Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

During an Iowa town hall last week, "Beto" O'Rourke, who had pledged to raise the level of national discourse, depicted President Donald Trump's rhetoric as right out of Nazi Germany. Trump "describes immigrants as ...

Citadel of Aleppo, Syria

Syria: Their War, Not Ours

The debacle that is U.S. Syria policy is today on naked display. NATO ally Turkey and U.S.-backed Arab rebels this weekend attacked our most effective allies against ISIS, the Syrian Kurds. Earlier in August, U.S. planes ...

Lisa Lampanelli

Hysteria Reconsidered: Are Women (Finally) Funny?

My best friend in high school and I communicated almost entirely in catchphrases from Monty Python’s Flying Circus and SCTV. While not a comedy nerd like me—if Mel Brooks was a scheduled guest on Dinah Shore, I feigned ...

Waste of Ink

There are no sheep more ovine than those who get themselves tattooed in order to individuate themselves. Judging by the statistics, such sheeplike behavior is becoming more and more common. I still remember the good old ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Flailing, Bewailing, and Smooth-Sailing Headlines WACKY IRAQI HAS A FEW SCREWS LOOSE(IFER) It’s hard to believe that London was once a city in which the greatest risk its inhabitants faced was insomnia ...

You People Need to Get Nekkid

NEW YORK—Somebody finally found a decent explanation for why people under 30 are so goldurn grumpy. They’re not having sex. Kate Julian, a senior editor at The Atlantic, laid it all out in a December article ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Craving, Slaving, and Heat-Waving Headlines GIVING BLACKS THE BIG BIRD Over the years, Sesame Street has pandered to the “diversity and inclusion” crowd with numerous episodes aimed at black kids. ...

Silvio Berlusconi and Muammar Gaddafi

The Rude Multitude

Macbeth knew what would be coming to him once his domestic enemies had the upper hand. He decided to go down fighting. I will not yield, To kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet, And to be baited with the ...

Quarantine Game! The Kim Jong Joe Plan

We're all going crazy and running out of things to do during this endless shutdown. We've painted the dog, counted pavers in the backyard, and rearranged the spice rack alphabetically and also by color. What we really need ...

Mary Neal

Mary Neal Lives On

While researching a book recently, I came across the figure of Max Plowman, a minor writer of the 1910s, ’20s, ’30s, and very early ’40s (he died in 1941). His name rang with me the very faintest of bells, though I ...

Are Globalists Plotting a Counter-Revolution?

On meeting with the EU’s Jean-Claude Juncker last month, Donald Trump tweeted: “Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be Free Market and Fair Trade.” Did ...

How Dare You Volunteer!

In the days of my childhood, there was a peculiar annual cricket match called Gentlemen vs. Players. The Gentlemen were cricketers who played at the highest level but who were unpaid for doing so, they being well-born and ...

Liberated for Loneliness

“We fall in love so as not to get sick,” wrote Sigmund Freud. It is a brilliant sentence, and an apt example of why the insightful thinker remains well worth reading even though he is full of loony ideas and fabricated ...

Martin McGuinness

A Complicated Eulogy

It would have been a surprise if the obituaries of Martin McGuinness, chief of staff of the Provisional IRA and subsequently a key figure in the peace process and then deputy first minister of Northern Ireland, hadn"€™t ...

Last Hurrah of Nixon’s ‘New Majority’?

Looking back all the way to America’s Civil War, there have been three dominant presidential coalitions. The first was Abraham Lincoln’s. With his war to restore the Union and his martyrdom, Lincoln inaugurated ...

Bernie is Still Trump’s Nightmare

The Democrats' sudden discovery of 77-year-old eminence grise Joe Biden has the electric feeling of Republicans settling on George H.W. Bush in 1992. (The Iowa Republican Party actually canceled the caucuses that year so as ...

Scott Rosendall

Today I Settle All Family Business

As this week’s column will run on the final day of the year, I thought I’d break format and do something a little different. People often ask me, “Dave, where do you get your story ideas?” Why, from my Mossad ...

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, It’s US vs. China Now

At first glance, it would appear that five months of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong had produced a stunning triumph. By September, the proposal of city leader Carrie Lam that ignited the protests -- to allow criminal ...

Valentina Tereshkova

The End of Manned Space Flight

Somewhere in the London Daily Mirror's billionfold archives is a photograph taken in February 1964 and published in that estimable newspaper of a small but enthusiastic crowd of Londoners on the Soviet Embassy's grounds in ...

Neville Chamberlain

Harris Takes On ‘Munich’

The other evening I chaired an event in Edinburgh at which Robert Harris was introducing his splendid new novel, Munich. It’s sure to be a best-seller, deservedly, and Harris has reached a rare and enviable position in ...

The Intersectional Elephant

Last week I revisited a 2019 column of mine titled “Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?” The gist of that piece was that the right is trying to fight antiwhite racism without calling it what it is. In last ...

Right, But Doomed

Jim Goad, in his comments about the "€œFear of an Erudite White,"€ says just about everything I could have said about Jared Taylor and his new book, which I"€™m still reading with increasing admiration for its ...

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