Maria Callas

The New Dishonesty of Public Life

Forty-five years ago two Greek shipowners and the most famous diva of her time squared off in a British High Court over a financial dispute. Panaghis Vergottis, a gentleman and philanthropist, had sued Aristotle Socrates ...

Senator Chuck Hagel

The Republican Obsession

If last week’s hearing for Chuck Hagel raised questions about his capacity to be secretary of defense, the show trial conducted by his inquisitors on the tribunal raised questions about the GOP. Is the Republican ...

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

Kwanzaa, celebrated exclusively by white liberals, is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Karenga -- aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black ...

Greetings From Slobovia

GSTAAD—The staff is back and all is well, as they used to say long ago in faraway places. The gardener and the cleaner are Portuguese, and they greet me with their inherent dignity from afar. The Philippine maid and cook ...

Snoop Dog and Martha Stewart

Wokewashing White America

Radical liberal activists are in your head. They’ve conquered what passes for “mainstream media.” They’ve infiltrated Hollywood, social media, academia, and the Democratic Party. Now they’ve co-opted Madison ...

Paralympic Piffle

I just flew back from the Paralympics, and boy is my arm tired. No, but seriously folks, Britain appears to be going bloody mad for the fourteenth Summer Paralympic Games, and unlike the congenital diseases that cause many ...

Reginald Denny attack, Los Angeles

Sarah Jeong Better Drive Carefully!

If you’re worried about the social media monopolies censoring speech, just be happy they can’t put you in prison. Federal prosecutors are celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Charlottesville, Virginia, ...

How Do You Solve a Problem Like a MAGA?

Sometimes you chase the story, and sometimes the story chases you. Two weeks ago I’m walkin’ through Century City, the business, residential, and dining district adjoining Beverly Hills. This is familiar territory to ...

A Fascist Right—or a Hysterical Left?

If Trump’s supporters are truly “a basket of deplorables ... racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” and “irredeemable,” as Hillary Clinton described them to an LGBT crowd, is not ...

Boniface de Castellane

Speaking of Manners

Sometime during the 1920s, at an exclusive party at Count Boni de Castelanne’s, a great French lady felt herself beginning to die at the dinner table. “Quick, bring the dessert,” she whispered to the waiter. She ...

Bernard Berenson

The Perfect Hinge

Berenson's story is one of the most fabulous within living ...

Ernest Hemingway

The Importance of Being Ernest

Like many who had read, enjoyed, and admired Hemingway, I read A.E. Hotchner's memoir Papa Hemingway soon after it came out. That would have been four or five years after Hemingway shot himself. Even before then I doubt if ...

Liberals Never Sleep (and neither does Jeff Sessions)

The left is very close to having a governing majority due entirely to immigration. Despite the promise of the Trump campaign, there isn't much standing in their way. Now, they're just running out the clock. Soon, we will ...

The Problem With Global Finance

The present European financial crisis seems absurdly complicated to the outside observer as well as to some inside observers. But the reality is fairly simple if you look at it the right way: Leave all ideology and economic ...

Transgender Nation

Talk about bad luck! What are the odds of the Nashville school shooter being a transgendered person who is ALSO mentally ill? Arguably, there were hints. In a form of modern Lysenkoism, young transgenders overwhelmingly ...

Burning Questions, Even Hotter Answers

From time to time, my readers email me asking for my take on issues of the day. (This has happened twice.) I feel more obliged than usual to respond, now that we know that the rest of the media cannot state an opinion on ...

How Do You Solve a Problem Like a MAGA Part II: Tard Harder

There are two courses of action that MAGAs can take in the wake of the debacle that was 1/6: learn from one of the worst strategic disasters in American political history, or, conversely, don’t learn a damn thing. Because ...

What Kind of Pornography Should Be Banned?

The right has always opposed pornography. This opposition is healthy and good—but that does not change that on some level, no matter the circumstances, there will always be porn, to one degree or another. If an allowance ...

Who Needs the Oscars?

LEXINGTON, Ky.—Two hundred years from now an anthropologist will go through the digital archives of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and he’ll write a paper (although there will be no “paper,” so ...


It’s that time of the year again. As Coca-Cola’s magic truck trundles across our televisions and Starbucks’ ubiquitous red cups punctuate the daily commute, the terror alerts are flooding in. On Saturday, a knifeman ...

The View From the Sidelines

Can anyone make sense of the Middle East? Certainly those of us who perforce rely on television and newspaper reporting and analysis are in a poor position to do so, for all the professionalism and expertise of journalists ...

Vincent Gallo

The Beejay Guy Is GOP? Victory Is Ours!

One of my favorite YouTube channels is called Fascinating Horror. It’s a British dude who narrates tales of little-known mass-casualty events over the centuries. I like the channel because occasionally he’ll dredge up ...

The Mexican Basket Case

The Middle East and Asia occupy most of our foreign-policy interest these days, but relatively little attention is paid to our most important dangerous foreign contact: Mexico. That isn"€™t to say that Mexico doesn"€™t ...

Work’s for Jerks

I’ve never done an honest day’s work in my long and useless life, so it is acutely annoying when people brag about the horrible jobs they had when they were young. If I had been forced to work at McDonald’s, mow ...

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