Guess Which Country

It is dangerous to stereotype nationalities without seeming to be an imperialist pig. However, some international news stories require no dateline for one to know immediately where they occurred. Lying in bed in the ...


This Land Is (Not) Your Land

“Buy land,” Mark Twain advised. “They’re not making it anymore.” Perhaps Bill Gates has been reading the American author, as he recently became the largest private owner of farmland in America, quite a retirement ...

In the Navy!”€”With Gobs of Seamen!

Guess what"€”many gays aren"€™t offended at all by the scandalous USS Enterprise video.  On the contrary, one LGBT website ("€œThe Site with Homosexual Tendencies"€) has these comments: "€œThe video is ...

Old Remedies for the New Age

While the great powers compete to invent the first vaccine against the new plague (there is more rivalry than in the boring space race for the first settler on Mars), making massive trials on human guinea pigs, I pay ...

Man Men

Mad Men, the upscale drama about an early 1960s Madison Avenue advertising agency, is a sort of Brideshead Revisited for heterosexual American grown-ups. For Baby Boomers, it's hard to watch Mad Men without enviously ...

Unwelcome Addition

Absurdity is nothing new in human affairs, but it seems to be increasingly predominant in Western society since the vast expansion of tertiary education. Frequently one does not know whether to sit down because of the ...

Muammar Gaddafi

Peaceful Globalists Expedite Libyan Dictator’s Murder

The two big books of the moment are Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (which I reviewed in the November issue of The American Conservative) and Pat Buchanan’s Suicide of ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Preening, Queening, and Juneteening Headlines INSERT BLACK PERSON HERE An odd theme running through last week’s news involved retroactively inserting black people where they’d not previously been. ...

missing asset:[2].jpg

The Government v. Everyone

Thursday marked 220 years since the Bill of Rights was signed. As tribute, the US government fed the Bill of Rights through a paper shredder. This week they shoved forward two bills that would neuter the constitution. Then, ...

Barney Frank

Drugs Are Not the Answer

The bumbling croak of former congressman Barney Frank should have been put out to pasture long ago. Frank retired in January 2013, but he is still solicited to mouth off his opinion in the media"€”for what reason, I have ...

Drunk and Talking About Gays With a Christian

The first thing I think when I meet smart, rational Christians is, "€œfags."€ How can anyone say being gay is something over which we have any control? The idea of a gay man being "€œcured"€ and eagerly sinking ...

Roger Waters

Mr. Waters, Tear Down Your Own Wall!

I watched Pink Floyd's trippy rock opera The Wall on VHS at least a dozen times as a kid. So when I heard that Roger Waters was dragging The Wall Live stage show out of the 1980s and bringing it to Atlanta last month, I had ...

Lindsay Lohan

The Wrath of Sandy

NEW YORK—Trains and buses have shut down, people have been evacuated from eastern New Jersey and the southern tip of Manhattan, and as of this writing Hurricane Sandy has hit and hit hard. Sixty-five million residents in ...

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Museum Mile Musings

This is a good time to be in Manhattan. The weather’s perfect, the park and foliage are still green, and daylight saving time keeps the days long. New York used to be able to build these beautiful cities-within-a-city, ...

As White Collars Fade to Blue

Our church recently held a graduation ceremony for our high-school seniors, who stood in front of the congregation and talked about their dreams and plans. The one who struck me most was the young man, already father of a ...

Church of Saint Sava, Belgrade

Ratko Mladić and the Ghosts of History

After hitting the skids a few years ago, I moved to Serbia. Hell, it was fun. Belgrade had been bombed in ’99. The laser-guided ordnance was so accurate it could follow streets. The Serbs set up rooftop barbecues and ...

What Will Be the New American Cause?

After the Great Pandemic has passed and we emerge from Great Depression II, what will be America's mission in the world? What will be America's cause? We have been at such a turning point before. After World War II, ...

Chicago, Illinois

The Left Has Killed Our Great Cities

Mark down Tuesday, April 4, as the night Chicago died. That's when we learned that Second City voters narrowly elected Brandon Johnson as their next mayor. This is a city that was flattened during the reign of Mayor Lori ...

Brendan Gleeson

The Guard: Prejudice and Xenophobia Can Be Fun!

Perhaps no movie this year generates more concussive laughter from audiences than The Guard. This low-budget, highbrow Irish comedy stars redheaded character actor Brendan Gleeson as a small-town cop in County Galway in the ...

Unserious Nation

How stands John Winthrop’s “city upon a hill” this Thanksgiving? How stands the country that was to be “a light unto the nations”? To those who look to cable TV for news, the answer must at the ...

Greece Is the Word

I’ve stayed far away from the new barbarians with their choppers, tanklike cars, home theaters on board, and fridge-shaped superyachts that terrorize sea life. In fact, dolphins escorted us into Kyparissi, a tiny village ...

American Driving in 2021: Reckless and Wreckful

Evidence continues to pile up that the twin historic disasters of 2020—the dreaded Covid pandemic and the celebrated racial reckoning—have left Americans crazier and lazier. Last week, I reported that my tabulation of ...

Muammar Gaddafi

Gaddafi’s Bitter (and Sore) End

Being a dictator must be an amazing intoxicant. Given the choice between keeping his throne or living a life of lavish luxury in exile, Muammar Gaddafi chose to stay “in power” and live like a rat. When discovered, he ...

George Bush Jr and George Bush Sr.

Who Killed the New Majority?

The Republican National Committee has produced an “autopsy” on what went wrong in 2012, when the party failed to win the White House and lost seats in Congress. Yet, the crisis of the Grand Old Party goes back ...

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