State of the Art
A new study in Science, “Quantifying reputation and success in art,” documents that in the contemporary art world, it’s less a matter of what you know than whom you know. Art economist Magnus Resch writes in Art ...
A new study in Science, “Quantifying reputation and success in art,” documents that in the contemporary art world, it’s less a matter of what you know than whom you know. Art economist Magnus Resch writes in Art ...
Referring to his most famous victory at the educational establishment he and so many of his officers attended, the Duke of Wellington is alleged (some say incorrectly) to have remarked: The Battle of Waterloo was won on ...
To anybody who saw Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey as a child, Pythagoras's 2,500-year-old intuition that astronomy and music must be intertwined seems self-evident. The opening minute of 2001 is set to the ...
Anyone who has two brain cells to rub together for warmth on a cold winter morning knows that this whole "fiscal cliff" debate is nothing more than a petty squabble over tweaking the amount of a terminal cancer ...
In the first round of the special election for the House seat in Georgia’s Sixth District, 30-year-old Jon Ossoff swept 48 percent. He more than doubled the vote of his closest GOP rival, Karen Handel. A Peach State ...
Armed with the necessary certificate to justify my journey from France to the Netherlands, my presence in the latter country having become “indispensable,” I spent a couple of days in Amsterdam. The regulations there ...
In case you were unaware—or, more likely, you were so keenly aware that you decided it was wise to keep your mouth shut decades ago, which is why you still have a job and aren’t homeless or in federal prison—we’re ...
If you think it’s shameful to enter a beauty pageant to be selected as “Miss Hitler,” imagine the shame of not even ...
The Week's Most Jarring, Scarring, and Alarming Headlines DO BLACK LIVES MATTER IF THE GUY’S NOT REALLY BLACK? A mere two months after Rachel Dolezal smeared the NAACP’s mighty and incorruptible name by ...
The Week's Most Contemptible, Reprehensible, and Indefensible Headlines ATLANTA's TRAFFIC NIGHTMARE: BLAME THE SNOW BECAUSE IT's WHITE Atlanta"a city of barely a half-million people in a metro area more than ten times ...
I am an alcoholic, or what is called an alcoholic, and I still am an alcoholic, so they say, even though I gave up booze nearly one year ago. Sure, I drank dangerous amounts of the stuff day in and day out for decades. ...
The Week’s Most Agonized, Balkanized, and Compromised Headlines REPORT: “CHILD” REFUGEES LIED ABOUT THEIR AGE It is not paranoid to suggest that the current “refugee crisis” that was engineered by global finance ...
Hello, friend! Do you happen to be on the right? Mainstream conservative, perhaps? Alt-right? Racialist right? Or just a good old-fashioned “bombs ’n’ tax breaks” neocon? However you identify, chances are you’ve ...
Some of my best friends are "birthers." So far I"ve resisted the temptation to sign up with them, although I loved that bit about the signature on that Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth" possibly ...
This year, as last, bees—tens of thousands of them—made their home between a window in my house in France and the shutters. We called a local bee-man and he came to try to capture the bees in an artificial hive. This is ...
There is a story, very likely apocryphal, that shortly after Charles de Gaulle resigned France's presidency, he and his famously prim wife were entertaining some American guests at their country house. Not all the guests ...
The Week’s Most Cloying, Annoying, and Soul-Destroying Headlines BEELZEBUB HONORS RBG If you were a fiction writer trying to come up with a name for a diabolically evil female character, you couldn’t do better than ...
When the Fiske half of my family immigrated to England, we weren"t exactly popular. We arrived at the coast in boats and disgorged en masse only to be met "with spear tips and sword blades," according to the ...
"Only connect" " such were the famous (almost) concluding words of E. M. Forster's novel, Howard's Way. I think if Forster were alive today and still writing, he would end the book differently: "Only ...
Confederates are a misunderstood bunch. April marked 150 years since the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter, launching the Civil War. Though hostilities didn’t last half as long as Vietnam or even our current Afghan ...
This Tuesday, the French celebrated Bastille Day, the mob attack on a Parisian prison that has come to symbolize the French Revolution, a period of massive violence that produced nothing other than a lot of dead Frenchmen. ...
NEW YORK—Is it poor little ol’ me imagining things, or are Americans becoming stupider by the minute? I’ve been traveling and running into the species, and I swear that the most intelligent thing I’ve heard recently ...
GSTAAD—A friend of mine who lives here wants to start a literary festival and asked me if I had some advice for him. He’s a nice fellow and very friendly with my daughter, but he’s also the type that, had he been on ...
These are wonderful times for conspiracy theorists. Not a sparrow falls but M. Trump, Obama, or Putin is behind it, if not the CIA, the FBI, the FSB, MI6, or Mossad. The problem is that conspiracies do occur. I once had a ...