Whose Opinion Matters
Fascinating news from The New York Times this week! Reviewing its op-ed titled "I'm a Direct Descendant of Thomas Jefferson. Take Down His Memorial," I gather we now weigh Americans' opinions based on who their ancestors ...
Fascinating news from The New York Times this week! Reviewing its op-ed titled "I'm a Direct Descendant of Thomas Jefferson. Take Down His Memorial," I gather we now weigh Americans' opinions based on who their ancestors ...
"We"re coming back," beamed current Detroit mayor and former Detroit Pistons All-Star Dave Bing last Tuesday as he launched a privately funded $10-million ad campaign designed to instill hope, foster confidence, ...
The Week’s Most Parthenic, Sirenic, and Pyrogenic Headlines WHILE MY JAMAR GENTLY WEEPS Beverly Hills has become a kind of trophy to BLM thugs. Ever since the terrorist org began its national campaign of violence and ...
With Stephen Harper now resigned and retired, Conservative MP Dr. Kellie Leitch is running for his old job as party leader. To that end, she recently surveyed her constituents, asking: Should the Canadian government screen ...
If there's one thing that makes people happier than finding a forgotten bottle in the cupboard or a six pack in the fridge, it's finding out that world events are dominated by an evil conspiracy. It's hard to explain why ...
Now that Trump has solved Northeast Asia’s problems, maybe he can get to a problem in our country—in fact, within 10 miles of the White House. For some reason, The Washington Post recently ran an article on ...
The modern age offers no refuge from the state. The world's habitable unpopulated regions are firmly under sovereign nations" regulation. There is still adventure to be had in the world, but there's no frontier, no ...
The Week’s Sleepiest, Weepiest, and Creepiest Headlines TAKE AMERICA’S HATS AGAIN In a national epidemic of “soft lynching” that seems designed to degrade and humiliate, people wearing “Make America Great ...
In her December 21 column in The New York Times, “None of Us Deserve Citizenship,” Michelle Alexander provides an example of the dangerously utopian thinking that characterizes many leftist arguments on immigration: ...
The Week’s Most Dyspeptic, Antiseptic, and Narcoleptic Headlines IS CORONAVIRUS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO TRUMP? The thing about ideologues is that they will exploit any human tragedy in the service of their ...
Here is this week's installment of "The New York Times is ALWAYS lying about criminals (and probably everything else)." The Times desperately wants you to believe that there are actual cases of innocent people being put to ...
GSTAAD—I shoulda been a weatherman. No sooner had I announced snow to be a Gstaad rarity than it came down nonstop. Then it rained, so everything’s hunky-dory. Older rich people who don’t ski are happy after the scare ...
GSTAAD—Some of you may have noticed I have not commented at all about the running soap opera and latest brouhaha concerning the Halfwit and Meghan Macbeth. That’s because I decided long ago the best way to counter their ...
As cultures ancient and modern continue their clash along the bleeding arc from Timbuktu to Afghanistan, America's policy mandarins are searching for a way out of a dilemma that has existed since the First Crusade. The more ...
PHOENIXVILLE, Pa.—Let’s look on the bright side of the new 20-hour nonstop flight between New York and Sydney. Personally I don’t expect to ever be that desperate to get to Sydney. I’m more likely to fly to El Lay, ...
In the words of John Goodman from Barton Fink, “Jesus, it’s hot.” L.A.’s historic, unprecedented September heat wave is literally murdering me. But you wanna know what’s killing me worse? You people ...
As if the country weren"t full of enough petulant, overgrown children. President Obama's new proposal to offer "free" community college for two years to anyone "willing to work for it" is more of the ...
I write this on July 14, France’s big day, and on the 25th anniversary of my father’s passing. He died at dawn, on the bicentennial of the uprising, as if he couldn’t bear French triumphalism over the foul event one ...
“The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.” And the left's finest trick is to persuade you that a man in a dress is a woman. In last week’s column, I covered tranny domination of women’s ...
Both the 20th and 21st centuries have seen failed presidencies. William Howard Taft lost in 1912, though he might have retained office had not his old friend and former leader Theodore Roosevelt run as a third party Bull ...
The spooky spirits of Halloween season find us a mere year away from the next presidential election, and our rotting republic faces a scenario unthinkable a generation ago: Both the Republican and Democratic nominees may be ...
England’s cultural rainbow went up in flames last week, and as the smoke clears and the fog stubbornly returns, the experts are once again arguing over exactly how it all started. Few seem willing to discuss exactly how ...
Among the presidential candidates of the Republican Party and their foreign policy leaders on Capitol Hill the cry is almost universal: Barack Obama has no strategy for winning the war on ISIS. This criticism, however, ...
DALLAS—The most amazing thing to me about the Kavanaugh Mess was the thousands of hours spent on psychoanalyzing his high school years. If anybody ever psychoanalyzed my high school years and hauled me before a ...