Antiwhite “Woo-Woo” Woos Whites

Meet Chicago Democrat Party official (and amateur musician) Mary Lemanski. On the evening of Nov. 21, following the mass murders at the Waukesha Christmas parade, as the bodies of Darrell Brooks’ victims were still warm, ...

GOP Needs Update to Dems’ Cage Match Rules

It's time to update the GOP's Marquess of Queensbury Rules. If you saw Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Brett Kavanaugh's swearing-in ceremony, you know that we may need to fill her seat in about 4 1/2 minutes. Naturally, I hope ...

David Lee Roth

Travel by Luxury Donkey Cart

LOS ANGELES—It was David Lee Roth who ruined personal-appearance contracts for all time with his Brown M&M’s Clause in the ’80s. The story sounds apocryphal but it’s true: Any promoter hiring Van Halen for a ...

Fuck Single Mothers (Figuratively)

Not just Octomom but Bimom and Unimom, too. It took me several years to gain my wife's trust. For some reason she didn"€™t want to give her ovaries to a complete asshole who cared more about cocaine and comedy than ...

The Banality of “Hate”

Last Thursday, House Democrats, freaked-out by the fact that a hijab-wearing Muslim upstart Congresswoman suggested that there exists a “political influence in this country that says it is OK to push for allegiance to a ...

Carousing with Former People

GSTAAD—The subprimate level of conversation, as prevalent as the snow up here in the Alps, took a turn for the better last week when a select few celebrated Prince Nicolas Romanoff’s ninetieth birthday at the yacht ...

Beijing Sends Biden a Warning

Because of Donald Trump, Vice President Joe Biden thundered during the campaign, the U.S. "is more isolated in the world than we've ever been ... America First has made America alone." Biden promised to repair relations ...

Christian Bale as Batman

Asses and Assassins

Moments after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School ended, theories of government complicity in the tragedy began. Some have been worthy of exploration, while many are patently ludicrous. Whether these incredibly ...

Anna Wintour

Dames Be Damned

There are Dames and there are dames. Dame Vivien, an old friend, became one for her philanthropy. Dame Edna, the creation of yet another friend, was damed for her middle-class morality and upper-class pretensions. And now ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Erratic, Dramatic, and Traumatic Headlines O-BOMBING IRAQ In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama ascended to the US presidency on chocolate butterfly wings not solely due to the fact that he is 50% black, but also ...

Victor Voronov and Johnny Weir

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Bodacious, Perspicacious, and Trepidatious Headlines SORE WINNERS IN GLASGOW By a margin of 55-45, Scottish voters elected on Thursday to remain in the United Kingdom. One possible explanation for the ...

Syntagma Square circa 1950

My Big Fat Greek Lunch

GSTAAD—The Alps are aglow like never before. A record snowfall and an abundance of sun have turned the region into a postcard of long ago. From afar, that is. Up close the cranes are ever present, although during the ...

Trump—Middle American Radical

President Trump is the leader of America’s conservative party. Yet not even his allies would describe him as a conservative in the tradition of Robert Taft, Russell Kirk or William F. Buckley. In the primaries of ...

The Supreme Yacht Club

NEW YORK—The problem with the Supreme Court is not any of the things being talked about today during the millions of monologues, speeches, network stand-ups, interviews, accusations, political analyses, lies, statistical ...

The Hangman Resurgent

Ask anyone who has been in law enforcement for a long time what would be his or her dream job, and the answer is invariably "€œexecutioner."€ Not for nothing are drink, divorce, and dark humor constant companions of ...

The Last Little Abortion Clinic in Mississippi

The hoarsely ululating throats of the "€œpro-life"€ and "€œpro-choice"€ movements screamed at each other outside a small abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi last week as a federal judge cock-blocked a state ...

Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy

Tower Envy

Six years ago, Eddie Murphy proposed taking Ocean’s Eleven and inverting it. An all-black cast would play Trump Tower servants who join forces to steal tens of millions from their overbearing boss. And rather than be ...

It’s the Hole in Your Head that Worries Me

I met writer and photographer Rick McGinnis about ten years ago, but by rights, we should have known each other much longer. We both live in Toronto, enjoy roughly the same music, and therefore should have bumped into (or ...

Sir Elton John

Arkansas Store Censors Elton John’s Designer Baby!

A global scandal erupted last week after someone complained about the manner in which a grocery store in Mountain Home, Arkansas was displaying an Us Weekly cover featuring sextuagenarian songbird Elton John, his ...

The Race Rub Part I: Quoth the Racist

Regarding pop music, Miley Cyrus once said, “It’s not the notes you play that matter, it’s the notes you don’t.” Wait, that was Miles Davis, and he was speaking about jazz. Oh, and there’s no proof he ever ...

Russia on Earth

“God in heaven, Russia on Earth.” So say the Serbs, who have been programmed to see Russia behind every turn of good fortune. Westerners are now being programmed to see Russia behind every turn of bad fortune. To the ...


A Great City to Be Young In

PARIS—Saint-Germain-des-Prés and the Latin Quarter still evoke the verbose sophistry of Sartre, although the tourism and jewelry trades have replaced the rendez-vous des intellectuels. Yet the sheer stunning beauty of ...

The New South—Black and Conservative

In 1956, 19 Democratic Senators and 82 Democratic House members signed a Southern Manifesto pledging to resist the integration of Southern public schools as ordered by Earl Warren’s Supreme Court. Only two GOP House ...

The China Syndrome

GSTAAD—Two years or so ago I had back-to-back New York luncheons with Steve Bannon, and boy, did some of his predictions and fears ever come true! Bannon’s White House days as chief adviser to The Donald were numbered ...

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