Azealia Banks

The Week That Perished

The Week's Queerest, Dearest, and Severest Headlines BLACK FEMALE RAPPER: "€œI HATE FAT WHITE AMERICANS"€ The Harlem-born muff-diving female rapper named Azealia Banks has a reported net worth of $3 million, which is ...

The Late Hit on Judge Kavanaugh

Upon the memory and truthfulness of Christine Blasey Ford hangs the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, his reputation, and possibly his career on the nation's second highest court. And much more. If ...

Ethnomasochism – The Musical!

Well, not really a musical, nor even the lyrics to a musical. The piece under discussion is, though, definitely not plain prose; so musical-wise, we have the beginnings of a start here. I am referring to Tim Wise’s ...

Olivia de Havilland

On Women

Back in the Big Bagel once again, preparing for the greatest debate ever, one that will decide the fate of the Western world once and for all. In the meantime the mother of my children is doing all the heavy lifting back in ...

Reclaiming the Metaphysical Battlefield

The U.S. Department of Education just ruled that an Illinois school district violated the rights of a transgender student by not letting him use the girls"€™ locker room. The student identifies as a female but still has ...

Lady Jane Erskine

Class Rejects: A Guide to the British Aristocracy

Please accompany me along the career trajectory of my English friend Minty. She receives an expensive education at which she is careful not to excel. She then wanders the world, trying on ethnic clothes and people. Having ...

Rigid Diversity

It is not necessary for a government to be thoroughgoingly despotic for us to live in a totalitarian condition in which we are afraid to say some things and—what is even worse—are required to say others. In such a ...


With an election coming up, various well-known Democrats haven’t been able to keep themselves from arguing with me on Twitter about crime statistics, which tends to be an imprudent idea. For example, David Simon, creator ...

The Avengers: Kicking Ass and Selling Tickets

It was a bad weekend for Nicolas "€œThe American in Paris"€ Sarkozy but a great weekend at the global box office for what the French sniffily call l"€™empire américain's hyperpuissance. Marvel's The Avengers, a ...

Big Brother’s Digital House of Mirrors

While 22-year-old Klein Michael Thaxton was holding a hostage in a Pittsburgh high-rise on Friday, he allowed the world to peek into his troubled soul via the miracle of Facebook. As he held his victim at bay with a hammer ...

Little Miss Information

Dear Biden administration: Please treat us like China. In 2020 I contacted Michael Posner (Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor) with a simple question: Ten years on, do you have ...

Kerkyra, Corfu

Electoral Chitchat

Now it can be told! A Boris ex I sat next to last week gave me the scoop: He is absentminded, he’s disorganized, and he drops wine on sofas—hold the presses, this is a world exclusive. Actually it was Petronella Wyatt ...

Talking About Illegals With Our Politicians

We bought several six-packs and drove around drunk. We were that special kind of drunk where you"€™re a better driver. We didn"€™t wear our seat belts and sped most of the way, tossing our cans out the window. Any cop ...

The Centrist Illusion

Like many of us, Michael Shermer is troubled by America’s increasing polarization. In a recent article in Quillette, “How Classical Liberalism Can Heal the Bonds of American Affection,” he says, “The social-justice ...

Lost in Space

The world is too much with us, late and soon. Before long, it can begin to seem reasonable. I have my doubts. The usual always seems reasonable. For example, existence seems reasonable. We wake up every morning and there ...

Harry Laden

When Harry Met Taki…

Things have never been grimmer. Wall Street wolves have become billionaires while rigging the system, rats like William Kristol are showboating on television and spreading lies about The Donald, and the most dishonest ...

The Week That Perished

Because it’s 2019, people are naturally looking for ways to depict Santa and his elves as Hitler and the ...


Two Wrongs Make a Mess

One event I regretted missing on my last visit to London was a party at the Polish Club, which has been refurbished and has a new Polish prince as its president and has good Poles and active members such as Ladies Belhaven ...

Nationalism and Populism Propel Trump

As the returns came in from South Carolina Saturday night, showing Donald Trump winning a decisive victory, a note of nervous desperation crept into the commentary. Political analysts pointed out repeatedly that if all of ...

Big Banks, Big Governments, Big Business

Needless to say, I feel no particular sympathy for banks: for example, my bank charges me 6.37 per cent on electronic transfers from Australia to Britain, even to an account denominated in Australian dollars. I should like ...

Off the Rails

I have long thought that if it were not for complaint, we should have very little to talk about. Complaint is like crime in the theories of the first real sociologist, Émile Durkheim: It is the glue of society. Without ...

missing asset:

Is War With North Korea Inevitable?

“If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you,” said Calvin Coolidge, who ever counseled patience over the rash response. Unfortunately, ...

How to Wean the Dependent

Can the millions of Americans now accustomed to food stamps, subsidized housing, and free school lunches be weaned from this dependency? In principle the answer is "€œyes"€ and the cost would be minimal; in practice ...

Street-Corner Semantics

The cover of this week’s British Medical Journal is emblazoned with the words “Sex workers risk prosecution under UK law if they carry more than six condoms.” The words “six condoms” are emphasized by a change of ...

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