Los Angeles

L.A.’s Dirty Little Brown Secret

Consider it one of this summer's most underreported stories. In what's described as "€œone of the largest civil rights indictments in L.A. history,"€ an old-school Mexican gang"€”one of the original Mexi gangs that ...

The Joy of American Unexceptionalism

The estimable Charles Murray has published a new pamphlet, American Exceptionalism: An Experiment in History. It builds on the section in his 2012 book Coming Apart explaining what European visitors to the early Republic, ...

Jay Leno and Johnny Carson

Leno’s Last Laugh

Yes, there really is a Burbank. As a kid, I assumed that the smallish California city with the “beautiful downtown” was just a cheesy Tonight Show punch line, not a real place. Today, all is not well in the ...

Cain Velasquez

Less Than Supreme

I thought I’d stumbled into a black hole when I read about the white supremacist who had just received the shock of his life on a television talk show. A generation ago, his ilk were shock-talk daytime-TV fixtures, ...

Nobody Escapes the Progressive Inquisition

In what will come as a surprise to absolutely no one who follows him on Twitter, the roguish bro reactionary Pax Dickinson has been defenestrated and sent off to a labor camp where he will toil alongside John Derbyshire, ...

The Trouble With Texas

Is Texas about the best fate that a heavily Hispanicized America can hope for? In a future United States that won’t be able to generate all that much per-capita wealth, is Texas‘s system of cheap labor, cheap ...

Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All?

We"€™ve all heard Samuel Johnson's famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I"€™ve always believed it's racism that's the last refuge of a scoundrel. Race is what you cling to when you ...

Race of the Amish

The conventional wisdom about how race is just a social construct is back in the news with the endless excoriations of Nicholas Wade's A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History. Sadly, the term "€œsocial ...

An Inopportune Rape (Or, How I Learned to Hate the Left)

Did you hear? CNN took the photo of biracial Umpqua College mass killer Chris Harper-Mercer and turned him white! Lightened his skin, thinned his nose, flared his nostrils…the whole Voldemort treatment. Damn racist ...

The Slow-Motion Suicide Bombers of the West

All Mirah Wilks ever wanted was to be a victim. But, tragically, her luck was just too good. For 69 years, the Israeli-born Wilks evaded bullet after bullet. As a child she contracted polio, and whereas others afflicted ...

Where Are All the White Supremacists?

I woke up this morning, sneezed, and then suddenly every white person in the world was a “white supremacist.” And if they try to deny it, well, that only means they are white supremacists who lie about it. Still ...

Oprah Winfrey and Forest Whitaker

Butler Unchained

The hit movie Lee Daniels’ The Butler, staring Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey, takes us back to the bad old days when blacks worked in the White House rather than lived there. Strange as it may seem now, in an ...

Trayvon Martin

Trayvonnosaurus Rex

According to the police report of his fatal shooting on the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin stood exactly six feet tall. In death, he has become a hundred times larger. I believe that's because crass opportunists are ...

Trans Fixed

In the article that shut down my life, "€œTransphobia Is Perfectly Natural,"€ I likened sex-change surgery to self-mutilation. As the mob chased me through the village with their torches, I yelled back, "€œThey have ...

Peyton Manning

Killing Chip to Save Tyrone

If a runaway trolley were about to smash into a bus containing 100 trapped members of the Harlem Jazz Orchestra, would you push a wholly innocent man named Chip Ellsworth III onto the tracks to stop the accident? What if ...

Bend Over, Teachers: Here Comes Progress

Evergreen State College is nestled far away from reality in the misty paradise of Olympia, Washington, a mossy and supernatural village which is run by lesbian elves and transgender circus performers. The school bears the ...

The Will to Outrage

There is no racist like an antiracist: That is because he is obsessed by race, whose actual existence as often as not he denies. He looks at the world through race-tinted spectacles, interprets every event or social ...

The Myth of the Golf Nazi

For most of history, being a hereditary aristocrat was a good job. The only catch was the old concept of noblesse oblige, which suggested that people of wealth, power, and influence were honor bound to defend the general ...

10 Things That Suck About Being Rich

As a serial entrepreneur, I"€™ve created and sold many companies over the years. From a media empire to an ad agency (we had quietly sold Rooster NY a year before it was shut down for transphobia) to some weird box that ...

Is Democracy’s Sun Setting?

So where are we with this democracy business? Last time I brought it up I left you with Robert A. Heinlein's time traveler: "€œHow were things when you left? Especially, how is the United States getting along with its ...

Decking the Red Whale

Perhaps it’s the sadistic caveman in me, but I have a lifelong love for the “sweet science” of boxing. I especially love watching unstoppable knockout artists such as undefeated Kazakh monster Gennady ...

Gradually and Then Suddenly

Europe's self-inflicted "€œmigrant crisis"€ ought to serve as a warning to Americans citizens that there's no time like the present for planning ahead to stymie similar mass assaults on America's borders. Immigration ...

The Deranged Origin of Multiculturalism

The DACA issue compels us to confront our time’s either-or: patriotism or multiculturalism? We can’t have it both ways; which shall it be? Though it would have been unthinkable at any other period in history, most of ...

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