Being Dishonest About Abe
In what may be described as the Dell comic-book version of "the Civil War's true beginning," Allen C. Guelzo, seated as Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era at Gettysburg College (I"ll bet my hat that ...
In what may be described as the Dell comic-book version of "the Civil War's true beginning," Allen C. Guelzo, seated as Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era at Gettysburg College (I"ll bet my hat that ...
2015 may be the last year when Americans think of Washington, D.C., as a safe city. Last June, a video of a brutal beating between two black men on the city's Metro line went viral. One month later, on July 4, a young ...
Senate Republicans should offer to convict Donald Trump in return for Democrats agreeing to fund the wall. Trump is not going to run again anyway. In four years, he will be as viable a presidential candidate as Hillary was ...
German historian Wolfgang Schivelbusch published a far-ranging 2003 study on the culture of defeated nations that focuses on three cases: the American South after the Civil War, the French after their defeat in the ...
Interviewed recently about COVID-19, a subject on which I am now, like only 1,500,000,000 others in the world, an expert, I was asked as a last question whether I thought that any good would come of it. I am afraid I was ...
Apparently, I’m not controversial enough. So get your teeth into this: Communism did some good. Not the starvation, massacres, and bad plumbing. Nor the chronically dysfunctional art. Admittedly not the architecture. ...
Like a bolt of lightning, that call of congratulations from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen to President-elect Donald Trump illuminated the Asian landscape. We can see clearly now the profit and loss statement from more than ...
GSTAAD—The snows came tumbling down just as the camel drivers headed back to the Gulf. In fact, they never saw the white outdoor stuff. And a good thing it was, too. The outdoor stuff makes everything look so pretty, the ...
Last Wednesday, Sen. Rand Paul rose on the Senate floor to declare a filibuster and pledge he would not sit down until either he could speak no longer or got an answer to his question about Barack Obama’s war ...
Life is full of irritations, major and minor. One of the minor irritations is the activity of the Sock Fairy, the sprite who seems to inhabit all washing machines, at least all that I have ever owned. However careful I am ...
The desperately blue-balled men in the remote jungle village of Barbacoas, Colombia, can breathe a collective sigh of relief—a 112-day “sex strike” that local women had imposed on them has been lifted after ...
“It is old custom that enables people to live together peaceably; the destroyers of custom demolish more than they know or desire.” —Russell Kirk On Dec. 6, four Republican congressmen sent a letter to U.S. attorney ...
When the after-action report on the current pandemic is being prepared, I'm going to ask the guy with the notepad to write down: "China" and "globalists." Those words won't be on Trump's list. He can't stop gushing about ...
If Joe Biden loses on Nov. 3, public interest in whether his son Hunter exploited the family name to rake in millions of dollars from foreign donors will likely fade away. It will not matter, and no one will care. But if ...
The Week's Most Notorious, Censorious, and Vainglorious Headlines THOUGHT CRIMES IN BUDAPEST To hear the castrated voices of the sold-out-to-globalists Western press tell it, Hungary is a viper's nest of ...
There were some 50,000 casualties in the three-day Battle of Gettysburg, more than 8,000 killed, more than 25,000 wounded, many of whom subsequently died, others missing or taken prisoner. (The figures for the Union side ...
The Week’s Most Abjectioning, Electioning, and Insurrectioning Headlines CUNNING STUNTS Last week’s election provided many fine opportunities for schadenfreude. Ibram X. Kendi might have to change his name again ...
GSTAAD—The man in the white suit is not exactly a matinee idol around these parts. The mauvaises langues have it that the rich fear him more than the poor because they have more to lose. I’m not so sure, although it ...
According to a recent survey, more than half of child and adolescent psychiatrists in Britain report having been consulted by young patients distressed about climate change and the state of the environment. The alleged ...
The Week’s Most Pensive, Offensive, and Hypertensive Headlines GAY MAFIA HOBBLES “BAD BOY OF BALLET” Ukrainian-born Sergei Polunin is considered one of the world’s finest ballet dancers despite the fact that he ...
There is a lot of misery in the world, it would be useless to deny it. The description of the world as a vale of tears surely conveys something to every one of us. And yet, all things considered, it could be worse, even ...
In this Darwinian age, it has become popular for thinkers to try to dream up the evolutionary mechanisms behind vast, fuzzy phenomena such as art. I don"t have a particularly strong opinion on whether natural selection ...
Growing older is an odd experience made stranger by knowing things which should be familiar to everyone but that hardly anyone knows. This is brought to mind when the topic of Marilyn Monroe comes to the fore. It would have ...
The Electoral College has spoken, and it's full steam ahead for President-to-be Trump. Many foreigners"and I daresay a number of Americans too"are puzzled by the Electoral College and its survival into modern times. ...