Ranking Ruth

I recently unfairly baited the great baseball statistics thinker Bill James into responding at vast length to one of my snarky tweets, which got me thinking about what we could learn from baseball history about how the ...

Democracy v. Diversity

If the Arab Spring is good for democracy, then it has to be good for diversity, right? We know that democracy and diversity are virtually the same thing: Both words begin with a “d,” end with a “y,” and by ...

Papal Pap

Just as love means never having to say you’re sorry, so being Pope means, I suppose, having to preach to, or perhaps at, the world. And Pope Francis certainly fulfills that part of his function. He recently turned his ...

Hollywood Conservatives’ Year of Self-Harm

This should’ve been a happy Christmas for right-wing cinephiles like myself. The “social justice” horror film Black Christmas landed with the squishy thud of Oprah slipping on an icy stoop. Black Christmas tells the ...

Say White?

In 2019 I penned a column titled “Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?” The gist was, you can’t fight antiwhite racism without calling it what it is. Several weeks ago Tucker Carlson, who used to tap-dance around ...

Beyond the Hubbub of Aaron Sorkin’s The Social Network

In the Internet Age, an increasing fraction of media "€œcontent"€ is generated by young nobodies, much to the disgust of old pros, such as screenwriter Aaron Sorkin of TV's The West Wing: "€œI am all for everyone ...

Sunshine State Exodus

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani—two brash New Yorkers as New York as New York can get—are planning to become residents of Florida. The president and the former mayor both have homes in the Sunshine State and already ...

Articles of Faith

We should all like to know why some people become terrorists, other than for the most obvious reason: that to kill, maim, and destroy, supposedly for a good cause or some allegedly higher purpose, is a delight to a certain ...

Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal: Pleased to Leave You

Gore Vidal was as good as it gets where writing is concerned. I can"€™t think of a single awkward sentence he ever wrote, and he wrote a hell of a lot for someone from a very privileged background who could do more ...

King Abdullah II of Jordan

Whose Job Is It to Kill ISIS?

Seeing clips of that 22-minute video of the immolation of the Jordanian pilot, one wonders: Who would be drawn to the cause of these barbarians who perpetrated such an atrocity? While the video might firm up the faith of ...

Trouble Standard

Charles C. Johnson is, so far as I can tell, the first and only person ever permanently banned from using Twitter. For those of you not in the know, Johnson has built a career as a journalist on the right, appearing in such ...

The New Baby-Killers

Extremists have got to learn to take half a loaf. Just like the cheap labor-demanding GOP donors, pro-lifers need to be told: You can't get everything you want. If Republicans give you this, they'll lose their jobs, and the ...

Good Scientists & Mad Scientists

There are good scientists and there are mad scientists. The good ones have invented the safety pin, central heating, and Italian coffee machines. The mad ones have invented smog, Roundup, and the military-industrial ...

Argumentum ad Fox Newsem

I haven"€™t had a sip of alcohol in thirty years and I"€™ve never been fond of hanging out with retarded people, but if one is foolish enough to establish any presence whatsoever on social media, it's mathematically ...

Nygard Residence, Nassau

Wilderness: For Sale?

The Bahamas"€”A calm swath of turquoise sea protected by a hundred-mile string of islands and cays delimit the Atlantic's blue-dark depths, to the east: an organic barrier as thin as 30 feet wide in places. The nearly ...

A Triumph of Terrorism

Western media are declaring the million-man march in Paris, where world leaders paraded down Boulevard Voltaire in solidarity with France, a victory over terrorism. Isn’t it pretty to think so. Unfortunately, the ...

Calamity of So Long Covid

You didn’t think you could just walk away from Covid hysteria, did you? You didn’t think it would just end, right? In fact, “Phase II” is about to begin. And I’m not talking about more masks ’n’ jabs. I’m ...

Herschell Gordon Lewis

Good Night, Sweet Prince of Gore

NEW YORK"€”My friend Herschell Gordon Lewis, best known as the inventor of the slasher film, died last week in Florida at the officially announced age of 90, but knowing his prickly attitude about his age and the fact ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Mundane, Inane, and Arcane Headlines TWICE AS MANY ILLEGALS IN USA AS PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT For the longest time—almost since Speedy Gonzales and the Frito Bandito ruled American pop culture—we’ve ...

Hiding in Plain Sight

Thanks to the UK Guardian, everyone now knows the NSA is spying on US citizens. Our reptilian Congress critters are wondering what the big deal is, since they’ve been authorizing it all along. While some of the recent ...

Selma, 50 Years On

On Martin Luther King Day, 2015, how stand race relations in America? “Selma,” a film focused on the police clubbing of civil rights marchers led by Dr. King at Selma bridge in March of 1965, is being denounced ...

Lindsay Lohan

Loathing Lindsay Lohan

One of my minor irritants is seeing weak people intentionally set up to fail. It happens more often in Hollywood than anywhere else on Earth. When a production tanks, a troubled actress always fits the bill. No starlet ...

“Hey, Look, I’m Driving a Giant iPhone!”

NEW YORK—Question: How can you tell the difference between Elon Musk and an ordinary Tesla owner? Answer: Elon Musk will eventually stop talking about his Tesla. I never quite got the whole Tesla thing. Is there some ...

Hillary Clinton

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Bumptious, Scrumptious, and Presumptuous Headlines FEAR AND SCHLONGING ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL Donald Trump, who according to rumor is secretly planning to name our Solar System after himself before he dies, ...

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