No Kids Allowed

I"€™ve oft complained about the infantilization of American adults, but something strange is happening. We"€™re going from "€œComic books aren"€™t just for kids anymore"€ to "€œComic books are not for kids ...

The Coulter Effect

Immigration, with its bumptious reality of comically mercenary fraud covered up by pious cant, provides Ann Coulter with the best topic of her career in ¡Adios, America! The quantity of humbug emitted about the sacredness ...

The War on Women Is Real

The "€œWar on Women"€ is a term usually used to describe Republican policies and their effects on the fairer sex. The right denies such a thing exists, but let's stop kidding ourselves. Going back over the past half ...

Scripps College graduates

The Cult of Microaggressions

While reading up a couple of weeks ago on the Oberlin College KKK fiasco, I became fascinated by the various Web pages at colleges such as Oberlin, Smith, Scripps, and similar advanced, lesbian-heavy institutions for the ...

Wakanda Blockbuster Is This?

Stalin famously had a buzzer installed to let his sweating henchmen know when it was finally safe to stop applauding the Great Leader without fear of being sent to the Gulag. In this era when it’s nearly mandatory to ...

Thor Losers

Last week was a trifecta for Cultural Marxism in the comic-book world. Archie Andrews was shot to death trying to protect a gay senator, Captain America became black, and the Mighty Thor had a sex change. Archie Andrews, ...

The author at the Atlanta, GA Donald Trump rally

Mr. Trump’s Economic Nationalism

Yesterday I saw Donald Trump speak live at a rally in downtown Atlanta, and I stand here before God and man to report that not once did he mention the topic of race. This is disconcerting for multiple reasons, not least ...

A Deadly Strain of PMS

You know that one time a month when you"€™re arguing with a lady friend and she says something that makes your neck recoil in confusion? You"€™ll stop the fight for a second and think to yourself, "€œThat doesn"€™t ...

Cry, Losers, Cry

The morning after Donald Trump won the election, breakfast tasted better than it had in years. It was unseasonably warm for November, and I was seated at an outside table at a Brooklyn restaurant as a woman stomped by on ...


Hillary Clinton’s Cold, Cold Womb

I don"€™t hate women"€”at least not all of them. But I hate a certain kind of woman, a kind that is depressingly prevalent yet woefully unacknowledged for fear of appearing "€œsexist."€ I mean the kind of woman ...

Hogwarts School

Hogwash 101

American academia markets itself as progressive if not downright radical. For example, here's a self-description by an assistant professor of Critical Identity Studies at Beloit College: She intervenes in popular visual ...

Since When Are Egyptians Not White?

I don"€™t care what color the ancient Egyptians were, but then again, I"€™m not an Afrocentrist. But if one day in the distant future after a series of debilitating strokes I were to become an Afrocentrist, it would be ...

Hair Hysteria

Last week, the prestige press decided that it was National News that a 12-year-old black girl in the D.C. suburbs had come home with some of her rather unflattering dreadlocks cut off. When her grandmother asked what had ...

Brittany Covington, Jordan Hill, Tanishia Covington, Tesfaye Cooper

Kids Make Stupid Decisions

It is with a perverse sort of glee that I can announce we"€™ve finally found a violent anti-white attack where the media and law can no longer deny it was motivated by anti-white hatred. I find it severely depressing ...

Kitty Genovese

Kitty Genovese: The Global Warming of Crime

Through malice or incompetence, they"€™ve gotten a lot wrong"€”from Stalin's famine to the date of the moon landing"€”but factor out anything under Jayson Blair's byline, and this famous lede likely holds the New York ...

The Basis of a Real Conversation

Of all the comments I read during the brouhaha over my April 5th Taki's Mag column, one in particular stuck in my mind. I forgot to bookmark it and can’t recall where I read it, so I’m working from memory here. ...

The White Guilt Educational Complex

In celebration of Black History Month, the entire student population of a Virginia high school was assembled together in early February and forced to endure the collective guilt-whipping of a four-minute cartoon called ...

Bill Cosby

America’s Rapist Dad

Bill Cosby is the first black person that I ever remember my family liking. Then again, it's not as if we knew any black people personally. Even though Cosby and I grew up a mere 10 miles from one another"€”me in a brick ...

Gettysburg College

Let the Colleges Die

At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.” Christensen appears to be ...

Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau

Holmes or Clouseau? Who Cares”€”Trump Wins Again

There's a scene in the 1976 film The Pink Panther Strikes Again in which the nations of the world send their top assassins to eliminate Inspector Clouseau. One by one the assassins take their best shot, and time and again ...

Nous sommes tous des Français

The attack in France will likely empower fringe groups like the Front National and UKIP, but I don"€™t care about skinheads, even when they"€™re right. I don"€™t even care about terrorists. We always focus on the ...

The End of Gentrification

What happens to America’s big blue cities when The Establishment switches sides from the cops to the blacks? Our elites appear intent on trying that experiment once again, although we have been through a couple of highly ...

But Is It Good for the Gays?

Young Jewish Man: "€œIs there a proper blessing for the Czar?"€ Rabbi: "€œA blessing for the Czar? Of course! May God bless and keep the Czar… far away from us!"€ Fiddler on the Roof As Enoch Powell noted, ...

John Deasy

The Education-Industrial Complex

During the Vietnam War, a famous protest bumper sticker read: It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber. But these days, spending on ...

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