Harvey Keitel

The Highest Bidder

New York—Harvey Keitel, the actor, rang up to invite me to a Marine shindig where General Petraeus would be guest speaker. The venue was Carnegie Hall, and I arrived late, having had a tough session at the karate dojo. I ...


Infantile Conservatism

Regularly now, The Washington Post, as always concerned with fairness and balance, runs a blog called “Right Turn: Jennifer Rubin’s Take From a Conservative Perspective.” The blog tells us what the Post ...

First Slowly, Then Quickly

“No worst, there is none,” wrote the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, about human states of mind. If he were alive today, he might write, “No most absurd, there is none,” about our current contortions of language. In a ...

My Olympic Freestyle 100-Meter Q&A

For fifteen years, I"€™ve been writing long analyses of how the data found in Olympic results can help us answer fundamental questions about nature v. nurture, human biodiversity, race, and sex (e.g., 1997, 2000, 2000, ...

Nelson Mandela

A Great South African & A Horrible South Africa

The great South African Ernie Els recently won the British Open golf tournament in epic style. In victory he was gracious, kind, and humble. But then, as is the norm for white South Africans in the limelight, Els went on ...

Get Off My Lawn and Go Read a Book

Being neither rocket-scientist material nor chipper by temperament, I have never been able to pile up the tower of steaming hubris it would take to convince myself that the world needs me to pass my genetic load of ...

The Aborted Birther

At long last, our traumatic national nightmare has finally come to a close, all thanks to Donald Trump, who last week loudly proclaimed to all who would hear that President Obama was indeed born in the U.S. Well, that's a ...

Blah Humbug

Doctor Johnson wisely advised writers to strike out those passages in their own work that they found particularly fine; but the opposite of this advice is followed each week by The Lancet, one of the world's leading medical ...

A Lockdown Line in the Sand

In May 1940, Hitler and Himmler were having one of their little slumber-party bull sessions, exchanging gossipy notes like schoolgirls. Himmler gave his Führer a memo titled “Treatment of Alien Races in the East” ...

Beware the Eugenicist

My direct relative fought with the loyalists during the American Revolution. He was a traitor to the cause of secession from the Crown. He fought for the British as a Lieutenant Colonel, with his regiment known as the ...

“New Shooter New Shooter New Shooter!”

Regarding the Uvalde school shooting, most of us have already cycled through the Seven Stages of Vicarious Grief. That’s the process that follows every mass shooting, when we pick our “why” from the list of seven ...

The Battle of Bollocks

When I think of The Avengers, what comes to mind is not the bloated comic-book franchise in which overpaid actors cavort in front of a greenscreen for the masturbatory pleasure of nerds. No, to me, there is and will always ...

Post-Lockdown Hacks

With some good news emerging recently in the battle against the coronavirus, it’s time to think in depth about how to reopen the economy, as the governments of Denmark and Austria, two intelligently run countries that ...

The Saudi Seduction

As everyone knows, when you cross a camel with a mule, you get a Saudi ruling family member. A camel crossed with a snake produces a Qatari ruler, and finally, a camel having made whoopee with a pig conceives a Kuwaiti ...

LARPing Hate

Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left Is Selling a Fake Race War is a timely and witty new book from Wilfred Reilly, a youngish black professor of political science at Kentucky State. He concludes that America’s real problem is ...

Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger

Fifty Shades of Frustration

Now that I have been sucked into the vortex that is the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, I am beginning to understand that women want the dude to be in charge, and apparently that’s hotter than equality. When a female ...

Charles Saatchi

Seducers and Losers

OK, folks. We’ve had enough of Hollande and his rather silly antics, although I do understand the man. Ever younger is not a bad policy, in sport as well as in sexual matters, but it does give off a certain bad ...

The Forever War?

On May 22, Salman Abedi, 22, waiting at the entrance of the Ariana Grande pop concert in Manchester, blew himself up, killing almost two dozen people, among them parents waiting to pick up their children. Saturday, three ...

Statistical Fallacio

The email challenge came like a squirrel defiantly placing an acorn on its shoulder and daring me to knock it off: “respond to this damn article.” The damn article was from Forbes, and I’ll be damned if ...

More People, More Nonsense

It's not often that a Salon writer produces a lit piece that doesn"€™t make me grunt with rage. Aside from their hysterical loathing for male writers who won"€™t check their man parts at the door, their M.O. for dealing ...

Pope Francis

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Demonic, Sardonic, and Chthonic Headlines POPE TO GAY PRIESTS: TAKE A HIKE In a new book based on an interview he gave in August, Pope Francis paused briefly from being a communist to say that the ...

A New Way to Approach the Bear

Orwell once wrote that he had never managed to dislike Hitler personally; there was something pathetic and hangdog about his face. I feel a bit like that about Vladimir Putin. For all I know he may have had a blissful ...

War Criminals of the “Harassocaust”

This year’s South Park Halloween episode poked fun at the avalanche of sexual assault and harassment allegations currently roiling Hollywood. The premise of the episode is that every Halloween the town’s men dress up as ...

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