The Decommissioning of White, Heterosexual British Men

On March 3, a 33-year-old woman named Sarah Everard left her friend’s house in Clapham, London, at around 9 p.m. It would not be strictly accurate to say she was never seen again. She very much was, albeit cut into ...

Stimu-liars and the Stimu-lies They Tell

In the abstract world of economic thought, certain abstract thinkers have come upon the idea that “stimulus” spending will cure what ails you.  This pleasant bromide seems to have originated in the widely held ...

Stay the Piste!

Gstaad—Once upon a time, clergymen saw mountain peaks as natural steeples leading them ever closer to God. Doctors considered the mountains the best medicine for tuberculosis, while explorers saw them as rocks never ...

Anthony Mundine

Stoking the Fire

Australian Anthony Mundine is a world champion boxer. Before his move to boxing in 2000, he was one of the most prolific NRL players in the country. He maintains an extensive property portfolio, and currently has a net ...

Julius Henry

Come Back, Groucho

Rodney Dangerfield was the American Benny Hill, lewd, funny, and not exactly politically correct where the weaker sex was concerned. In America today there is no room for Rodney’s or Benny’s shenanigans, and leering at ...

Klaus Schwab


NEW YORK—Alexandra rang me from London to inquire about a man by the name of Klaus Schwab: “He sounds like the greatest threat of our time, should I be worried?” Nah, I answered, he’s just another smooth-talking ...

Crying Shame

It is difficult to tell the difference these days between what is the serious and the spoof. For example, I came across this recently, an article in the student magazine of University College, London: The benefits of a good ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Cradling, Ladling, and Dreideling Headlines INDIGENOUS INDIGNITIES Last week was a bad one for fake Injuns. First there was Lewis Rath, an emaciated vegan hipster artist who’d been selling handcrafted ...

Nowhereland: The Financial Now?

The announcement was printed with little fanfare. On Feb. 1, 2013, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) exceeded its precrisis high point of $13,903.01, hitting $14,054.49. The news didn"€™t excite many since it had ...

Your Parents Are Weird

During this cozy holiday season it’s worth taking a step back from the football game and having a good hard stare at the baby boomers who made you. What is with these people? They live in giant McMansions but make ...

League of Acceptable Nations

In his recent syndicated column "€œA U.N. for the good guys,"€ Jonah Goldberg evokes the mindset of seventeenth-century puritanism. This is entirely understandable. Much of what the American left teaches, including its ...

The Resurrection of English Murder

George Orwell was the first to mourn the decline of English murder. In his famous 1946 essay he lamented that modern forensic medicine and the easing of divorce meant there would be no more husband-poisoners like Mrs. ...

Panjshir, Afghanistan

History Lessons

“History teaches us no lessons but we insist on trying to learn from it.” That’s the first sentence of a Spectator review of John Bew’s admirable biography of Clement Attlee, Labour’s most successful prime ...

Bernie and Ruth Madoff

The Disgusting Ones

NEW YORK—According to Virgil, Libyans are “a people rude in peace and rough in war.” The old boy wrote this a couple thousand years ago, so we have to give him some slack. He was obviously not speaking about the ...

Did the Brothers Tsarnaev Fail?

“Whatever they thought they could ultimately achieve, they’ve already failed,” says President Obama of the Boston Marathon bombers. “They failed because the people of Boston refused to be ...

Whose Country Is It, Anyway?

For the third straight year, the median income of the typical American family fell in 2010. Adjusted for inflation, it is back where it was in 1996, the longest period of zero growth since the Depression. And the poverty ...

Revenge of the Village People

GSTAAD—It was far, far worse than the Rodney King El Lay riots of twenty years ago, and it made the London summer fires of 2011 look like a kindergarten’s Guy Fawkes party. This was our Kristallnacht, and then ...

Emperor Quianglong

Chinese Tribulations

The totalitarian nightmare of a prophylactic society is blurred by the stampede of spring. After 52 days of harsh house arrest, last Monday bars and restaurants opened in half of Spain (the other half still awaits the ...

At Face Value

I noticed a very pretty girl sitting not far from me on a bus ride of about 45 minutes last week. Soon after the bus departed, she took out her makeup and spent about thirty minutes making herself up. No great artist could ...

GOP Moves To Save Biden: We Want Amnesty, Too!

President Joe Biden’s immigration bill will put virtually all illegal immigrants on a bullet train to citizenship, provided that they meet the onerous requirement of claiming to have entered the country before Jan. 1, ...

Is it Jaw-Jaw or War With Iran?

"Jaw-jaw is better than war-war," is attributed, wrongly, say some historians, to Winston Churchill. Still, the words lately came to mind. While last week ended with a hopeful U.S.-Iranian prisoner exchange that was hailed ...

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