Maverick Moviemaking

White male aircraft carrier fighter pilots were the heroes of the 1986 hit movie Top Gun. But today, white men are the designated villains in our culture. Yet the profession of carrier fighter pilot remains almost 93 ...

On Second Thought, Stick to Your Guns

A year ago, in the wake of yet another American High School massacre"€”this time by a half-British shooter"€”I wrote a contentious article on gun control here. I made what seemed to me a reasonable case for increased ...

A Dull Lancet

There comes a time in any man's life when he wants to accumulate no more possessions, but rather disembarrass himself of those he already has. For otherwise he is in danger of becoming like one of those old people who throw ...

Casualty Lists From the Kavanaugh Battle

After a 50-year siege, the great strategic fortress of liberalism has fallen. With the elevation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court seems secure for constitutionalism -- perhaps for decades. The shrieks from the ...

Jennifer Lawrence

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Monumental, Detrimental, and Excremental Headlines NAKED FEMALE CELEBS LEAK FROM THE CLOUD Female Hollywood celebrities and the pissants who worship them as saints are shocked, outraged, incensed, and ...

Immunity for the Speech Suppressors

November 3rd...election day. There’s not much a man of my years can do at a time like this but think back to elections past. And at the moment I’m thinking of Friday, November 4th, 1988, four days before America had the ...

Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles

Hollywood Plays with Fire

In July of 1870, King Wilhelm sent Foreign Minister Bismarck an account of his meeting with a French envoy who had demanded that the king renounce any Hohenzollern claim to the Spanish throne. Bismarck edited the report to ...

Putin the Paedo?

Should I be found dead with a polonium-tipped suppository lodged in my backside, the finger of suspicion will point firmly at the Kremlin. For sure, its parade of goons and assassins has proved on occasion bungling and ...

James O'Keefe

The Night Baby Put Herself in a Corner

In recent months I’ve written several pieces that mention my Friends of Abe years. It’s pure coincidence; stories in the news that piqued my interest just happened to contain angles that relate to my time with the ...

Entrepreneurial Graffiti

It's 2012 in New York City and grown men are still writing their nicknames on everything. They come up with names such as Revok and Daim and vandalize other people's property in a search for fame. They use etching cream to ...

Ventura, CA

Isle of L.A. Part I: The Changing Colors of the Landscape

In honor of my upcoming 53rd birthday, I’m launching a two-part (or three...haven’t decided yet) series on the changing face of my native city. I’ve never understood why some people want to be lied to. It’s why so ...

Double Duty

GSTAAD—I’ve been wrestling all week with indecision, the kind that tests one’s soul, and the uncertainty is killing me. It’s like having to choose between Keira Knightley and Jennifer Lawrence, when it’s normal to ...

The Two Eisgrubers

It is difficult enough for people to say what they mean, but it is even more difficult, at least for some of them, to mean what they say. Moreover, some people neither say what they mean nor mean what they say, but mean ...

Leave Them Vids Alone

W.H. Auden once said that Eros was the builder of cities. If true, that would explain why American infrastructure is collapsing from decay. Earlier this year, Alek Minassian, a 25-year-old Canadian, murdered ten people by ...

It’s an Invasion! … of Moronic Arguments

BREAKING NEWS: MASS SHOOTING IN DAYTON, OHIO, LAST SATURDAY NIGHT. (This may not be news to you, but I watch MSNBC, so I didn't find out about the Dayton massacre until yesterday.) There were two horrifying mass shootings ...

Why, Oh Why is Iowa so Iowhite?

On New Year’s Day, NBC honking head Andrea Mitchell tried making America hip to the Hawkeye State’s unforgivable lack of hipness: The rap on Iowa: it doesn’t represent the rest of the country—too white, too ...

Tears of a Tyrant

I think it was Jean Améry who said that once you have been tortured you remain tortured. I do not mean to claim any kind of equivalence in the experience, but once you have been to North Korea, you never forget it, ...

Cleveland, Ohio

America, Is That You?

To Cleveland, Ohio, where mid-America’s middle class begins its great Midwest sprawl. I always wanted to visit Cleveland because the so-called sophisticates have poked fun at it. And the place does not disappoint. ...

Joseph Brant

Have a Historically Accurate Thanksgiving!

As every public school child knows, the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when our Pilgrim forefathers took a break from slaughtering Peaceful, Environmentally Friendly, Indigenous Peoples to invite them to dinner in ...

The Left Has Made Racism the Practical Choice

Leftists have a charming habit of embarking on crusades that end up accomplishing the exact opposite of what was supposedly intended. Anti-poverty programs that not only increase poverty, but institutionalize it. School ...

Hate Speech: The New Pornography

As resident Taki’s Mag sage Theodore Dalrymple once observed, “If we are not prudish about one thing, we are prudish about another, the total amount of prudery remaining constant.” One of the reasons I’m ...

The Truth About Progressive Companies

Progressive companies are not only of rich sociological interest; they often provide wonderful unintended comedy. For close scrutiny shows that, on the whole, progressive companies are no better than “the greedy ...

Graceland, Memphis

Heartbreak Luxury Hotels

CHARLOTTE, N.C.—The lawyers and CPAs who run Elvis Presley Enterprises have been threatening the city of Memphis for the past two years with plans to dismantle Graceland—the most hallowed redneck house in the ...

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