Sarah SIlverman

The Media and Relevance: A Slow Fade-Out

There was something deeply satisfying about watching Sunday's Academy Awards show end in unmitigated disaster. It was the perfect capper to a very bad year for our beloved Hollywood elites. Trump's victory, Hillary's ...

The Death of Discussion

Remember Monty Python's "€œArgument Clinic,"€ where Michael Palin is trying to procure an argument from John Cleese? Palin is frustrated that Cleese won"€™t move past contradictions. He insists a true argument is ...

Amy Chua

Eye of the Tiger People

I suppose it would be impolite"€”vulgar, even"€”to refer to Amy Chua as a cunt, but it seems like the most apt descriptor for her. She is best known for her 2011 book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which I ...

Protecting Everyone From Themselves

Of recent years I have noticed something rather peculiar about hotels. Nowadays they treat their guests as if they were all potential suicides: that is to say, as if their first thought on arrival in their rooms was to jump ...

Flag of the Bikini Atoll


Last week, The Washington Post and the AP uncovered a racist scandal of international proportions involving that most sinister of beverages, the preferred drink of Archie Bunkers and Al Bundys worldwide: beer. See, ...

What Black Lives Matter Says About White People

It’s impossible to convince people that the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is an opinion rather than a fact in a world that long ago forgot the difference between opinions and facts. To me, very few lives matter—mine, ...

Frances McDormand

Trophy Wife

Moments after actress Frances McDormand employed her victory speech at the Academy Awards to demand diversity quotas in moviemaking, she was taught a lesson in diversity, good and hard, when her brand-new Oscar was stolen ...

Identity Stalinism

The media’s latest Days of Rage, in which a white boy drove the national press into a frenzy by smiling at the leftist Person of Color banging a drum in his face, was like a greatest-hits collection of my old ...

SPLC Headquarters, Montgomery, AL

Morris Dees’ Mesoaggressions

It was a bad week for polite society’s most respectable conspiracy theories, with the debunking of the Trump-Putin collusion allegation and more implosions among the conspiracy-theory-mongers at the Southern Poverty Law ...

Let’s Not Let Boys Be Boys

As Michael Moore so aptly pointed out in Bowling for Columbine, the root of the American dilemma lies deep within the American psyche. We are a machismo-addled culture where bullies are rewarded and “wimps” get ...

Cam Newton

It’s Because He’s Black, Isn”€™t It?

Superstar NFL quarterback Cam Newton is black, and even though many people loudly insist that shouldn’t matter, it is precisely those people who are always making a preposterously huge deal of it. Chief among these ...

Donald Trump: The First Jewish President?

Trump’s barely been in office a year and a half, but already his presidency has been analyzed to death, with every new diagnosis contradicting the last. Trump’s a “4D chess master!” No, he’s a charlatan ill-suited ...

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Moneyball for Real Estate

Where's the best place to move for your children's sake? For several years now, a Harvard Big Data project has been crunching confidential IRS numbers to discover the enduring secrets of why some parts of the country ...

Softly Wiping the Chalk From the Blackboard

The 15th annual White Privilege Conference ended on Saturday in Madison, WI. As is usually the case with the locales for such public displays of white ethnomasochism, Madison’s quotient of blacks is roughly half the ...

The Left Goes Ballistic

At a ceremony for some of the various policemen recently shot by his fellow Black Lives Matter advocates, President Barack Obama described the postapocalyptic hellscape of gun violence that is America today:We flood ...

Hatfield Clan

Revenge of the Yahoos

A fundamental but hugely unacknowledged divide in America is the intergalactically large chasm between urban and rural culture. The city slickers and the country bumpkins might as well live on different planets. Last ...

A Timeline of Hate on Campus

Finally, after at least a decade of white supremacy on campus, students of all colors are breaking free and screaming, "€œWE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS!"€ It took a lot of racism to ignite the unwashed masses ...

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris known as Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier: Liar, Cheat, Thief, and Plagiarist

Some time ago, I was asked to review a vast biography of Bertolt Brecht, the German playwright and poet, by an admirer of his work. It is seldom that one reads hundreds of pages about someone without coming across a single ...

Pepe the Frog

Getting the Alt-Right Wrong

Last Thursday in Reno, presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton took a brief break from coughing up lesbian fur balls and practicing urban dance moves in order to introduce an unsuspecting American populace to the ...

How to Fly in Comfort

About 44.3 million Americans are going to be flying this holiday season, which is a million more than last year. This is ironic because flying becomes about a million times worse every year. Here are ten ways to make it ...

“€œThey Was Scaring Me”€

If there is any justice in the world, Ricky Javon Gray has only six weeks left to live. On New Year's Day 2006, Gray and an accomplice tortured and murdered an entire family in Richmond, Va. Bryan Harvey, 49 years old, a ...

Benjamin Franklin

Living Large No Longer

Just as the 21st century has witnessed the paradox of the rhetoric of white privilege and the reality of white death, we"€™ve also seen increasing black privilege, but with the benefits flowing mostly to the whitest of ...

Geena Davis

What Women Want

When you take into account the entire world, feminists have a point about 80% of the time. The other 20% is where things get unreasonable, especially here in America. If feminism were a month, it would be rational for about ...

Brian Banks

Yes, Women Can Lie

If I were Brian Banks, I’d be obsessed with trying to figure out when and how I pissed off a gypsy. Because seriously, what else but a gypsy curse can explain this guy’s life? Brian Banks was a young man with a ...

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