The Week That Perished
They put them in chains, and now they won’t let them wear gold chains. This country is ...
They put them in chains, and now they won’t let them wear gold chains. This country is ...
Winter's Bone, an arthouse detective drama now out on DVD, is the Scots-Irish hillbilly equivalent of all those fine recent movies about the Irish Catholic Massachusetts underclass such as The Fighter and The Town (which ...
One of the most remarkable developments of recent years has been the legalization—dare I say, the institutionalization?—of corruption. This is not a matter of money passing under the table, or of bribery, though this no ...
My brother has just been to stay with me in Italy. He may be a top London lawyer, but he is a mixed-up liberal lefty. He has lots of rich Muslim clients"a mere coincidence, no doubt. "Muslims make no distinction ...
This week, I present the parable of the bimbo Kansan. Bambi Bimbo leaves her Midwestern homestead to come to Hollywood. With her tight ass, toned tummy, pert breasts, and button nose, all her life she’s been told by her ...
In the midst of so much social hysteria and propaganda of fear, it is a pleasure to find some serenity and common sense in the statements of some doctors about the benefits of tobacco. According to recent studies, smokers ...
If this is what the left pulls against a sweet nerd like Brett Kavanaugh, I can't wait for the hearings to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Observers of the passing scene were not surprised that the same lunatics screaming ...
Donald Trump is president today because he was seen as a doer not a talker. Among the most common compliments paid him in 2016 was, “At least he gets things done!” And it was exasperation with a dithering GOP ...
Nicholas Soames is Winston Churchill's grandson, a Conservative member of Parliament since the early 80s, a very large man whose food and drink intake is legendary, and an old friend of mine with whom I used to get into ...
On Sunday, just before their teams squared off in South Philly, Carolina Panthers safety Eric Reid confronted Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins. Television footage showed an angry Reid in Jenkins’ face, using ...
In journalism, "trend pieces" are like the weather: Everyone complains about them " and there"ll be a new one around any minute. (One probably written by some low-level reporter who was just moaning about ...
Chekhov says somewhere—I think it must be in one of his letters to young ladies with literary ambitions—that a writer can, or at least should be able to, write a story about an ashtray. Actually, this might be less ...
Within the conventions of English drag comedy, the most familiar character is what the Monty Python troupe dubbed "the pepperpot": a frumpy, lumpy menopausal matron, portrayed by a barely disguised male ...
Writing about the differences between Canadians and Americans isn’t as easy as it used to be. In 2004, for instance, the night before George W. Bush made his first visit to Canada, a panicked Dallas Morning News editor ...
GSTAAD—Lord Belhaven and Stenton, a wonderful man and the quintessential English gentleman, died at 93 just before the end of the crappiest of years, but Robin was lucky in a way. No tubes, no hospital beds, not another ...
Election recounts would be more plausible if Democrats occasionally let the Republican win. But they don't. Ballots miraculously discovered days and weeks after the election -- in the back seat of a car, after helpful ...
The Week’s Most Randying, Bandying, and Halloween Candying Headlines HAPPY HITLERWEEN! With Halloween parties and trick-or-treating back in full-swing post-pandemic, the woke scribes who make a living telling white folks ...
Thinking about Syria, I"ve been rereading The End: The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1944"45, Ian Kershaw's brilliant and comprehensive study of the German home front in the last ten months of ...
I am struggling up the slippery marble steps of the Acropolis with the Geldofs and the Bismarcks. We gaze upward toward the facade of the Parthenon, with its simplicity that has excited architects and conquerors for 2,000 ...
Is the new virus the biggest scam in history? There are many doubts about the official version, and skeptics or deniers are emerging all across the planet. Something good had to come from the global village of the internet ...
Although my birthday was in August, I chose the rather autumnal melancholy moment of September to celebrate it—mourn it, rather. There are no ifs or buts about it, turning 80 is like that final beautiful gleam of light ...
Memo to His Excellency, President Donald Trump: 1) Extend Daylight Saving Time. COVID, the shutdown, riots, looting, wildfires -- we're depressed enough. Do one small favor for the nation in 2020 by giving us another hour ...
Obituary notices are not usually a source of great fun. If one should not speak ill of the recently dead, unless they were utter monsters such as Pol Pot, one should not speak facetiously of them, either. The temptation is ...
I will say this for the coronavirus, that it has caused the prices of hotel rooms in London to fall precipitously. Normally when I stay there, I have to put up in semi-sleazy hotels in degentrified quarters of the city, but ...