Nikki Haley

Revealed! Nikki Haley’s Husband and His Djibouti Call

Will Republicans ever rebel against the execrable primary debates foisted on us every four years? Vetting presidential candidates is one of our most important civic duties, but the Republican National Committee offshores ...

Data Download

We live in an age blessed with ever-improving social science data, but few realize that, much less grasp its findings. The latest generation of longitudinal tracking databases can use genetic data to help find long-sought ...

Bursting Gen Y’s Bubble

Generation Y grew up in a bubble of PC feel-goodery that cushioned them from the monster of reality. As a member of Gen Y, I received first-hand experience with this bubble. It gave us a participation award when we sucked ...

Vienna, Austria

Waltzing With Taki

VIENNA—Somebody once described Vienna as a top opera performed by understudies. The remark was unquestionably witty, but utterly false back when it was made. It is perfectly true for today, however. During the 650-year ...

How Donald Trump Can Save Africa

It's been almost sixty years since Ghana became independent from Britain. The world celebrated as the sun began to set on the age of European imperialism. "€œAfrican nationalism"€ in the form of Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah ...

Jean-Claude Juncker

Time to Get Tough

Leave it to the egregious New York Times to run an editorial three days after the Paris massacres defending the so-called refugees. They are not refugees but migrants, and economic migrants at that. The newspaper that only ...

Maria Callas and Elsa Maxwell

Hostesses With the Mostest (and Leastest)

Why do so many respectable newspapers and magazines go weak at the knees the moment an unreadable autobiography of some illiterate rock star is published? I guess no hack, however literate, can resist dropped names, or ...

Orgy of the Species

Let’s begin 2019 with some truths and a few admissions: We humans have been evolving for some time now, but not really. Only a few decades ago we were certain that the oldest human fossil was a small-brained female by the ...

Biden/Harris 2020

The Jared Kushner Achievement Award Goes To … Kamala!

As has been duly noted, The New York Times' front page celebrating Biden's announcement of Kamala Harris as his running mate rivaled its moon landing coverage. A gigantic photo of a saintlike Harris took up half of the ...

Absa Bank, Johannesburg

Lebedev Takes On the West

A recent article in The Spectator about Alexander Lebedev makes interesting reading; almost as interesting as the man himself. Born to parents belonging to the Soviet nomenklatura in Moscow in 1959, he studied economics and ...

President Obama

Barack Obama, Outside Agitator

In his U.N. address, President Obama listed a parade of horrors afflicting our world: “Russian aggression in Europe,” “terrorism in Syria and Iraq,” rapes and beheadings by ISIL, al-Qaida, Boko ...

Sintra, Portugal

The Best of All Possible Worlds

The late Simon Leys, the great Sinologist and literary essayist, once wrote a little essay on the first lines of novels. He was inspired to do so by having picked up G. K. Chesterton's The Napoleon of Notting Hill in a ...

The Case for Loafers

No doubt it is a sign of advancing age, and also of retirement, that these days I always take a siesta. This increases my productivity greatly, for I am energetically clearheaded only for an hour at a time, and always soon ...

Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg

Burning Yachts and Burning Money

BREAKING NEWS (well, sort of"€”it happened over a month ago)"€”The world's largest sailing yacht has caught fire. Barry Diller's Eos, named after the Greek goddess of the dawn, is a clipper-bowed Bermuda-rigged ...

A Figure of Speech

I don’t much care for Mr. Donald Trump as a person. He strikes me as vain, vulgar, blustering, boastful, shameless, and fundamentally uninteresting except as a specimen of one of the extremes of human character. I doubt ...

The Need for a Secular Right

Just as there are many conservative Jews for whom politics is a one-issue affair—namely, whatever is best for Israel—so there are many conservative Christians for whom opposing abortion as such is far more important ...

Tony Blair and George W. Bush

The Three Stooges of the Iraq War

OK, the tenth anniversary of the worst foreign blunder Uncle Sam has ever committed has come and gone, but the post-invasion headlines remain the same: Explosions in Baghdad kill dozens and wound scores "€”International ...

The Forgotten Conservative

A once prominent name has been erased from the history of the American Right after World War II. Readers of National Review in the late 1950s and early "€˜60s would have found it difficult to miss the contributions of ...

The Prince and the Hip-Hopper

NEW YORK CITY—Ha, ha! What London turned down, the Bagel accepted with alacrity, namely the poor little Greek boy. And it took ten minutes max after disembarking to go through customs and collect my luggage. Kennedy had ...

From the Scimitar to the Refugee

If there is anything today that Brussels bureaucrats fear more than the coronavirus it is a new invasion of refugees. The much-vaunted humanitarian values tremble with the massive arrival of immigrants that put at risk both ...

Woke Joke

In these willfully ignorant times, the powers that be seem, in their haste to be politically correct, to forget that America fought its bloodiest war to end human bondage. Almost three-quarters of a million men died, yet ...

Paranoid About Asteroids

A meteor exploded over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk around 9:20AM local time Friday. First there was a fireball brighter than the sun, followed by a blast wave that blew down doors and smashed windows. More than 1,000 ...

A Probing Question

What I don"€™t know about sex can fill a book. (Literally!) But somehow, contrary to the natural order of things, I became more naive as I entered my fifth decade. For example: Back in 2010, Toronto Life ran a salacious ...

As Goes the Holocaust, So Goes the West

When did we become so deathly afraid of speech? And why is it oddly appropriate that the recent 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz coincides with ramped-up efforts to curb free-speech rights in the ...

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