Ed Miliband

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Panderous, Scandalous, and Slanderous Headlines ENGLAND's NEXT JEWISH PRIME MINISTER? Ed Miliband's parents were Jewish refugees to England who"€™d escaped Nazi persecution. And now, less than a week ...

When Summertime Seemed Endless

Why is it that summers used to last so much longer back then? School would be out in early June and by the time the horrid month of September rolled around, it seemed as if three years had passed. What fun it was to be ...

Steven Spielberg

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Dismal, Abysmal, and Baptismal Headlines WHY YOU SHOULDN"€™T REFER TO PEOPLE OF COLOR AS "€œCOLORED PEOPLE"€ Grammatically, "€œcolored people"€ is undeniably more economical than "€œpeople of ...

C.Z. Guest

Gigolo Journal

The death of the richest woman on the planet, as the tabloids dubbed Liliane Bettencourt, brought back some vivid memories, mainly of the gigolos I’ve known and their disgraceful pursuit of the fairer sex for the root of ...

Mount Rushmore

A Culture War Battle Trump Can Win

Speaking at Mount Rushmore on Friday, and from the White House lawn on Saturday, July 4, Donald Trump recast the presidential race. He seized upon an issue that can turn his fortunes around, and the wounded howls of the ...

Charlie Hypocrites

I am not Charlie, nor will I ever be. Wearing a Je suis Charlie badge is one sure way of getting attention, but I will leave that to others. And another thing: Obscenity has no redeeming social value, and Charlie Hebdo was ...

Bunky Mortimer’s Upper Class Guide to Drinking, Part II

Now, class, you will remember in this symposium's first installment that we dealt with the dry martini, the pink gin, and the bullshot, the proper cocktails which mark a gentleman (or lady, I suppose) as a person of ...

More Groucho and Less Karl

The new cultural revolution vandalizing the streets is completely misinformed and has the faint whiff of extremist fanaticism. Its aim is to divide and fracture Western society, where individualism was born, where there is ...

Bloodbath in the Rainbow Nation

Police opened fire on a surging mob of angry mine workers on August 16th at South Africa's Marikana platinum mine. When the guns went quiet, 34 were dead and at least 78 wounded. This came a few days after the killing of ...

US Vice President Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

Will ‘Ukraine-Gate’ Imperil Biden’s Bid?

With the revelation by an intel community "whistleblower" that President Donald Trump, in a congratulatory call to the new president of Ukraine, pushed him repeatedly to investigate the Joe Biden family connection to ...

A Return to Beauty

The guilty flee when no man pursueth, says Proverbs, but it does not follow from this that the guilty do not flee when they are indeed pursued. The guilty also have a tendency to argue when they know that they are in the ...

The Old Republic and Obama’s America

“Second Term Begins With a Sweeping Agenda for Equality,” ran the eight-column banner in which The Washington Post captured the essence of Obama’s second inaugural. There he declared: “What binds ...

Why Obama is Good for England

I can understand that American conservatives and libertarians are upset at Mr. Obama's reelection. It means another four years of government by someone who wants to make their country into a Third World dump. But my view as ...

Swearing Up and Down

What I take to be a very well-oiled revolving door has ejected Mr. Scaramucci from the White House before he had properly got in. I’m not, for the moment anyway, concerned with the rapidly changing cast list of the Trump ...

Hillary Clinton

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Bilious, Supercilious, and Punctilious Headlines COVER YOUR BALLS, GENTS: HILLARY CLINTON IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT A stern warning to the white males who comprise roughly 99.95687% of our readership: If you ...

Campus Witch Hunts

Recently at a local college whose name I will not divulge, an act of "€œracial vandalism"€ occurred which the administration is naturally investigating. The college newspaper has devoted considerable front-page ...

Big Shots

Modern school shootings are an exceptionally abhorrent phenomenon that we got along just fine without for the first couple of centuries of U.S. history. So, it’s wholly reasonable to want them gone. It’s not like ...

Downtown Los Angeles

Angelenos Ask: “Dude, Where’s My Subway?”

LOS ANGELES—When you say, “Don’t worry about me, I’ll just jump on the subway” to someone in El Lay, you get one of the following responses: “Excuse me, would you repeat that?” “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought ...

The Secular Fatwa on Julian Assange

In February 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa inciting the faithful to murder author Salman Rushdie for blasphemy. Within a few days, professional writers convened in London, New York, and elsewhere to discuss ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Strobic, Microbic, and Xenophobic Headlines RUSSIA DAMS THE BLACK SEA “In Russia, sushi eats you!” If a foreigner who knows nothing about the United States’ ethnic and racial makeup were to offer a ...

Notre Shame

With revelation of the highly questionable narrative by football player Manti Te"€™o that he was "€œduped"€ into believing he had an online girlfriend, the nation has once again become aware of the questionable ...

Amy Coney Barrett

Will Justice Amy Star in ‘The Five’?

By nominating Federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, Donald Trump kept his word, and more than that. Should she be confirmed, he will have made history. Even his enemies would have to concede that Trump ...

Boehner’s Right—It’s Trump’s Party Now

“There is no Republican Party. There’s a Trump party,” John Boehner told a Mackinac, Michigan, gathering of the GOP faithful last week. “The Republican Party is kind of taking a nap ...

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