Left & Right Unite Against Speech!

I don’t like being wrong. But every now and then, I find myself ashamed to be right. Last month I made a prediction. There was a movie being distributed by Universal called The Hunt, and right-wingers were up in arms ...

Save the Lobsters!

The first vegan I ever met was a straight-edge Christian anarchist from England who was crashing with my roommates and me under circumstances that probably weren"€™t that clear to me then, never mind half a lifetime ...

My Pilot’s Nickname Is “Bottom Gun”

WILLIAMSBURG, Va.—I have this strong suspicion that the airlines are lying to us every time they say, “We have some weather ahead.” “Some weather ahead” means...a rainstorm. There’s no need to turn ...

Give the Bigots a Pill

Get in line, all ye racists"€”they have a pill for you now. Last week, several supposedly respectable websites erupted in a blinding sunshower of bigot-hating joy at a recent Oxford University study involving a common ...

The Breakdown on Bitcoin

As predicted in recent weeks in this column, those holding the bitcoin currency have seen their coin rise in value to a high of $195.8 from around $130 early in the month. As of October 19, the closing price of bitcoin was ...

All Downhill

GSTAAD—Back in the good old days a funicular used to take skiers up, bucking all the way and at times stopping when the snowdrifts got too deep across the track. We used to wax our skis at every opportunity, deposit them ...

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau

Trudeau Tour Sells Out

We rightly bitch about Obama's two-term international "€œapology tour,"€ but what to call Canadian PM Justin Trudeau's compulsive peregrinations? The "€œfrivolity tour,"€ perhaps? Sure, conservatives can lamely ...

George Orwell

Which Way, George Orwell?

The BBC has just rejected a proposal to erect a statue in honor of George Orwell outside its new London headquarters. The reason? As the nation's public broadcaster, the BBC is supposed to be unbiased and objective, so to ...

Immodest Proposals

Just as you were thinking that human folly could go no further, an academic somewhere steps forward to propose something even more outré. Not long ago, for example, a professor in Cambridge proposed that the voting age be ...

Master Class

Twenty-five years ago this week, Los Angeles was burning because of Rodney King’s beating by the fuzz and I had my shoulder sliced open by a doctor in order to repair torn ligaments. My shoulder hurt more than Rodney’s ...

Resist, I Guess

Funny thing is, I was in school with a man named Ted Widmer, and I recently read that one Ted Widmer is a “distinguished lecturer” at a New York university and is senior fellow at the “Council for Ethics” in ...

Oscar the Grouch

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Souring, Glowering, and April-Showering Headlines TODAY’S SESAME STREET IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE NUMBER 1488 Back in the 1970s, Sesame Street introduced Mr. Snuffleupagus, an absurd ...

Joe Biden

The Week That Perished

How many more deadly viruses and insects will it take before we as a nation realize that Asians don’t like ...

Anya Taylor-Joy

Which Way White-Enough Western Man?

Remember that wacky wagon train known to history as the Donner Party? Eighty-seven souls stranded during a particularly nasty winter while making the trek from Missouri to California in 1846. Party members starved, froze, ...

Academy of Athens

No “€œGrecovery”€ in Sight

During a seminar organized by the International Herald Tribune entitled “Democracy Under Threat,"€ not only did Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras predict that the Greek economy will soon return to growth, he ...

Hélène Jégado

Poison Pen

It is a confession of essential frivolity of mind, perhaps, to admit that my favorite reading is in the annals of crime. Of course, as a former prison doctor and expert witness in murder trials, I can claim a legitimate ...

A Sorry State

During a visit of the Spanish prime minister to Mexico, the president of that country wanted Spain to apologize for the abuses committed half a millennium ago by the conquistadores. This made about as much sense as the ...

Nixon and Trump, Then and Now

For two years, this writer has been consumed by two subjects. First, the presidency of Richard Nixon, in whose White House I served from its first day to its last, covered in my new book, “Nixon’s White House ...

A Floridian Cesspool for the Rich and Vulgar

MIAMI BEACH—I thought it a good time to visit, no Spring Break debauchery nor fashionista pretense. So I signed up yet again for the judo championships, trained very hard, and flew down with four buddies hoping to stay in ...

How Noel Ignatiev Became Dead

I always knew that lifelong communist and serial race-denier Noel Ignatiev, who campaigned for decades that society needed to “abolish the white race,” was full of it. Allow me to take a sadistic level of pleasure in ...

Lose Yourself

For a number of years I have been fighting a lonely one-man (or should I say one-person?) battle against self-esteem—not my own, of course, because I have just the right amount, but as the master key to human happiness. ...

On the Other Hand, There’s Rodney King

Why is this case the one inciting mass protests? Ninety-nine percent of the country is denouncing the Minneapolis police in the most damnable terms possible over the death of George Floyd. The 99% are demanding that the 1% ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Acidic, Hasidic, and Druidic Headlines NEW YORK STATE GIVES FREE VIAGRA TO SEX OFFENDERS If you are a convicted rapist living in New York State who’s having trouble achieving and maintaining an ...

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