Rise of the Victim Conquerors

As Sweden crumbles under the weight of an unassimilable minority, as the Swedish foreign minister claims that her country is facing collapse due to a flood of refugees, my thoughts flash back to 1998, and a lengthy, ...

Feminism Is Ruining Women’s Soccer

"€œEqual pay for equal work should be a fundamental principle of our economy,"€ bellowed President Obama on Tuesday while commemorating Equal Pay Day. "€œIt's the idea that whether you"€™re a high school teacher, a ...

Fidel Castro - Uzbekistan, 1963

Castro’s Utopian Hellhole

Fidel Castro is dead, so that's cool. Born to wealth and privilege and educated in exclusive private schools"€”which seems to be the case with all communist fanatics I"€™ve ever heard of or have had the supreme ...

Hugh Hefner

A Lust for Lolitas

She was an atheist and I’m a (half-assed) Catholic, so neither one of us is supposed to believe in karma. But I like to think that just before a thieving employee hacked her to pieces, that cuntish human toothache ...


The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Insane, Profane, and Inhumane Headlines THE DELUSION THAT MISTOOK ITSELF FOR A DREAM Commemorating the half-century since MLK’s 1963 March on Washington and “I Have a Dream” speech ...

Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles

40 Acres and a Mall

Sometimes you chase the story, and sometimes the story chases you. Two weeks ago I’m walkin’ through Century City, the business, residential, and dining district adjoining Beverly Hills. This is familiar territory to ...

Urinating on the Taliban: Where Are They Now?

Justin Ropke is dead. He was an Afghanistan war vet who got addicted to heroin and"€”like pretty much everyone who enjoys that drug"€”he OD"€™d. I know of him because he was allegedly involved in the "€œurinating on ...

Why the Beltway Libertarians Are Trying to Smear Ron Paul

The hysteria that is energizing the campaign to smear Ron Paul and his supporters as "€œracist"€ is reaching a crescendo of viciousness, as the Beltway "€œlibertarian"€ crowd revs up its motors for a righteous ...

Joseph Caillaux

World War I

By the time August rolls around there will be hundreds of books, thousands of articles, and millions of words spoken by mostly pompous people about who was responsible for starting World War I. The Brits were the first off ...

Six Hours With a Hasid

Though Malaysia Airlines flights have a tendency to get lost, American Airlines is infinitely reliable, and the business class on their new A319s feels like you"€™re sitting in God's vagina. Unfortunately, it also means ...

Scenes From a Nashville Convenience Store

I didn"€™t expect to see so many derelicts in Music City USA. I thought the home of country music would be a little more...country? Last week I fled the Atlanta metro area to spend three days in Nashville for my ...

Sasha and Malia Obama

10 Things I’ve Noticed About Americans

I’ve always said that Hasidim and extremist Muslims need to forget about their differences and focus on what they have in common: body odor and misogyny. But I’ve lived all over the world and our differences are far ...

Dark Thoughts

"€œNever darken my door again"€ was the standard Victorian parting shot to a person you wanted to be rid of. (It was adjusted in one of Bridget Jones’s diaries to: “Never darken my towels again.”) ...

Turning a Blind Eye

"€œAfter celebrating the 70th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in April, baseball was just reminded of how far it still has to go,"€ claims the Huffington Post after Baltimore Orioles center ...

President Barack Obama

A Small World

Six years after he was first elected President of the United States, Barack Obama remains something of an enigma to the public he presides over. Ironically, this isn"€™t due to the President being particularly reticent ...

Mezhyhirya, Ukraine

The Wisdom of a Ukrainian Plumber

Just before the current troubles in Ukraine began, we called a plumber to our rented flat in Paris, which smelled of mold at the time. He was Ukrainian. He told us why he had left his native country a few years before: ...

Mexplaining Mexican Pride

The most feral and violent contingent of anti-Trump protestors appears to consist of unabashed Mexican supremacists falsely accusing Trump of being a white supremacist. They are so irreparably dim that they appear to ...

Los Angeles

Brown and Out in Beverly Hills

Leftists advance incrementally. Their template is as simple as it is predictable: Ask for a little, and swear that the demands will end there. Most regular folks will give in because decent people generally seek compromise. ...

The Nazi Kid From Brooklyn

History must always be remembered, except when it shouldn"€™t. No one will ever claim that adage, but many people adhere to it, one way or another. Pity the person with a history that disturbs a popular narrative. In the ...

Dubai, UAE

What the Middle East Really Needs

If I hear or read one more American hack mentioning the word “democracy” regarding Egypt and the Middle East, I swear on Joe Biden’s hair-implanted head that I shall go in front of the Capitol and commit ...

The Bonfire of the Insanities

White elites are currently fantasizing that they can use the People of Color mob of young looters to overthrow Trump, somewhat like in Georgia in 2003 and Ukraine in 2014. Serious people in Washington and New York take ...

Donald Trump

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Obsructionist, Reductionist, and Deconstructionist Headlines TRUMP BITCH-SLAPS MEDIA AT PRESS CONFERENCE Donald Julius Caesar Trump"€”who becomes President of the United States on Friday"€”took the ...

The Coulter Effect

Immigration, with its bumptious reality of comically mercenary fraud covered up by pious cant, provides Ann Coulter with the best topic of her career in ¡Adios, America! The quantity of humbug emitted about the sacredness ...

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