Doggie in the Gay Bar: A Christmas “€œTail”€

Yeah, that's right"€”I went there. No, I don"€™t mean the gay bar (although I did go there, too). I mean I used "€œtail"€ instead of "€œtale"€ because the story I"€™m telling involves a dog, a pun so tired ...

Brecksville Bridge

The Five Stooges of Cleveland

The International Workers’ Disco Party known as May Day came early to Cleveland this year, but instead of starting with a bang, it began with a profoundly dumb silence on the evening of April 30. That’s when five ...

Losers at the Game of Life

People often compare video gamers to crackheads, but that’s unfair. Crackheads are way more motivated to get out of the house. While gamers cozy up on the couch to battle orcs and inhale their own farts, crackheads ...

One Man Banned

I’m back from two weeks in semi-self-imposed Twitter gulag after having refused the tech monopoly’s Darkness at Noon-style demand that I personally delete two of my tweets for being “hateful.” The requirement that I ...

Pinehurst Golf Club

Scottish Aesthetics and the Game of Golf

As the professional golf season crests this week at the U.S. Open, it's worth noting that the game, while still growing in popularity among the robber barons of ex-communist countries like China and Russia, has been in ...

The Real Existential Threats of 2016

On Sept. 30, the end of fiscal year 2016, the national debt is projected to reach $19.3 trillion. With spending on the four biggest budget items—Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, defense—rising, and GDP ...

Gabrielle Union

The Most Sensible Guy in the Room

Irving Kristol (sort of) said, "€œA conservative is a liberal who's been mugged,"€ a quip which, besides not being as true as it should be, rather perversely makes me think of Clay Aiken. After all, Aiken was robbed ...

A Right Royal Farce

Another British royal wedding is hoving ineluctably into view. I was at the last one. The memory of that candyfloss patriotism still makes me puke. Noam Chomsky likes opining about the “manufacture of consent.” Royal ...

We Don’t Trust You

Like all Americans, I've been deeply moved and horrified by the recent spate of mass shootings. Surely, I thought, there must be some common sense gun regulations that could put an end to the carnage -- red-flag laws, ...

Men Of Progress Painting by Christian Schussele

The Return of Patriarchy

Generosity, in this egotistical world, is perceived as weakness, and therefore rewarded with disdain. This is the problem of the welfare state—largely funded by white men—in regard to blacks and women, both full of ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Chiding, Abiding, and Yuletiding Headlines SOMETIMES YOU RAP THE WINDOW, AND SOMETIMES THE WINDOW RAPS YOU “When the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.” —Maria, The Sound of ...

Paul Krugman and Toomas Henrik Ilves

Estonia to Krugman: Y”€™all Needs to Chill

The ex-Soviet satellite state of Estonia is home to slightly over a million people and is smaller than Vermont and New Hampshire combined. Yet in the contentious debate between "€œausterity"€ and ...

On a High Note

The world is a dangerous place whose inhabitation always ends in death. Is it because or in spite of this that we enjoy scaring ourselves with imaginary dangers? We thrill at trivia in order to forget the overwhelming fact ...

Bernie Sanders

The Revolution Will Not Be Emphasized

Leftists truly understand the power of labels. They know that labels, properly utilized, have the ability to stigmatize and marginalize. "€œCisgender"€ is a perfect example. The left has persuaded millions of people to ...

Hitler’s Survival

Robert Harris’ new novel, Munich, will be published in September. It’s too early to review it, but I’ve read a proof copy and can say it’s as intelligent and gripping as one has come to expect from Harris, while the ...

President Trump

The Election is Over. Here’s the Truth About Trump

Now that the Georgia runoffs are over, let's talk about Donald Trump. When we really needed all hands on deck in Georgia, Trump was a wrecking ball. He went down to Georgia and insulted everyone, refusing to talk about ...

Sir Bob Geldof

Sir Bob’s Your Uncle

GSTAAD—I experienced my first Zoom conference last week, and didn’t think much of it. As the great Yogi Berra once remarked, “You can observe a lot just by watching,” but in my case I observed very little and heard ...

The Strong-Arm of the Law

When lawmen break the law, there is no law.   During a fortnight when the American establishment wasn"€™t handing out machine guns to heavily medicated dissociative personalities with self-reported head wounds or ...

Joe Exotic

The Week That Perished

Are you getting the sense that black Americans are incapable of being happy unless they’re destroying ...

Jared Leto

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Contentious, Pretentious, and Sententious Headlines INTERSECTIONAL SQUABBLING AT THE OSCARS This year’s Academy Awards ceremony"€”cohosted by Ellen Degeneres, Karl Marx, and Herbert ...

Trolls and True Believers

I"€™ll just come right out and say it"€”in my column two weeks ago, in which I interviewed three well-known Trump diehards"€”I straight-out lied to my readers. But I am coming clean. One of my interview subjects, ...

America’s Untouchables

In this decade, America’s most effective conservative activist has likely been Chris Rufo, who in 2020 came up with a winning euphemism for all the racist antiwhite hate suffusing our schools, streets, and screens during ...

Gene Kelly

Where There’s a Will

The difference between stereotypes and clichés is that stereotypes are mostly accurate, and clichés mostly aren"€™t. Oscar Wilde turned platitudes inside out"€”"€œIt's not whether you win or lose, it's how you ...

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

Another Kind of Sanctuary

It's a shame how tragedy ignites the public's attention span. But "€œIf it bleeds, it leads"€ works for a reason, so we might as well accept it. The terrible and unfortunate murder of 32-year-old Californian Kate ...

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