Donald Trump

Will Elites Blow Up the GOP?

“Buchanan, if you ever hear of a group getting together to stop X, be sure to put your money on X.” So, Richard Nixon told me half a century ago, after he had been badly burned in just such a futile and failed ...

When Refugees Were Conquerors

Ah, the refugee caravan. Would it be a midterm election without a bunch of oppressed brown-skinned asylum seekers storming the border? In a way, these refugees are like cicadas, appearing with clockwork predictability ...

Tahrir Square

The Arab Spring Turns to Summer

Roughly one year ago Mohamed Morsi won Egypt's presidential election. At the time there was jubilation and optimism. Finally, the head of state would represent the people.   It took twelve months to appreciate the caliber ...

How to Find the Perfect Guy

I walked into a bar yesterday and my neighbor was in tears. Her marriage is over and her husband is leaving her. "€œIt just wasn"€™t working,"€ she told me while melting in her chair. "€œSo?"€ I responded. This ...

Stop Lying and Eat Your Salad

HOUSTON—If it doesn’t come from an animal—or, I guess, if you wanna get technical and include Soylent Green in our definition, an animal or a human—then it’s not meat. I’m surprised I have to explain ...

Is a Trump-Putin Detente Dead?

Among the reasons Donald Trump is president is that he read the nation and the world better than his rivals. He saw the surging power of American nationalism at home, and of ethnonationalism in Europe. And he embraced ...

The Diversity Recession

Uncovering the roots of the disastrous home mortgage bubble that popped last year will keep economic historians busy for decades. Yet, one factor has so far been largely overlooked: the bipartisan social engineering crusade ...

Is a New Era Upon Us?

Whoever wins the nominations, the most successful campaigns of 2016 provide us with a clear picture of where the center of gravity is today in both parties and, hence, where America is going. Bernie Sanders, with his ...

The Greatest Generation Has Left the Building

The recent anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki's destruction by atomic bombs reminded me of an odd encounter I once had with one of the responsible parties. It happened at a Starbucks in a small Northwestern college ...

Robert E. Lee


My ancestors were Presbyterian abolitionists who fought on the Union side, but I get really ticked off when imbeciles take a sledgehammer to my country's history. Last week, with self-satisfied glee, savages tore down the ...

Who Killed the Middle Class?

“It is our generation’s task, then, to reignite the true engine of America’s economic growth—a rising, thriving middle class.” So said Barack Obama in his State of the Union. And for one of ...

Mark Zuckerberg wax figure at Madame Tussaud's

Smartphone Slavery

President Mark Zuckerberg. Your lips better get used to mouthing that name. The King of Facebook has been traveling across the country, visiting quaint locals, quietly laying the groundwork for a future political ...

Johnny Depp as John Dillinger in Pubic Enemies

The Dead Soul of Adam Lanza

“No set of laws can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society.” So said President Obama in words of comfort in Newtown. The president was right to speak of evil, ...

Will County, Illinois

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Ghoulish, Coolish, and April-Foolish Headlines CONSERVATIVE DING-A-LINGS Imagine a Ron DeSantis conference call with Florida conservatives... DeSantis: “You know how I’m out there every day fighting ...

The Triggers of History

The London School of Economics has decided that it will not use dreadful words such as Christmas, Easter, Lent, and Michaelmas to designate its term times and holidays. Presumably, its management now congratulates itself ...

A Firmer Hand

Perhaps there will come a day when I look back with fondness on the dithering incompetence of Obama"€”when the stiff pomposity of his ersatz Luther King speechifying no longer brings a trace of vomit to my mouth. Yet, for ...

The Thing About Helvetia…

GSTAAD—When Gerald Murphy and Cole Porter discovered the French Riviera as a summer resort during the early ’20s, the swells and avant-gardes still spent the warm months in cool places like Deauville and Baden-Baden. I ...

Owen Wilson

Midnight in Paris: The Lost Generation Reborn

Satire is a reactionary art form powered by contempt for the present. Although Woody Allen, now 75, has always espoused conventionally liberal views, he's one of the last figures in American culture unaffected by the ...

Donald Trump: Satirist-in-Chief

Joseph de Maistre, the great Catholic reactionary thinker, conceived of intellectuals as grotesque, loathsome beings, because their cleverness and ambition amount primarily to confusion and discord in the culture and, worst ...

No Taxation of Menstruation!

Yes, the Daily Mail has too many typos and stopped displaying correctly on Firefox last week"€”and somehow nobody in charge of captions recognized impossible-to-miss future Pogues frontman Shane MacGowan in a recent ...

Robert Redford

Inconvenient Truths About Sundance

Middle America’s quaint pastimes are mocked. Quirky teens navigate suburbia’s dark, surreal underbelly. Filmmakers make films about filmmaking. Families are weird, the planet is dying, baby boomers are awesome, ...

Killing the West With Kindness

A couple of hard-luck stories: First story: Randy Johnson of Marion, Indiana was laid off from his job at a paper-products company in 1995 along with 200 other employees. The company had been purchased by Bain Capital six ...

Havana, Cuba

Who’s Your Favorite Dictator?

Just as everyone has his favorite crime, so everyone has his favorite dictator. For much of the 20th century, Fidel Castro was the darling of the intellectuals: partly because, like them, he was so slovenly in appearance, ...

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