Flags at Half-Mast, Please

My gay cousin once told me that the beauty of modern living is that there are so many different ways to have a family. I was inclined to agree with him, although my unorthodox upbringing gave me a desire to either have a ...

Giving Away the Gender-Bending Ending

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 53 years on this earth, it’s to never interrupt a good mania. Because you can’t. Manias simply have to play themselves out. In 2020, the mania on the right about how Covid ...

Liam Neeson

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Autistic, Fascistic, and Onanistic Headlines LIAM NEESON’S RACIAL RAPE REVENGE FANTASY Irish-born actor Liam Neeson is famous for saving Jews in Schindler’s List and for having a penis that is so ...

Harpooning the Toxic Whale

You might not have heard -- because Trump is still president, so MSNBC and CNN were required to give hair-on-fire coverage of some mundane action he's taken this week -- but on Monday, Harvey Weinstein was convicted of rape ...

Elton John and David Furnish

Gays Against Gay Marriage

Studying news reports of England's recent "€œequality drive"€ to award courtesy titles to gay partners of knights, one gets the sense that all gay people endorse gay marriage. Then again, one gets that sense with all ...

Girl Scout Kooky

At my first and last Brownie meeting, I hid in the community-center bathroom for two hours while the other girls played jumpsies, screeched like pterodactyls, and did other scary stuff. From that night on, I pegged the ...

Obama Gives Himself Permission To Kill

After stonewalling for more than a year federal judges and ordinary citizens who sought the revelation of its secret legal research justifying the presidential use of drones to kill persons overseas—even ...

Eric Cantor

A Populist Path to Power?

“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” If Thomas Jefferson’s benign reflection on Shays’ Rebellion, that ...

Trial by Fury

Everyone knows, or thinks he knows, the dangers of nationalism and its practical corollary, the nation-state. The dangers are foreign wars of conquest, xenophobia, irredentism, and the oppression, not to say massacre, of ...

Bernie Ecclestone

Short Man With a Long Reach

Bernie Ecclestone is a gnomish Brit ex-grease monkey. He is my neighbor in Gstaad, the small alpine Swiss village which once upon a time was the Mecca of the old rich and titled but is now slowly turning into the playground ...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The Rise of AOC

This last political season, a 29-year-old bartender named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a self-described “radical,” came “dancing across the water” to conquer the Democratic nomination and a congressional seat in ...

A Dearth of Characters

Except for sickness in one’s family or the loss of a life, is there anything sadder than to see a bookstore shut its doors? I used to live in a street that had three bookstores within 50 yards. All three are now boutiques ...

Kellogg’s Porn Flakes

This Tuesday, 7 March, is one of the most beloved annual occasions on the entire national calendar of the USA—nothing less than National Cereal Day, that one amazing date of the year when citizens everywhere are finally ...

A Defense of Tucker Carlson

On Wednesday, The Washington Examiner published an op-ed by Kimberly Ross, “No sacred cows: Don’t tolerate Tucker Carlson’s indefensible words just because he’s conservative.” Ross starts off on a reasonable ...

How Do We Flatten the Curve on Panic?

If, as the evidence suggests, the Chinese virus is enormously dangerous to people with certain medical conditions and those over 70 years old, but a much smaller danger to those under 70, then shutting down the entire ...

Usain Bolt

Sign of the Times

So the miracle has happened. A generation has been inspired and millions of children have been driven away from their televisions and handheld devices and have gone out on the track, running, jumping, throwing. Faster, ...

Sandro Botticelli, Adoration of the Magi (circa 1475).

The Woke Chokehold

One of the most astonishing things about the woke is their high boredom threshold. They seem to have the same thoughts about the same subjects, expressed in the same language, all their waking lives. They never tire or let ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Cruddiest, Muddiest, and Bloodiest Headlines TWITTER’S GRAND INCREDIBLE TRANS DELUSION If you’re worried about getting banned from Twitter, hard experience has shown us that you can do any of the ...

Donald Trump is Nick Fuentes

Who's the happiest guy in America this week? Nick Fuentes. In a matter of days, he's gone from total obscurity to the most famous person in the country. Everybody's talking about him! Until he had dinner with Trump, ...

King Richard III

Unearthing Richard III

On February 4th, the University of Leicester announced that the bones unearthed last August beneath a former parking lot in Leicester really were what had been hoped"€”the remains of King Richard III"€”and the audience ...

Relief for the Phobiaphobic

For right-wingers, November proved to be the cruelest month in quite some time. The Kenyan Klepto won the White House again. Speaking of democracy: Here in Toronto, our most conservative mayor in living memory"€”one ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Audacious, Tenacious, and Salacious Headlines CAN AMERICA STOMACH HARRIET TUBMAN's FACE ON THE $20 BILL? It’s hard to imagine a universe in which Harriet Tubman would be considered an attractive ...

The Scum at the Surface of the Black Lagoon

Most sensible Americans agree that foreign lobbyists are a pox on the nation, but few realize how egregious the process has become. American citizens should be able to band together to lobby Congress for their interests, ...

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