Glitter From the Gutter

Not much is happening in the celebrity gutter this week unless you count the big pregnancy rumors from Snooki of Jersey Shore fame. Her boyfriend Jionni (nice spelling) LaValle is the baby-daddy-to-be, and her ex-boyfriend ...

A vigil for Daunte Wright at George Floyd Square, Minneapolis

The Daunte Wright NYT Readers Don’t Know!

They're doing it again. The New York Times is aggressively hiding relevant facts on a matter of public interest simply in order to promote the narrative of black victimhood. OK, we didn't get away with it last time, but we ...

Sailing Amid Rothschilds and Russians

PORTO MONTENEGRO—My friend John Sutin, the world’s most generous man, could not believe his ears. Montenegro’s Tivat Airport would not allow him to land because more than 80 private jets had already booked parking ...

Barcelona, Spain

Columbus Opus

Last week there was a historic day in New York City with the inaugural celebration of Indigenous Peoples/Italian Heritage Day, a hybrid creation by craven politicians to placate the “Progressive” forces in our society ...’s Top Babes: Ravishing or Roadkill?

Every year, comes out with a list of the “top 99 most desirable women.” They are allegedly chosen democratically: they claim six million votes were tallied for this contest. I have to wonder at this, ...

Good Advice, Bad Examples

I can"€™t resist a writing style guide, especially one that promises to be lively. Steven Pinker made his name as a linguistic and cognitive scientist; his 2002 book The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature is a ...

Nothing to Commemorate

What will you do to commemorate 9/11? The ‘I Will’ campaign has thrown out the question and people from around the country, including a few celebrities, have answered. That’s from the news website The ...

Antagonism: The Overlooked Value

“But I am DeGroot,” I objected with DeGrootesque dignity, “and what is more, I write for Taki’s Magazine!” “Taki’s Magazine!” the burly black bouncers parroted back, and now further enraged, they threw me ...

Jodie Foster

Ever Moore

Lord Moore and I go back a ways, more than forty-some-odd years. I clearly remember the first time we met at editor Alexander Chancellor’s office at The Spectator. I was called in and Alexander introduced me to a fresh ...

The Descendants: A Step Down From Sideways

The Descendants, with George Clooney as a Hawaiian land dynasty’s 1/32nd-Polynesian scion, has fans asking where writer-director Alexander Payne has been since 2004’s Sideways, which dispatched Paul Giamatti and ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Stunning, Cunning, and Preakness-Running Headlines NEVER AGAINESVILLE It’s to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s credit that the one thing he doesn’t lie about is having a wife. Yes, it’s a real woman, ...

Madonna, Don”€™t Preach

Always one to court controversy in lieu of talent, Madonna recently projected an enormous image of right-wing French politician Marine Le Pen with a swastika on her forehead à la Charles Manson during her concert in Tel ...

Charles Portis and John Wayne

The New “€œTrue Grit”€: Truer to the Portis Novel

The Coen Brothers"€™ devotion to odd vernaculars has contributed to their haphazard box-office track record. Audiences immediately cottoned to Fargo's "€œYou betcha"€ Minnesota accents and almost as quickly to George ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Nixing, Transfixing, and Netflixing Headlines THE CASE OF THE NAPPY NAPKIN NAPPING For black women in Houston who need help with unmanageable hair, Erin Mims is the go-to girl for the ghet-to gal. As ...

Bill Whatcott

Canada’s Kooky Christian Crusader

I hated guys like Bill Whatcott when I was pro-choice, and I hate them more now that I’m not. For whatever reason, I don’t play nicely with picketers on either side of anything (photographic proof!); maybe my pregnant ...

Johnny Depp

Johnny on the Spot

No doubt it is evidence of my dissociation from much of modern life, but until the recent libel trials I did not really know who Johnny Depp was and had never heard of Amber Heard. I did not know what they did for a living, ...

Autumn of the Game

September means football, in high school, in prep school, and, of course, where it all began, in college. There is nothing that evokes F. Scott Fitzgerald times more than a crisp autumn Saturday afternoon, a marching band, ...

Hagia Sophia

It’s Time to Check Neo-Ottomanism

While the United States and China are locked in a new cold war that looks destined to shape the course of international politics for years to come, another, more regional power has become increasingly belligerent. Turkey ...

How the Tea Party Sunk Itself

The Tea Party emerged about a year after I first got interested in libertarian politics, and I was proud to see people protesting against taxation and supporting individual freedom. They seemed committed to a vision of how ...

General Eric Shinseki

Iraq: Ten Years After

It's been ten years since the Iraq War was launched. Back then, a few prominent individuals endeavored to thwart what is perhaps the greatest strategic mistake in United States history. Each stood against a country that was ...

Cobbe portrait of William Shakespeare

All the World on Stage

Henceforth, apparently, the major theaters of Dublin are, as a matter of principle, to commission at least half their new plays from women. At least half of the characters in the plays, and the directors too, will be women. ...

Rough Cobalt

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Malicious, Flagitious, and Unpropitious Headlines HAMBURGLARS AND FLIMFLAMBURGLARS There have been many theories bandied about in recent months to explain the current explosion in violent crime hitting ...

Has the Day of the Nationalists Come?

A week from today, Europeans may be able to gauge how high the tide of populism and nationalism has risen within their countries and on their continent. For all the returns will be in from three days of elections in the ...


A Matter of Respect

Nature, which we are taught to revere and which in Europe is relatively benign, can nevertheless sometimes be a bit of a nuisance. For example, when I returned to my house in the country after an absence of a few months, I ...

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