The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Alien, Mammalian, and Sesquipedalian Headlines BLACK WRITER SETS ODDS ON WHEN TRUMP WILL FINALLY SAY THE “N-WORD” Michael Harriot is a black man who writes for The Root, a site where black people get ...

Amber Heard

The Week That Perished

At this point, it’s safer never to open your mouth. Just let everyone else yell at you, and we’ll all live happily ever ...

Beavis and Butthead

The Retarded State of Public Debate

As the international embarrassment known as the American debt-ceiling debate winds down and Congress decides on how much more they should rob unborn Peters to cover for deadbeat Pauls, I feel like wiping the shit off my ...

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

What’s Wrong About Rights

One of the reasons the West is in such deep trouble is that it has allowed "€œrights"€ to kill off what's "€œright,"€ as in "€œthat which is right."€  Rights are used to justify a whole series of wrongs, ...

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Is Turkey Lost to the West?

Not long ago, a democratizing Turkey, with the second-largest army in NATO, appeared on track to join the European Union. That’s not likely now, or perhaps ever. Last week, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared ...

Kathy Shaidle

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Sodden, Throdden, and Downtrodden Headlines NAZI PIANO CONCERTO, NUMBER TWO (SECOND MOVEMENT) Third Reich? More like Turd Reich. In the immediate aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol protest and riot, ...

The Eyesores That Unite Us

Some years ago, in a flash of inspiration while in Istanbul, I had an idea of a kind that occurs to me infrequently: I thought of an entirely new institution, the National Museum of Kitsch. I would collect particularly ...

Pamela Harriman

The Pam I Knew

I’d gladly exchange waistlines with him if he’d teach me to cut a phrase the way he does—in print, that is. I’m talking about none other than The Spectator’s “Brute” Anderson, whose style of writing I ...

The Government That Cried Wolf

I do not believe the claims regarding the Boston Marathon bombings. I do not believe the Civil Support Team was an innocuous presence. I do not believe the astronomically unlikely happenstance that the supposed bombers were ...

Oxfam and the Fall of the Moral Monopoly

“Now, that represents a degree of hypocrisy I’ve hitherto suspected in you but not noticed, due to highly evasive skills.” So says the eponymous lead character in the cult comedy Withnail and I. We have the same ...

Progress pride flag

Putin Has a Point

This week marks the first anniversary of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, a war not currently going terribly well in terms of actual physical territorial conquest, so which now increasingly has to be portrayed as a ...

The Education America Needs

It is easy for leftist intellectuals to condescend to President Trump; the man says he does not read books, and as we all know, he can be pretty crude besides. How amusing it is, then, to see him consistently evince a ...

Breakup of the West?

By the time Air Force One started down the runaway at Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily, to bring President Trump home, the Atlantic had grown markedly wider than it was when he flew to Riyadh. In a Munich beer hall ...

A Faulty Cloaking Device

It's hijab vu all over again. Each "€œnew"€ Muslim regalia hoo-ha"€”this week, it's the French burkini battle"€”makes me feel like I"€™m trapped in Turkish Groundhog Day. You lucky Americans haven"€™t been ...

Nothing Special

There was some mild anxiety when it was revealed that Mr. Trump, as president-elect, called eight or nine heads of government before speaking to the British prime minister, Theresa May. But then, apparently, he assured her ...

Vive le Petit Bourgeois

There is no descriptive term in sociology, except lumpenproletariat, that serves so much as one of abuse as petit bourgeois, so much so that I doubt that anyone would proudly proclaim himself a member of that despised ...

Black BART and the Freedom Riders

It’s been a good month for Mark Weber. Mark is the director of the California-based Institute for Historical Review (IHR), a publishing house that dares to sell books that express points of view that some people consider ...

White Nationalists and Diversity’s Agents

A nation is like a dysfunctional family. The confident elder son is his father’s favorite, fiercely resented by his insecure younger brother. Rivals in beauty and for male attention, the teenage sisters, though both ...

Gary Glitter

How “€œGary”€ Lost Its Glitter

Muggeridge's Law, indeed. The Punch editor (and all around crusty old fart) observed late-ish in the 20th century that modern life's absurdities rendered the satirist's role redundant. But too many self-appointed ...

Ginkgo Tree

Old Glory

GSTAAD—Birthdays at my age are for the birds, but always a good excuse for a party. Messages of good wishes began early on, with loyal Speccie reader Arnold Taylor ringing from South Africa, and Rosemary and Wafic Said ...

Snowdon-Jones Is Not British Royalty

It’s hardly rare for social climbers on one side of the Atlantic to claim connections with part of the elite on the other side. We had in the UK just recently some no name from flyover country insisting that he was a ...

Serifos, Greece

Isle Be Damned

ISLAND OF SERIFOS—Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: Island life is not for me. Island life off a boat, jawohl, but island life without a boat, nyet! Family czars insisted that living in tight quarters with ...


GSTAAD—I was reading Julie Burchill’s review of my friend Candace Bushnell’s Is There Still Sex in the City? when one of the reviewer’s insights struck me like a stiff left jab to the noggin: “Those who have ...

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