Statue of Limitations

To begin with, it’s white. In an era when “‘black hole’ is the new ‘niggardly’,” you’d think that particular objection to the new Martin Luther King, Jr. statue in Washington, DC would come up more ...

Kim Jong-un

The Nuclear Gamble

Harry Truman was in the White House and Donald Trump hadn"€™t yet been conceived when atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman was still there and the Donald had just celebrated his fourth birthday when ...

Teaching Men to Bleed

Well before I wrote these weekly screeds, I was"€”God help us"€”a poet. One of some tiny renown, in fact. Luckily for everyone, poetry, like smoking and drinking, is among those youthful pastimes in which I no longer ...

Route 27

The Shinnecock Erection

The Indians are getting uppity, at least in Southampton. After a couple centuries of relative peace, the Shinnecock tribe has erected a six-story electronic billboard on otherwise advertising-free Route 27 that flouts ...

Great Moments in Racism: The Dashcam Tapes

If you were watching MSNBC last Sunday, you may have seen Imani Perry, professor of African-American studies at Princeton University, and wondered, as I did, Why do I know that name? Professor Perry's delightfully original ...

Thandiwe Newton

Hollywood Race War: Bloods vs. Skins

Once again, my timing was spot-on and a mile off. Last week’s column was about how, in Hollywood, Jews are now considered “white” by the blacks who’ve been affirmative-actioned into positions of power due to hiring ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Fumbling, Bumbling, and Stumbling Headlines NORMALIZING PEDOPHILIA After the Supreme Court normalized gay marriage in June, many predicted that it wouldn’t take long before leftists began ...

Remembrance of Vulgarities Past

We flatter ourselves that our lives are as continuous and coherent as a film, and that we can display any part of it on our inner cinema screen whenever we like simply by pressing the rewind button in our mind. This is not ...

Against Stuff!

You knew that climate change could be blamed for any kind of weather, but did you know that the underlying cause is not, in fact, carbon emissions but racism? That was one of about a thousand thrown-together messages put ...

Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity

"(T)here is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so," said Hamlet, who thereby raised some crucial questions: Is moral truth subjective? Does it change with changing times and changing attitudes? Or is ...

Stumper: Should Trump Mention His Most Popular Issue?

In 2015, Donald J. Trump decided he was going to run for president on popular ideas. This was a stunning, historic breakthrough in American politics. He made his announcement in a speech talking about Mexican rapists, ...

London Squalling

The 20-foot balloon depicting a scowling orange Donald Trump in diapers was intended to depict Trump, rather than his critics, as infantile. The “Trump Baby” balloon was the most visible symbol of the days-long diarrhea ...

Avoid Rich Foods

Generally I don"€™t remember my dreams, and to judge by the few that I do remember I am rather glad that I don"€™t. Nor do I believe, pace Freud, that they are the royal road to the unconscious, still less that they ...

The Genteel Touchiness of Academics

The dubious value academics assign to cultural diversity, I argued in one of my earliest columns, stems from their own peculiar and highly competitive experiences in academe. Although cultural diversity produces nothing so ...

House of Faucistein

The Godfather Part II: Covid Edition Starring Xi Jinping as Michael Corleone and MAGA as Senator Geary Xi Corleone sits in a stately office in his home overlooking a lake. Senator MAGA sits opposite him. The mood is ...

You’ve Been Warned

Yesterday I received a letter from England that bore the postmark “Dog Awareness Week.” It came with a printed paw-mark. Of course, for me every week is Dog Awareness Week. I never go a week without awareness of dogs. ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Vapid, Rabid, and Acrid Headlines TV ANCHOR SUSPENDED FOR SAYING "€œJIGABOO"€ The term "€œjigaboo"€"€”which Urban Dictionary describes as “the funniest sounding racial slur known to ...

Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance

NEW YORK—I have zero tolerance for anybody who keeps saying “zero tolerance.” You see it on signs at bars. You see it on signs at schools. You see it in press releases. I can’t even count the number of CEOs who ...

The Rwandan Model

A few years before the genocide, I traveled through Rwanda. It struck me then as having been, by African standards, a very well-organized country. You had only to look over the border to the Congo, or Zaire as it was then ...

Dinner-Party Discourse

GSTAAD—Mercedes-Benz heir Mick Flick and I have been friends for over half a century. We both married Schoenburgs, both like the odd drink, both adore the fair sex, and are now both candidates for a visit from the man in ...

A Dead Lion Brings Out the Left in the Right

More and more, the Internet is becoming as predictable as the plot of a Michael Bay film. Every new social-media "€œoutrage"€ is inevitably followed by "€œcounter-outrage"€ (i.e., outrage about the outrage). ...

Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mockingbird

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Conspicuous, Ubiquitous, and Ridiculous Headlines TO KILL A FINCH For decades, true believers in the holy cause of anti-racism have venerated the unrealistically saintly Atticus Finch, the heroic white ...

Learning Not to Love

Making fun of millennials is all kinds of fish-in-a-barrel fun. Their creepy, dehumanized fixation on their smartphones reminds me of lab rats, pushing the Tweet button to light up the ego centers in their brains. Perhaps ...

Bitcoin Goes Pro

It’s official. The filthy lucre is here to stay. I’m talking about the crypto-currency bitcoin (BTC), the story of whose rise has been a smoking volcano the last two months and which this week is hotter than ...

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