The Bus Never Stops

SOMERVILLE, Mass.—Under its new domestic partnership ordinance, the city of Somerville now grants polyamorous groups the rights held by spouses in marriage, such as the right to confer health insurance benefits or make ...

Saving the World From Book Clubs

There was a time"€”or so I"€™m told, anyway; it was long before my day"€”when college kids thumbed their noses at authority, fiercely defended the freedom to openly exchange ideas, and demanded something other than ...

Is ISIS ‘An Existential Threat’?

U.S. air strikes since Friday have opened a corridor through which tens of thousands of Yazidis, trapped and starving on a mountain in Iraq, have escaped to safety in Kurdistan. The Kurds, whose peshmerga fighters were ...

Shaming the Gun-Shame Lobby

Weeks after the Sandy Hook shooting, which was blamed on everything from Ke$ha to Mortal Kombat, most news outlets are still in panic mode. One newspaper, though, went “full retard.” The Journal News of Lower ...

The Alt-Right Is Bringing Back AIDS!

It started innocently enough. People on the right wanted something a little stronger than National Review-style conservatism. As the most extreme elements of the racist left ballooned, metastasized, and became an ...

A Paleo Epitaph

There was a time, roughly between the mid-1980s and the early 1990s, when the paleoconservatives looked like an insurgent force. In 1992, they found in Pat Buchanan a powerful presidential contender, and one who listened to ...

Thank God for the Proud Boys

A little more than a year ago, 2,000 antifa tried to shut down my speech at UC Berkeley, according to police on the scene. The Berkeley police chief had ordered her officers to stand outside the building like mute ninjas, ...

Victoria Nuland

Tell the Truth and Don”€™t Apologize

I suppose the biggest topical subject of the moment is the Winter Olympics. Unfortunately, sport has never been my thing. I can"€™t catch, throw, or hit, have precious little sense of balance, and run like a duck on ice. ...

Vermin Supreme for President

On Monday, supporters of Rick Santorum clashed with Santorophobes outside a New Hampshire sports bar. Both sides were angry enough to fight about it. Talk about politics as snooze-ual. Santorum’s apparently a bigot ...

Debate Tip: Remember to Ask About White Supremacy

Unfortunately, this week's vice presidential debate -- occurring after this column goes out -- is unlikely to be something you'd see in the Turkish parliament, like we had last week. But I expect one similarity: There will ...

The Bland Leading the Bland

Starting from absolute freedom, I arrive at absolute tyranny. —Dostoyevsky, The Devils The unexamined life is not worth living, said Socrates, but users of social media are increasingly discovering that the too-closely ...

When You Can’t Hold Your Horses

DALLAS—Millions of two-dollar bettors became experts on the rules of horse racing over the weekend after Maximum Security, a handsome bay colt with a white stripe down the middle of his forehead, won the Kentucky Derby, ...

Woodrow Wilson

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Grating, Race-Baiting, and Nauseating Headlines PURGING WOODROW WILSON FROM PRINCETON America’s black college students and their guilt-wracked white enablers will apparently not rest until the only ...

Lynching Toward Redemption

The dream has finally been realized: America now has a national lynching memorial, and if you’re like me, you bought your tickets way in advance (take my word for it—get your tix online; the scalpers outside the venue ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Velocious, Ferocious, and Braggadocious Headlines PRAISE RHESUS FOR A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST! Not every country is lucky enough to be situated next door to Mexico. Indeed, illegal immigration would be far less ...

Stanford University

To Encourage the Others

Tenure—lifetime employment for college professors—is under attack from all sides. The American custom of granting thirtysomething professors the right to a job for life was traditionally said by its defenders to go ...

Ousseynou Sy

No One Here Gets Out Alive

“No one here gets out alive!” the immigrant driver allegedly yelled to a bus full of 12- and 13-year-old schoolkids near Milan last Wednesday while barreling down a highway and plowing through a police roadblock. He ...

Forget the Mueller Report, I Want the Ames Report

NEW YORK—So after two years of Mueller Reporting, what we know is: (a) Everything worth knowing was leaked to The New York Times in real time and so we already heard it months ago. (b) There are insane people among ...

Cameron Diaz

The Second Least Glamorous Job in Showbiz

Watching the misanthropic comedy Bad Teacher, I was reminded of how my late father-in-law, who supplemented his careers as a tuba player and union boss with a day job in the Chicago public schools as the world’s most ...

Weiner the Wanker

I despise Anthony Weiner, and not just because he is protected by pals at The New York Times. All one has to do is look at this hideous freak and suddenly all the world's lasciviousness seems brought into stark relief. But ...

Keira Knightley

Something’s Very Wrong Here

When I founded The American Conservative magazine 13 years ago–the purpose being to shine a light on neocon shenanigans that led to the greatest American foreign-policy disaster ever—Pat Buchanan and I held a press ...

The Bell Tolls for the ‘New Majority’

Next year should be a banner year for the GOP, and may yet be. Obamacare, a “train wreck” about to happen, says Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, goes into full effect Jan. 1, with the popular IRS as enforcer. The ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Parading, Upbraiding, and Gasconading Headlines GREEN EGGS AND HARAM The ayatollahs of racial wokeness have come for Dr. Seuss, who thirty years after his death has been accused of infidel-ity because he ...

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