Joseph Haydn

High Drama at Haydn

Every year Joseph Haydn comes for a few days to the town in which I live when I"€™m in England. For about five days there are two concerts daily, and for me it is a great luxury to have a string quartet playing almost on ...

Raymond Chandler

A Very Incomplete List of My Favorite Novelists

I stopped reading novels long ago. When those arch-phonies writing magic realism became household words, I dropped out quicker than you can say, "€œRaymond Chandler."€ Now that's what I call a novel"€”the stuff ...

The Way We Were

Big news out of the White House this week! After a beehive of activity, Jared Kushner will finally be unveiling his comprehensive immigration plan! Reportedly, the proposed bill keeps the number of new immigrants per ...

Karl Marx Allee, Berlin

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Seductive, Instructive, and Counterproductive Headlines NIGEL FARAGE BOARDS THE TRUMP TRAIN Nigel “Mr. Brexit” Farage joined Donald “Our Lord and Savior” Trump last Wednesday evening ...

The Alternative Right

And the impossibility of conservatism. It's 1964. A stranger approaches and tells you two political movements will arise in the near future, the New Left and the New Right. One of these movements will dominate American ...

Manhattan Bridge

Le Dîner de Cons

There are reasons I don’t like to venture from the Upper East Side. I was reminded of several at a dinner party in Brooklyn where I wisely kept my mouth shut as my tablemates spewed errant nonsense on myriad subjects. ...

Christine Lagarde

Troubling Times

The week between Christmas and New Year's is a long one, recovery time for many of us. The silliest newspaper in the world, The New York Times, uses it to slip in some propaganda posing as news, but that's not news for most ...

PC Marches On

Some of you oldies will never believe this, but London is no longer the place of The Blue Lamp and other black-and-white golden oldies that were made in the Shepperton and Elstree studios by the great Rank and Korda ...

A Difference of Degree

Perhaps because this has seemed like the coldest winter I can recall in normally balmy Southern California, I got to wondering: Why do northerners tend to be smarter than southerners? Is it because of the north’s cold ...

The Evolution of Bad Tennis

A first-round loser at Wimbledon this year will receive $35,000 for showing up even if he defaults before the first ball is struck. Back in 1957 I got close to 200 dollars for losing in the singles qualifying draw and ...

Huckabee: The New Huey Long

A tax-and-spend liberal like Huckabee has as little chance of uniting the Right as the untrustworthy Romney and socially liberal Giuliani. Ron Paul, on the other hand, already has the support of libertarians and antiwar ...

My Byline Is Joe Bob By-God Briggs

CHICAGO—We used to make fun of anybody who would be so arrogant as to put a byline on his own article. In fact, it was sort of the definition of weirdos in the newsroom: effete literary guys in love with their own prose. ...

Sir Anthony Hopkins

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Waxing, Taxing, and Vaxxing Headlines AND THE OSCAR GOES TO...RACISM! The Academy Awards don’t exactly have the best record when it comes to racial groveling; every virtue-signaling stunt seems to ...

The True History of Millstone Babies

Having mastered fake news, now the media are trying out a little fake history. In the news business, new topics are always popping up, from the Logan Act and the emoluments clause to North Korea. The all-star panels rush ...

Lessons From Hollywood’s “Great Replacement”

Why do some attempts at social engineering and racial apartheid work, while others don’t? It often comes down to whether the machinators choose to acknowledge human nature or ignore it. So let’s take a look at the ...

Benjamin Netanyahu

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Grandstanding, Rebranding, and Winter Wonderlanding Headlines DEAF COMEDY JAM Blackface, meet blackhand. Last month, the sign-language interpreter for Broadway’s The Lion King was fired for being white. ...

Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee

Easy to Put Down

Patricia MacCormack is a professor of continental philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England, which has nearly 40,000 students. If the photographs and videos of her to be found on the internet are truly of ...

Blacks & Ladders

Christmas and New Year’s have now come and gone, and doubtless, like most families, you spent much of your time over the holidays fighting with one another over age-old, tried-and-tested board games like Snakes & ...

Jennifer Tipton and Olivier Odom

T-Shirts to Offend Lesbians

The rabidly politicized, mad-as-hell, accept-us-or-die quotient of gay Americans—at last count, somewhere between 97 to 99 percent of them—seem determined to prove that they can get just as offended as your average ...

The Great Epstein Cover-Up, Part 2

Last week, we reviewed our ruling class's strange lack of interest in Jeffrey Epstein's child molestation ring, in which so many of them played a part. The media cover-up is second only to the government cover-up, with ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Despotic, Chaotic, and Psychotic Headlines WHITE COP WINS DISCRIMINATION LAWSUIT A federal jury has awarded a white police lieutenant from Long Island $1.35 million in a discrimination lawsuit. The ...

Kim Foxx

Kill Back Better

This isn't a Chicago story. It's a Democratic Party story. Kim Foxx, the state's attorney for Cook County and darling of MSNBC, has managed to increase murders in Chicago to astounding levels even at a time when we're all ...

Brad Pitt

A Burning Question

GSTAAD—Lenin Moreno is in trouble despite his very unchristian first name. For any of you unfamiliar with him, Señor Moreno is the president of Ecuador, a tiny South American country that I like very much because if ...

Jeffrey Epstein

The Great Epstein Cover-Up, Part 1

Question: Is our ruling class trying to make us think they're a bunch of pederasts? Our media could not be less interested in Jeffrey Epstein's child molestation ring and, with the sole exception of the Palm Beach Police ...

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