The Week That Perished
The Week's Most Treacherous, Lecherous, and Obstreperous Headlines PICKING AT SCABS IN NORTHERN IRELAND The Police Service of Northern Ireland arrested Sinn Féin president and suspected former IRA bigwig Gerry Adams on ...
The Week's Most Treacherous, Lecherous, and Obstreperous Headlines PICKING AT SCABS IN NORTHERN IRELAND The Police Service of Northern Ireland arrested Sinn Féin president and suspected former IRA bigwig Gerry Adams on ...
The Week's Most Abrasive, Persuasive, and Invasive Headlines LETTER FROM A KENTUCKY JAIL Kim Davis is the aggressively homely county clerk of Rowan, Kentucky who is currently in jail for refusing to issue any marriage ...
How can I phrase it without sounding pompous? When very talented people dine together, it sometimes turns into a contest of wills and wits. Polite conversation, a French specialty in saying nothing in very many words, takes ...
GSTAAD—Although no longer a regular habit, extended benders now turn me into a sort of magnetic field that picks up pearls as though they are iron filings. They are insightful jewels, not the kind that tarts hang around ...
The Week’s Chunkiest, Clunkiest, and Slam-Dunkiest Headlines WAIT, TRUMP FAILED TO LOCK SOMEONE UP? NO! If there’s a single story that encapsulates the unrealized promise of the Trump administration and the dashed ...
Baseball season reminds us of the identity-politics group that doesn"t bark"left-handers. Why are certain aggregations of once-persecuted people such as blacks or gays so politically potent today, while others such ...
Board up the TV screen and plug your ears with seaweed, boys! Hurricane Gore is about to come ashore with another gale-force climate sermon. Interviews that the former next president has been giving suggest 24 Hours of ...
The two major national party conventions trotted out this year's brightest and best as if they were displaying prize pigs at a county fair. Highlights included Clint Eastwood haranguing an empty chair and Obama getting a ...
Near midnight on Friday, June 3, Kansas City police were called to a house in a blighted section of town to find an eighteen-month-old male corpse that had been floating dead in a bathtub. Police originally assumed that ...
Have you noticed a strange undertone of snark on 60 Minutes every time they feature an entrepreneur? When Lesley Stahl interviewed the founder of Groupon last week, she felt the need to needle him with, “Here’s some ...
In a supermarket in France recently, I noticed that the young woman at the till wore a badge designating her as an hôtesse de caisse—a till hostess. Not long before, she had been but a humble caissière, a cashier. What ...
When William McGowan finished his award-winning book Coloring the News: How Political Correctness Has Corrupted American Journalism, the New York Times Book Review refused to review it. When pushed for a reason, then-editor ...
GSTAAD—Hippocrates is known as the father of Western medicine, and he diagnosed and named the disease “micropoulaki” during the Periclean period, around 430 BC. He did not call it a virus, but a sickness of the brain. ...
Had Freddie Gray been robbed, beaten and left to die in the streets of his Baltimore neighborhood, no one would be mourning him today. No one would be marching for Freddie. No one would be using Freddie as the new poster ...
Saturday’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, billed as a celebration of the First Amendment and a tribute to journalists who “speak truth to power,” has to be the worst advertisement in ...
The left is desperate to have Occupy Wall Street ripple into a movement to challenge the Tea Party. The problem is that this movement’s “Occupants” are as relevant as navel lint. The Occupants say one reason they need ...
The neoconservative movement has always been more of an alternative left than a school of conservatism proper. Hence the right’s main enemy has long been not the left, but the phony, neoconservative right. For the right ...
Like everyone who was alive back on Nov. 22, 1963, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when news of the president’s assassination flashed through. (I was coming out of New York’s 21 Club after lunch.) ...
French reactionary writer Michel Houellebecq became world-famous on Jan. 7, 2015, when a caricature of him appeared on the cover of Charlie Hebdo to promote his new novel Submission about the future Islamification of France ...
In response to a speech by President Obama at Ohio State on May 5 criticizing those who warn about "tyranny," there was a lively exchange last night by the Fox All-Stars about allowing the "state" to ...
Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: “All my life I have ever made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous.’ And God ...
Maybe the world is waiting for another Clinton to move back into the White House, but whatever the reason, the "90s revival is stalled. Since the end of the Second World War, North American"and, especially, ...
General Mark Milley seems like a guy who’s been able to live a functional life while afflicted with minimal brain damage. Not enough damage to appear retarded; he can do a job, he can be social, he can probably solve ...
Paris is the best city in the world for cinema. You have only to go round the corner to see an intelligent and unusual film. In other places it takes a special effort to do so, if it is possible at all. I once spent a week ...