The Folly of Anti-Woke “Social Distancing”

Deadlines are an unforgiving mistress. Every now and then I’ll see something right after my column posts that makes me regret not having been able to include it. For example, last month, in my piece about the ...

Megyn Kelly

Taking Down The Donald

If his Republican opponents will not take down Donald Trump, Fox News will not only show them how it is done. Fox News will do the job for them. That is the message that came out loud and clear from last Thursday’s ...

A Sozzled Apprehension of Politics

I am seated in front of the Optiplex, drinking Padre Kino red and garnering insight. The garnering is tough these days. Still, to this end nothing is so effective as cheap Mexican wine at thirty-nine cents a trainload. My ...


When Italians Weren”€™t Cowards

The Remembrance Day commemorations in honor of the war dead always prompt even me to think that the Italians"€™ reputation as a nation of cowards on the battlefield is unfair. But the Italians are cowards in another ...

Brett Kavanaugh

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Jazziest, Snazziest, and Spazziest Headlines KAVANAUGH CONFIRMED TO SUPREME COURT Despite the frenzied efforts of the Histrionic Left over the past few weeks to defame him as a serial gang rapist and ...

Another Look at Sydney Horler

In my personal library there are two books with the title Virus X. They both envisage the elimination of humanity, or a large part of it, by a newly emerged pathogen. One of them is by Frank Ryan, a physician and ...

Conchita Wurst

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Aimless, Brainless, and Shameless Headlines A CAVALCADE OF APOLOGIES Crushed under the increasingly harsh mandates of the Global Church of Human Equality, the world turned into a giant confession booth ...

The Week That Perished

A new promotional video by the state’s security agency depicts atheism, homosexuality, and feminism as “extremist ideas” that deserve derision, scorn, shunning, humiliation, torture, and, what the hell, ...

Larry Bird and Magic Johnson

The Great NBA Lockout/Whiteout

Ann Coulter recently found herself in hot water by asserting that the Republicans’ blacks are better than the Democrats’ blacks. NBA Commissioner David Stern is probably sighing to himself about how ...

Ethel & Julius Rosenberg

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Fabled, Mislabeled, and Transabled Headlines NYC HONORS ETHEL ROSENBERG Ethel Rosenberg, who along with her husband Julius formed America’s Most Hated Couple in the early 1950s, was executed in 1953 ...

Man to Monkey

It was very predictable that after months of house arrest and a 24/7 fear campaign, any spark would cause a fire that would be difficult to put out. The new barbarians are encouraged by social pyromaniacs, experts in ...

A Tourist at Muharram

There is nothing so odd, bizarre, and sometimes disgusting as other people’s customs. To adapt and paraphrase Professor Higgins in My Fair Lady with regard to women, why can’t other people be more like us? After all, we ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Putrescent, Pubescent, and Adolescent Headlines CELEBRATING THE COMMUNIST CENTURY One thing all good students of history know is that despite the passage of time, people never get smarter. This week will ...

DNA Despair

On the topic of "€œnoteworthy accomplishments,"€ here's an ironic one: With How the Scots Invented the Modern World, author Arthur Herman somehow wrote a book that is tedious in direct reverse proportion to its ...

Will Russiagate Backfire on the Left?

The big losers of the Russian hacking scandal may yet be those who invested all their capital in a script that turned out to based on a fairy tale. In Monday’s Intelligence Committee hearings, James Comey did confirm ...

Mitt Romney

Romney for President

Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people—a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles ...

Do Whites Have Civil Rights?

A few days ago I typed into Google (with quotes around my question to require an exact match): “Do whites have civil rights?” To my surprise, Google asserted in response that nobody had ever asked that precise question ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Hectic, Septic, and Apopleptic Headlines "€œSHIRTSTORM"€ AND OTHER PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF RITUAL BALL-BUSTING Perhaps the biggest news story regarding space travel since an evil white male named Neil ...

Seattle, WA

Seattle’s Leftist Dystopia

“How long do you think Seattle and those few blocks looks like this?” CNN’s Chris Cuomo asked Seattle’s liberal mayor Jenny Durkan earlier this month. “I don’t know; we could have the summer of love,” came her ...

Lord Byron

Myth of the Effeminate Poet

This year was the first time a homosexual poet performed at the Presidential Inauguration. (Not well, one might add.) That may be a shock since all poetry is supposedly written by stereotypically sensitive gays. Reinforcing ...

Individualism vs. Individuality

It is a humbling tribute to my complete unimportance that, having written perhaps 5,000 articles in my lifetime, I have only once been the object of concerted attack or criticism. This is especially humbling in the era of ...

Dr Hans Asperger

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Yuckiest, Suckiest, and Starbuckiest Headlines BLACK PEOPLE GO TO STARBUCKS? In a racially charged story that has shocked our fractured and bleeding nation to its quivering core, word out of Philadelphia is ...

If You Don’t Shut Up, I’m Gonna Blockchain Your Ass

PITTSBURGH—Guys, you’re probably wondering what you get for your five mil when you buy into Whistlestop Zulu, and the answer is Blockchain On Steroids. We’ve gone so deep into the Blockchain that we own it. If you ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Curious, Furious, and Spurious Headlines DEATH OF A BLACK CONFEDERATE A troublesome fact about American history"€”one that’s been kept almost entirely hidden from the public"€”is the fact that ...

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