An Uncensored Discussion With a US Soldier

Bobby Seppo is a third generation New Yorker and a US Army Sergeant who has served two terms in Iraq. Though he is technically done his service, he just volunteered to go back and will be leading reserves in Afghanistan by ...

Betty Grable

Book ’Em, Taki

GSTAAD—I’ve been hitting the books rather hard lately, the ritzy-glitzy crowd having gone the way of natural snow. There’s great skiing, they tell me, but it’s man-made white stuff, a bit like going to bed with a ...

Monument of Christopher Columbus, Barcelona

Iconoclastic Protesters

There have always been iconoclastic fanatics throughout history, but today the demolition of statues has become somewhat compulsive. A few demagogic notions of the past are enough (“Learn universal history in five ...

President Barack Obama

Is Obama Shaping a New Majority?

In the 20th century, only two presidents shaped new governing coalitions that outlasted them. They were the only two men to appear on five national tickets. The first was FDR, who rang down the curtain in 1932 on the seven ...

Auto Focus

If I were a Marxist, I might be tempted to say that the obligatory switch to electric cars is a conspiracy of the rich against the poor to enslave them yet further. (By the poor, I mean of course the relatively poor, not ...

Giorgio Mammoliti @ Dyke March

That New Commie Smell

I’ve met Toronto City Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti only once, at this summer’s Dyke March. (The “real” Pride Parade happens the first Sunday in July, but the Daughters of Lesbos take to the streets the day before. ...

All in a Day’s Leave

When it comes to murder, I am not a utilitarian; that is to say, I am against it even when the victim is an undesirable character and the world would be a slightly better place without him. I have noticed, however, that ...

Joe Biden

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Divided, Misguided, and Lopsided Headlines BIDEN’S PAST BITES HIM IN THE ASS Joe Biden is an unnecessary politician from an unnecessary place named Delaware—a grim, postage-stamp-sized patch of ...

Kristol Strikes Again

American bombs have returned to Iraq. A year after the Obama Administration's proposed air strikes in Syria were thwarted by public outcry, the military-industrial complex is back at work. This time, the target has been ...

Listen for the Noise

Rose-colored glasses conceded, the ’50s were still the best decade ever. Uncle Sam was propping up recovering Europe, our borders were not being overrun, the French Riviera was not covered by cement and inhabited by ...

Richard III

Children of Richard III

If racists are those who obsessively see human life through the lens of race, there are few more racist organizations than the Arts Council of England. According to the Guardian newspaper, itself thoroughly racist according ...

Where Have All the Workers Gone?

That America created only 88,000 jobs in March, less than half the number anticipated, was jolting news, indicating the recovery that the White House has boasted about may not be at hand. But in that March jobs report, ...

White Women Win

The U.S. women's soccer team is whiter than a Bernie Sanders campaign ...

Stirrings of Secession

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another ...” So begins the Declaration of Independence of the 13 colonies ...

I Know Why the Caged Bird Is Hilarious

The most important lesson I ever learned about comedy was inadvertently taught to me by an old, fat black woman. The year was 1977. My fourth-grade English teacher, Mrs. Dilworth, spoke with the kind of Southern drawl that ...

Catherine Deneuve

Eros Wept

I spent the better part of two sunny days indoors writing about authenticity for a Greek magazine, a strange subject in view of how inauthentic politics are in that Brussels-run southeastern outpost dotted with islands. ...

Highway Robbery

NEW YORK—Ms. Geniece Draper is a Noo Yawker who has been in the news lately. She is 40 years old with modern Bagelite manners, and by that I mean they are not exactly those of, say, C.Z. Guest or Babe Paley, two ladies ...

If It’s All the Same to You…

Nearly a century ago, in 1925 to be precise, the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig wrote an article for a Berlin newspaper titled “Making the World Uniform.” It began: Despite the pleasure that every voyage has given me ...

What Do White Nationalists Want?

Lost in Justin Raimondo's torrent of mistaken assumptions and wild accusations is one useful question: What do "€œwhite nationalists"€ want? By putting the term in quotation marks, Mr. Raimondo has stumbled onto an ...

Christmas in an Anti-Christian Age

For two millennia, the birth of Christ has been seen as the greatest event in world history. The moment Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, God became man, and eternal salvation became possible. This date has been the ...

Joachim Phoenix as Napoleon

Little Boney Goes Hollywood

The Last Duel, a 2021 film by Sir Ridley Scott with Matt Damon as a mulleted French aristocrat chud battling honorably (if stupidly) a suave Adam Driver in 1386, turned out to be better than expected: not a classic, but ...

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall

The Magical Mystery of Monarchy

The British public periodically goes ape over silly things such as cricket, Twiggy, the occasional sunny day, the Chelsea Flower Show, Guy Fawkes Night, and the not-so-direct descendants of King James I, whom Guy (AKA ...

Larry Bird

The Abominably Slowman

It’s an incident that’s gone unreported outside the tightly knit community of science nerds and “skeptics.” Now, when I use the word “skeptics,” I’m not speaking of those who dare to question the “science” ...

Ralph Northam

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Unsuited, Disputed, and Polluted Headlines VIRGINIA GOVERNOR RALPH “COONMAN” NORTHAM REFUSES TO RESIGN Before launching a successful campaign for governor of Virginia last year, in August 2017 ...

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