Off Guard
I would make a very bad bodyguard—not that it has ever been my ambition to be one. I would be useless not merely because I am incapable of fighting, but because I am not suspicious (and therefore vigilant) enough. ...
I would make a very bad bodyguard—not that it has ever been my ambition to be one. I would be useless not merely because I am incapable of fighting, but because I am not suspicious (and therefore vigilant) enough. ...
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." This was the nightmare of Ben Franklin. Yet, with passage this spring of a $4 trillion bailout of an economy facing ...
As everyone knows, journalists tend to take themselves seriously, and American journalists in particular, very, very, very seriously. Dan Rather was such a man, and I use the past tense because although he’s still very ...
The 2010s saw a right-wing satire boom. Many of the brightest minds in comedy either revealed themselves to be on the right or moved there. More importantly, conservative ideas took over social media from the ground up in ...
"You write novels. I can"t do that. I can only do this sort of thing," she said, meaning her just-published memoirs. Margaret Thatcher knew the potency of flattery, knew how to appeal to male vanity. Naturally I ...
Like The New York Times and other leading liberal newspapers, The Philadelphia Inquirer frequently publishes articles which seek to persuade readers that criminals are really victims, and that, therefore, what they deserve ...
Amid the media's 24/7 UKRAINE UPDATES, perhaps some enterprising journalist could write an article explaining how our esteem for that country's borders benefits a single American -- other than President Joe Biden. Our own ...
They played "The Internationale" at Wednesday's funeral of Eric Hobsbawm, Britain's "greatest historian." No one took offense. Indeed, all felt uplifted. The mourners at the crematorium in Golders Green, ...
The backstage struggle between the Bush interventionists and the America-firsters who first backed Donald Trump for president just exploded into open warfare, which could sunder the Republican Party. At issue is Trump's ...
The Week’s Most Evolving, Absolving, and New Year’s Resolving Headlines KAREN-EYES CODY “Iron-Eyes Cody,” one of the most successful Native American actors in American history, is perhaps best known as the ...
In the face of global hysteria bordering on madness I have to take a deep breath and grit my teeth to humbly offer a few temperate words. I write not in defense of Walter Palmer, Theo Bronkhorst, or Honest Ndlovu (who now ...
The Week's Most Hateful, Fateful, and Ungrateful Headlines EXCEPT FOR THE SEVEN BILLION OF US WHO AREN"T CHARLIE HEBDO, WE ARE ALL CHARLIE HEBDO The news story that dominated all others last week was the massacre at ...
After winning a war of attrition in the primaries, Mitt Romney is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. He is also a presumptive human being. Whereas questions still linger as to whether Barack Obama was born ...
It has long been a source of puzzlement to observers of the American political scene that the American Left has been dominated by the intellectual influence of former Nazis, followers of the (quickly purged) Nazi dissidents ...
ATHENS—I can only sardonically ask whether it was worth it. To be executed after unspeakable torture without giving anything away—and for what? Fat, greedy, avaricious, and very rich Davos Man? Or those ignorant, ...
GSTAAD—While Chekhovian boredom ruled supreme, the loss of my luggage brought instant relief. Anger beats boredom by a mile, especially when mixed with paranoia about a plot against the rich. Let me explain: On Monday, ...
In introducing his new book, Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America, Paul Gottfried identifies a fundamental divide between neoconservatives and the traditional right. The divide is over the question: What is ...
Tom Cruise received a most unpleasant 50th-birthday present: His wife of five years Katie Holmes has filed for divorce. Cruise was apparently blindsided by the news. The tabloids declare that Katie felt her hubby was too ...
If you thought comedy was dead, take a look at the newest Napoleon on the block, the one wearing sandals and a tablecloth on his head and striking a heroic pose with his hairy legs wrapped around a camel’s hump. This ...
The Week’s Most Peddling, Treadling, and Gold-Medaling Headlines ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAAAAAAAAAAN! It was the most blessedly brief “mismatched roommates” sitcom in history: a trillionaire book-burner, his ...
Don’t Loughner me, bro. Remember Jared Loughner? He’s the nutbag who shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and killed (among others) a federal judge and a small child. Loughner was a schizo lost in his own head, his sanity ...
In these alarming days of global quarantine, the question returns of la belle, sweet, and triste Françoise Sagan: “Oh, but do you still travel?” Sagan judged that it was no longer worth traveling for the globalization ...
It is a measure of the stature and the significance of Justice Antonin Scalia that, upon the news of his death at a hunting lodge in Texas, Washington was instantly caught up in an unseemly quarrel over who would succeed ...
The country is experiencing an historic surge in violent crime, and the link between Democratic policies and the crime wave is more firmly established than the law of gravity. Republicans -- are you guys awake? This week, ...