A Modest Secessionist Proposal

I attended an event for Pat Buchanan and his biographer Tim Stanley at DC's Politics and Prose Bookstore on February 17. After Tim and Pat's informative presentations, the audience was invited to ask questions. Most of the ...

President Trump

Is There a Market Where I Can Short Liberals?

It's been a great week! In Iowa, the party that claims to be devoted to "science" and "technology" demonstrated that it couldn't count to 10. Trump delivered a triumphant State of the Union address, highlighting all he's ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Reactive, Unattractive, and Putrefactive Headlines SOUTHERN WORKERS TELL UNION: "€œDROP DEAD"€ The American labor movement"€”or whatever's left of it"€”was dealt a knee to the groin last Friday ...

Joe Biden

Now, the Left Owns It All

That mob that split off from the Donald Trump rally of Jan. 6 to invade the Capitol has proven a godsend to the left. The death of a Capitol cop has enabled the left -- which spent the summer after George Floyd's death ...

Don Quixote and Sancho Panzo

The New PC Index

In today’s world, Vladimir Nabokov would abandon a literary safari to devote himself exclusively to hunting butterflies. I feel a bit like a Lolita nymph with a similar boutade, but in my defense I allege that it has a ...

Dying Breeds

A rare British species, a womanizing ex–foreign minister, kissed and told about his brief affair with a yellow-eyed temptress last week, and it brought back memories of a similar tryst by yours truly. Boris Johnson ...

Political Lightweights

People often complain about the professionalism of politics today, but the truth is, at the top level, our politicians aren"€™t half professional enough. They lack staying power, and when they receive a check, they fold. ...

Harry, Duke of Sussex

Abnormality: The New Normal

In his recent livestreamed interview with Hungarian-Canadian “toxic trauma therapist” Dr. Gabor Maté, besides crediting the ingestion of the hallucinogen ayahuasca with “cleaning the windscreen” of his tiny little ...

Crash Course

Who was it who said we always hurt those we love the most? I did just that last week, skiing out of control, making a sharp left turn, and crashing into my wife, Alexandra—a beautiful and terrific skier—who was standing ...

A Question of Quackery

One cannot blame anyone for having failed to do the impossible, but the fact is, roughly speaking, the science (or study) of psychology has added nothing whatever to human self-understanding, at any rate over and above that ...

A Post-American Middle East

GSTAAD"€”From the top of the mountain that overlooks my Swiss chalet I can almost see Lake Geneva"€”on a clear day, that is, but thankfully what I cannot see are the armies of so-called diplomats, flunkeys, arms ...

Ketanji Brown Jackson

You Be the Judge

Back in the days when a proper meal for a Supreme Court justice was a steak, a baked potato, a couple of shots of bourbon, and a cigar, nominees to this lifetime job weren’t expected to last all that long. For instance, ...

What Still Unites Us?

Decades ago, a debate over what kind of nation America is roiled the conservative movement. Neocons claimed America was an “ideological nation” a “creedal nation,” dedicated to the proposition that ...

Purging America’s Heroes

With that kumbayah moment at the Capitol in South Carolina, when the Battle Flag of the Confederacy was lowered forever to the cheers and tears of all, a purgation of the detestable relics of evil that permeate American ...


The Week That Perished 3.5.23

The Week’s Most Mayan, Achaian, and In-Like-a-Lion Headlines BOSTON MAR-ATHON If a foreigner from some remote part of the world, with no knowledge of the U.S., were to watch American TV and online commercials, he’d ...

It Shouldn”€™t Matter What They Were Thinking

This week, NATO personnel accidentally burned a pile of Korans while trying to dispose of incendiary propaganda. One account says the two workers who set the fire "€œwere oblivious to the significance of what they were ...

Light “€™Em Up

The Victorian poet Arthur Hugh Clough offered an update of the Ten Commandments. Some of his verses are merely neat, for example: "€œDo not adultery commit,/Advantage rarely comes of it."€ Others are more to the point: ...

Children of the Mob

It was a beautiful day in Paris for a demonstration, brilliantly sunny and not too hot, and the crowds were out: obviously bourgeois, prosperous, well-behaved, and not at all multiracial or even multicultural. It was a ...

Yoram Hazony’s Evasion

‘Peace upon earth!’ was said. We sing it, And pay a million priests to bring it. After two thousand years of mass We’ve got as far as poison-gas. —Hardy In “Conservative Rationalism Has Failed,” a two-part ...

Palace Hotel, Gstaad

20-20 Vision

GSTAAD—The French have a saying: “Il n’y a rien de plus bête que le sourire du gagnant”; in other words, gloating is for dummies. Hence I won’t be doing it, despite the drubbing handed to the Bercows of this ...

President Biden

George Santos Embraces ‘Storytelling’

Lots of politicians have been caught burnishing their resumes, but recently, one of our elected representatives has come under fire for telling some real whoppers. And no, I'm not talking about George Santos. In a space of ...

Why Risk It?

Twenty years or so ago I was doubtful about climate change and global warming. This was partly because I remembered that back in the 1970s we were being threatened with a new ice age. I recall an apocalyptic article in The ...

Looking Backwards

Few people will speak in favor of slavery now. It’s illegal in every country with any claim to being civilized. I doubt if even the white supremacists who brought violence to Charlottesville, Va., last weekend would wish ...

Who Is Matt Welch?

How did Matt Welch, who knows nothing about libertarianism, ever get in the position of becoming editor of Reason, the emblematic libertarian magazine? It is a position, after all, that has a bit of history to it, one that ...

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