GSTAAD—During these dark endless moments of lockdown, let’s take a trip down memory lane of real high life, of parties galore, of carefree times with girls in their summer dresses, and of drunken dawns playing polo in ...
Next time you read about an auctioneer’s gavel coming down on a 150-million-dollar painting bought by some flunky representing the gangster ruling family of Qatar, don’t ooh or aah, but think of those monsters in Iraq ...
The Week’s Most Chiding, Abiding, and Yuletiding Headlines THE BAD PARENT-HOOD Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow...with murderousness! Last week in Garden Grove, Calif., a youth basketball game was disrupted when one ...
When a fashion magazine recently sponsored former NBA star Dennis Rodman's visit to North Korea there were howls of outrage about the morally dubious spectacle of Rodman boasting in a series of Tweets about the "epic ...
The Week's Most Wasteful, Disgraceful, and Distasteful Headlines DEATH OF A HOMO-HATING LION Westboro Baptist Church Pastor Fred “God Hates Fags” Phelps, perhaps America’s greatest performance artist of ...
This week, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office cancelled six patents associated with embattled football team the Washington Redskins. The patent office found in favor of five Native Americans (not five grievance groups, ...
The advent of a White Christmas is now heralded by Black Friday: this infamous moment when the grand coalition of Western capitalism starts whipping its adherents toward the tills. Six weeks later, the same people are spat ...
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s opening bid to Speaker John Boehner, a demand for $1.6 trillion in new taxes, was not meant as a serious offer. It was an ultimatum couched in an insult. Translation: “We won ...
It often seems to me that the first qualification for producers of operas these days is proneness to severe lapses of taste, a kind of epilepsy of the judgment, or even a complete absence of aesthetic common sense. Orgies, ...
I didn’t like it, and then I liked it. But a writer’s job is to tell the truth, as Papa said back in 1942. Hemingway maintained that it was bad luck to talk about writing—“it takes away whatever butterflies have on ...
The Week's Most Daunting, Haunting, and Taunting Headlines ERIN GO GAY The arc of the moral universe bent over, grabbed its ankles, and accepted “justice” into its rectum on Saturday as 62% of voters in Ireland ...
MADISON, Miss.—Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, is a big believer in the twelve-hour workday and the six-day workweek. He’s basically a guy who forgot to read Charles Dickens in junior high. Jack believes the 72-hour ...
A moral crusade at The New York Times typically begins with an in-depth, above-the-fold front-page story, followed days later by an editorial-page sermon. And so it goes with the story of one Michelle Jones, a black woman ...
TAMPA—I dressed up as the Joker on Halloween and absolutely no one was scared. I didn't get kicked out of public places. I wasn’t suspected of being a serial killer on my way to a murder spree. Nobody mistook me for a ...
I quit smoking around 10 years after I quit drinking, but I miss smoking much more, and it was far harder to give up. Especially since, right after my last cigarette, I met my future husband"a smoker. Because God can be ...
The Week's Most Bent, Spent, and Given-Up-For-Lent Headlines BROWNIE V. BOARD OF EDUCATION The final week of Black History Month is upon us, and peanut butter inventors are going from smooth to crunchy in their ...
In recent weeks, American college admissions departments sent out to high school student applicants millions of thick envelopes (good news) and thin envelopes (bad news). But finding out what colleges decided in aggregate ...
NEW YORK—If only my friendly wordsmith Jeremy Clarke had been with me, what fun he’d have had with the ungallant thing I did last week. Jeremy’s writing thrives on such occasions, but alas, he’s in the land of ...
Does anyone else find it odd that so many Asian activists reacted to the mass murder of (mostly) Asian women last week by talking about how smoking hot they are? I was at law school when I first noticed the phenomenon of ...
In the spirit of the primped humility that is clitsch, "I"m not going to lie": A Black Mirror episode inspired this piece. We"ve heard the sound: the "so cute" refrain, the first syllable pricking ...
The Week’s Floppiest, Stroppiest, and Corn-Poppiest Headlines SWASTIKY WICKET It is said that as Hans Frank ascended the gallows at Nuremberg, Joseph Kingsbury-Smith, the lone American press representative at the ...
The Week’s Most Jarring, Marring, and Scarring Headlines SHOULD FAT-SHAMING BE A HATE CRIME? Throughout human history until perhaps the past five years, everyone thought it was hilarious to make fun of fat people. ...
The Week's Most Frustrating, Irritating, and Aggravating Headlines FRANCE MARCHES FOR FREE SPEECH, THEN ARRESTS DOZENS FOR SPEAKING On Sunday January 11, an estimated 3.7 million people in France took to the streets to ...