KKK is the New UFO
The current identity-politics hysteria was launched about a year ago (conveniently enough for the Obama reelection campaign) with the news that an angelic black baby named Trayvon Martin had been gunned down by white racist ...
The current identity-politics hysteria was launched about a year ago (conveniently enough for the Obama reelection campaign) with the news that an angelic black baby named Trayvon Martin had been gunned down by white racist ...
Ever notice that when you read an article on something you know a lot about, they"ve got 50% of the facts wrong? Whether it's a story about your hometown or your favorite band, it's always shocking how half-assed the ...
When you watch a Martin Scorsese movie, you can tell he grew up in Little Italy around mobsters. When you watch a Quentin Tarantino movie, you can tell he grew up watching Martin Scorsese movies. And that’s Tarantino’s ...
For me, the most disappointing takeaway from the Donald Trump Access Hollywood tapes was his stark admission that a woman once turned down his sexual advances. Even more disheartening was that he chose to clumsily apologize ...
I just flew back from Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach, and boy are my arms tired of the old narrative. I was on a panel with James O"Keefe and Sonnie Johnson called "Changing the Narrative," and we all talked ...
My daughter recently received a Post-it note on her homework that read, “Your [sic] Awesome!” A year or two ago her teacher had written, “No merkers! [sic]” on an assignment. How does one not know ...
Some years ago, before I attained wisdom, I got a bit closer than I should have to some problems a friend was having with his wife. After one sensational dust-up that left my pal literally crying in his beer, I urged him to ...
World-renowned space-traveler and recording artist William Shatner upset wide swaths of the progressive sci-fi nerd community last week when he dared to allege that women sometimes hate men. Writing on Twitter"which, ...
I grew up playing in hardcore punk bands and fighting skinheads, and the political mantra for that scene was "Anarchy and Peace." It seems incredibly naïve in retrospect, but being into punk rock was actually ...
Predictably, responses to veteran New York Times genetics reporter Nicholas Wade's new book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History are already starting to break down along ethnic lines. For example, the ...
Last Friday I had an idle chat with a middle-aged Chinese lady (not Mrs. Derbyshire). I mentioned that the following day, July 20th, would be the 40th anniversary of the death of movie and martial-arts star Bruce Lee. Lee ...
The more popular it is to worry over some organized threat, the less of a danger it likely is in reality. After all, if some group or institution was truly fearsome, most people would either be terrified into silence or ...
A little-known survey revealed the single most decisive reason Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton: White Democrats have drifted into ideological extremism over not regulating immigration. By way of background, a general ...
Former Washington Post columnist Colman McCarthy is literally Mr. Peace. He founded the Washington Peace Center in D.C., and he’s taught classes on peace and nonviolence at Georgetown University, American University, and ...
As 2014 dawns, the world continues to keep me furnished with material. For example, the current political shakeup in Turkey turns out to be a mashup of various obsessions and hobbyhorses of mine, such as byzantine ...
Reactionary author Michel Houellebecq's novel about an Islamic takeover of France, Submission, was published the day of the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo. In fact, the satirical publication's cover that bloody morning was a ...
It’s been 20 years since Nirvana’s Nevermind album and its breakthrough single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” were released. The scrawny corpse of Kurt Cobain, the Man Who Refused to Be Marketed, is being repackaged ...
A young man of my acquaintance recently ended his intimate relationship with a girl that had lasted some years, and announced the fact to the world on Facebook, together with some rather disobliging commentary on his former ...
Rich Lowry wants you to know that, "No, National Review didn"t endorse gay marriage," you silly. Alas, he was ten days late, and now the magazine's spring fundraiser is likely many thousands of dollars short. ...
For years now the world has been trying to tell The Netherlands that one of its favorite holiday traditions is an unacceptably racist vestige of colonial bloodletting, but the stubborn Dutch bastards just won"t listen. ...
Whereas comedians or artists may want to ostracize a large group of people, an ad exec can lose his job for offending even one person. This makes sense, because a commercial is a short film meant to please everyone in the ...
I just flew back from Philadelphia and boy, are my arms tired of shooing away homeless people. The city of brotherly love has been overrun with broke bruthas asking for some love and it's so depressing, you tend to forget ...
Congressman Steve King (R-IA) has noticed just how extremist today's respectable conventional wisdom has become. So King has been exercising a Trump-like knack for trolling the Establishment with blunt truths that enrage ...
Okay, first of all, stop saying "Faux News Lies." That's redundant. Either call it Faux News and we"re done, or say "Fox News Lies." Also, what is a "lie?" Do you honestly think a reporter is ...