Antithalian, and Bacchanalian Headlines THE TOKYO CANCELYMPICS Please welcome the comedy team of Abbott and Kosato: Kosato: “These are not Orympics. These are CANCERYMPICS.” Abbott: ...

Drowning in Data

I think I’ve stumbled upon one type of education that actually would effectively reduce an unfortunate racial gap. Most forms of instruction don’t, of course. In the first dozen years of this century, billionaires ...

Maria Miller MP

An Honest Day’s Pay

The latest British parliamentary spat was a further ripple from the scandal about MPs"€™ expenses that first splashed into our headlines in 2009. In December 2012, it was discovered that up till the wider scandal's ...

Norman Mailer

More Mailer

One of those self important, so called pundits once asked Norman Mailer if fascism was coming to America. The pompous one had once worked for Time magazine, so Norman answered him with a pun. "€œIt's going to be a Luce ...

Remembering Oleg Cassini

Gstaad. An article in Vanity Fair about a man I knew for over forty years has turned me into Orlando Furioso. Oleg Cassini died in 2006 well into his nineties.  We met in 1956 on an airplane going to Bermuda to play a ...

America, Jr.

Canada is currently subjecting itself to a bizarre experiment in extreme population growth due to pedal-to-the-metal legal immigration. Canada’s population rose about 1 percent per year for the first decade and a half of ...

Our Slippery Prime Minister

"€œThe lady's not for turning,"€ famously declared Margaret Thatcher, and to her credit the Old Girl rarely did. Not so the second woman to become prime minister of the still (just) United Kingdom. Theresa May, who ...

Happy Kwanzaa, The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

It seems like all I hear these days is how liberals are red-hot for teaching history, while retrograde troglodytes on the right are demanding that we suppress the teaching of history by banning critical race theory (CRT). ...

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